Snap Creator CLI Commands and Usage

jobStatusLists all jobs and their statussnapcreator --action jobStatus --verbose
schedRunRuns an existing schedule in the Snap Creator schedulersnapcreator --action schedRun --schedId 1 --verbose
schedCreateCreates a new schedule in the Snap Creator schedulersnapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName HourlyBackup --schedFreqId 2 --schedActionId 1 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName DailyBackup --schedFreqId 3 --schedActionId 1 --schedHour 4 --schedMin 00 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName WeeklyBackup --schedFreqId 4 --schedActionId 1 --schedDayOfWeek Friday --schedHour 4 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName CronBackup --schedFreqId 5 --schedActionId 1 --schedCron '0 0/5 14,18 * * ?' --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
schedDeleteDeletes an existing schedule in the Snap Creator scheduler.snapcreator --action schedDelete --schedId 10 --verbose
schedUpdateUpdates an existing schedule in the Snap Creator schedulersnapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName HourlyBackup --schedFreqId 2 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName DailyBackup --schedFreqId 3 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedHour 15 --schedMin 00 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName WeeklyBackup --schedFreqId 4 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedActive true --schedDayOfWeek Friday --schedHour 4 --schedMin 33 --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName CronBackup --schedFreqId 5 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedCron '0 0/5 14,18 * * ?' --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
schedListLists all the existing schedules defined in the Snap Creator scheduler.snapcreator --action schedList --verbose
schedActionListLists the supported scheduler actions. You must run this before creating a tasksnapcreator --action schedActionList --verbose
schedFreqListLists the supported scheduler frequencies. You must run this before creating a tasksnapcreator --action schedFreqList --verbose
schedDetailsShows additional details for a given schedule IDsnapcreator --action schedDetails --schedId 1 --verbose
profileCreateRepository action which will create a new profilesnapcreator --server <server_address> --port <port_number> --user <username> --passwd <password> --profile <profile_name> --action profileCreate --verbose
profileDeleteRepository action which will delete an existing profilesnapcreator --server <server_address> --port <port_number> --user <username> --passwd <password> --profile <profile_name> --action profileDelete --verbose
configImportRepository action which will import a configuration based on file located on same host running the CLI.snapcreator --server <server_address> --port <port_number> --user <username> --passwd <password> --profile <profile_name> --config <config_name> --action configImport --importFile /path/to/file --verbose
configExportRepository action which will export a configuration to a file on same host running the CLI.snapcreator --server <server_address> --port <port_number> --user <username> --passwd <password> --profile <profile_name> --config <config_name> --action configExport --exportFile /path/to/file --verbose
globalImportRepository action which will import a global configuration based on file located on same host running the CLI.snapcreator --server <server_address> --port <port_number> --user <username> --passwd <password> --action globalImport --importFile /path/to/file --verbose
globalExportRepository action which will export a global configuration to a file on same host running the CLI.<“titl”:”Snap Creator CLI Commands and Usag”,”tag”: “Snap Creato”,”CL”,”Command”,”Backu”,”Restor”,”Clon”,”Schedule”,”Repositor”,”RBA”,”Workflo”,”Data Protectio”,”Storage Managemen”],”conten”:”

Snap Creator CLI Commands and Usage



jobStatusLists all jobs and their status.snapcreator --action jobStatus --verbose
schedRunRuns an existing schedule in the Snap Creator scheduler.snapcreator --action schedRun --schedId 1 --verbose
schedCreateCreates a new schedule in the Snap Creator scheduler.
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName HourlyBackup --schedFreqId 2 --schedActionId 1 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName DailyBackup --schedFreqId 3 --schedActionId 1 --schedHour 4 --schedMin 00 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName WeeklyBackup --schedFreqId 4 --schedActionId 1 --schedDayOfWeek Friday --schedHour 4 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedCreate --policy --schedName CronBackup --schedFreqId 5 --schedActionId 1 --schedCron '0 0/5 14,18 * * ?' --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
schedDeleteDeletes an existing schedule in the Snap Creator scheduler.snapcreator --action schedDelete --schedId 10 --verbose
schedUpdateUpdates an existing schedule in the Snap Creator scheduler.
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName HourlyBackup --schedFreqId 2 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedMin 33 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName DailyBackup --schedFreqId 3 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedHour 15 --schedMin 00 --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName WeeklyBackup --schedFreqId 4 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedActive true --schedDayOfWeek Friday --schedHour 4 --schedMin 33 --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
  • snapcreator --profile --config --action schedUpdate --policy --schedName CronBackup --schedFreqId 5 --schedId 1 --schedActionId 1 --schedCron '0 0/5 14,18 * * ?' --schedActive true --schedStartDate 2012-08-07 --verbose
schedListLists all existing schedules in the Snap Creator scheduler.snapcreator --action schedList --verbose
schedActionListLists supported scheduler actions. Run this before creating a task.snapcreator --action schedActionList --verbose
schedFreqListLists supported scheduler frequencies. Run this before creating a task.snapcreator --action schedFreqList --verbose
schedDetailsShows details for a given schedule ID.snapcreator --action schedDetails --schedId 1 --verbose


profileCreateCreates a new profile.snapcreator --server --port --user --passwd --profile --action profileCreate --verbose
profileDeleteDeletes an existing profile.snapcreator --server --port --user --passwd --profile --action profileDelete --verbose
configImportImports a configuration from a file on the host running the CLI.snapcreator --server --port --user --passwd --profile --config --action configImport --importFile /path/to/file --verbose