Social and Economic Transformations in Spain (1965-2000)

The Social Transformations in Spain (1965-2000)

A New Society

. 1965-2000 profound transformation in society has participated in ls española.España grands political changes, economics, and tecnologics culturals Ultims ls to get it in decades, q have transformed to the vid man dl sociedd posmoderna.En ests 35 years, there was industrialization and development 1proceso d dl turismo.Esto transformacions excepcionals.Surge uns produced a growing urban population, there is the crisis of rural life and societies appears terciaria.Se imposed industrual and consumerism . We live in ocio.El increase 1civilizacion d d ls l drechs socials has POSSIBLE dsfrut of vacacions and reduced hours deporte.La laboral.aumenta the family is transformed. 2.2Los main problems. Apart from the terrorism of ETA are: the arrest the fall in birth rates, domestic violence and living inmigracion.La dificils condicions d ls cntrsta unemployed with social welfare in integrads ls trabajo.La market birthrate is the lowest in the world. Envejecimient of ponblacion.El machismo still exists manifests itself in violence has genero.España longer Emigrants 1pais issuer and receiver has become inmigrantes.Procedn principalmnt of Latin America, Maghreb, Black Africa and sub-Saharan countries of Eastern Europe Este.LLegan driven x ls poor conditions of their country, and are a cheap labor.2.3Hacia an inclusive society and globalization. These problems are not only in Spain but q is shared with much of the world by globalizacion.Esta ls stems from technological AVANCSO in telecommunications and mechatronics informatica.Parece cm if the world had been reduced and there is talk of village global.Esto economic globalization has made possible the great expansion and economica.Tambien has many shades, such as G7 q makes decisions according to their dependency between intereses.La Western economic rise has led to unemployment in these cultures and intensified poverty in the Third Mundo.La difference between the rich north and poor south has not done more than q aumentar.Esto ago these people immigrate to other countries where conditions are working very hard, but here in Spain does not affect the positioning of the Spanish because immigrants occupy the worst has been averted trabajos.No outbreaks of xenophobia and racism, incentivads x the arrival of gangs and mafia groups. But these are exceptions and usually q is the benefit to the economy are giving española.El advancement of mass media has facilitated the globalization of culture and a high level of informacion.Ejercen besides a great influence ideologica.Las negative notes explain the existence of minority groups maverick, as pacifists and environmentalists.Economica.El evolution 3.La Welfare State. 3.1Crisis, adjustments and expansions. The transit of Spain 70-80 in the 79-82 deep crisis.Entre the produciion grew 1%. Increases paro.el first socialist government takes steps ministers in the economic urgentes.Los performed a devaluation of the peseta and put into practice the hard setting: the location of major economic indicators had improved, but unemployment was 22%. This also reached the industrial.Para tissue modernization of this, were designed for Urgent Nozas reindustrialization and declining industrial areas, q mean investment of money grands publico.Esto provoked several strong and conflicting situations this design tension joined the high costs of coverage of certain services, such as universal public health or economic benefits and economic adjustment subsidios.Este exploited the international economic climate in the 2nd half d ls 80.El Spanish economic growthish was above average peseta comunitaria.La fortalece.En this environment arise 1st q s difficulties announce 90.los ls crisis unions called a strike on 14/12/88.Tras the Seville Expo and the Barcelona Games unemployment increases inflation and the devaluation of the peseta, q no ls gave hope to meet medids to enter Europe, but after the elections of 96 neo-liberal measures bore fruit Aznar and Spain enters the geography of the euro. 3.2Los main parameters of our welfare state. considerr 1 d can d ls civilization achievements europea.Ha been one d ls dl concerning development of civilization of the 2nd half dl century, economico.El growth posibilitand welfare state can be defined as the State which monitors the maintenance of economic level of the population and guarantee citizens health, education, roads, dl unemployment benefits, old age pensions Spain’m late …. the State of Bienestar.Fue with Felipe Gonzales when he began his expansion that nearly matches the level continuum in EMPE europeo.AzanarNo.l health reform and social security was empeñs.Pero grands 1d instead, to make these investments and increased the number of people on Social Security came to the precarious conditions of beds and no waiting list . The protests came tods ls dsd Abril Martorell sectores.El Report addresses the issue and the actions of government wanted to consolidate financial sanitario.La system of education reform was the 2nd major reform addressed by the administration socialista.La LOGSE is the real reform dl enseñanza.Suponia 1transformacion the system educativo.Ampliaba the mandatory age to 16 and creating the renewed ESO.A both high school and under-funded education Profesional.La has given rise to various problems have sparked a passionate debate.