Social Intervention Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Including graphic gautt, consists of a double-entry table in which rows collect the list of things to do and the columns the time scales are handled .- Pert method, is based on the use of graphical representations in which different parts of a whole relate to one another through links, aimed in one direction. Points are an activity and links the road or time spent and can see the delay between activities, ..- importance of the decision tree:
This is to plot the various options that you decide. The branches represent the possible options and the likely consequences. It always provided a first option to adopt .-
techniques designed to promote creativity are Brainstorming, is to imagine a group, within a limited time, the maximum number of solutions or ideas without being criticized. Eventually select the best. It requires small groups. Are used for situations that require creativity. The benefits are encouraging the creation of new ideas and a great educational potential, is easily applied. – The Senet, which is to seek the quality of the ideas, the integration of different individuals in the group that poses and solves problems, it is difficult to handle without training, time consuming, promotes the relationship between group members .- technical training in decision-making: is an active method of training in decision-making, self, focusing on the environment is learned from the experience of others, promotes understanding of social behavior, involves encourages and motivates .- In the third phase, which is execution, at the individual level is applied, the interview, defined as a serious conversation, which proposes a particular purpose other than the conversation. Shows some degree of structure, is a two way process and adopting specific roles. The interview is convenient if acting with people who are facing personal problems and can be used as support in the field .- group, using the nominal group technique, try to gather information and make decisions by consensus. Encourages participation and integration. Promotes consensus prevents limelight .- Round Table, a group of professionals who presents information to another group involved after. Facing views and awakens interest. Treatment from different perspectives to a problem. – Seminars and symposia:
Try to give accurate and complete information about a topic, without getting into a confrontation or argument. Projects or information presented to medium or large groups, with the participation of affected groups or interested technical ..-
Phillips 66, is encouraging participation in a relatively large. Is to divide a group into subgroups of 6 people who interact for 6 minutes. It is used to discuss and make decisions. – Case studies: the analytical and comprehensive study of cases given full details to draw conclusions illustrative group, develops flexibility of reasoning technique.
– risk: the study of the possible risks that may arise or result from situation or event, discussing the reality of them. It is intended to reduce or eliminate certain risks and fears and analyze tensiones.-social animation techniques: initiation, cohesion, mediation, generarcondiciones introduce the group in community life through mutual understanding. Facilitate compliance and organizing group tasks. Meetings: they can serve to inform, consult, study of a problem or issue, welcoming a visitor.- And informal technical meeting, meals, parties, games .- finally finished with the monitoring and evaluation phase 4 and 5 the reformulation and re-
programming phase, which uses various techniques described anteriormente. “Education for freedom must begin stating facts and advertising should continue to create values ​​and techniques appropriate for the realization of values ​​and to combat those who choose to ignore the facts and deny the values ​​for any reason. Aldous Huxley

Técnicas for socio-educational intervention

When talking about social action techniques are talking about planning as a method and technique, which applies an activity whereby the individual, group or institution wants to achieve certain objectives .- this change process involves a series of techniques are how to realize a definite purpose .- technique is not in itself neither good nor evil, but can be applied effectively, regardless or disastrously. It is important to know that not all techniques work for all the targets, nor can be applied to all sites, the techniques are only a means, not an end in themselves. The techniques provide structure, give some organization to the programming and planning. Hence the need to understand and use the right techniques, since the use of a technique alone is not sufficient to achieve the desired success .- to detail each of the techniques we need to know in which phase or stage we are planning, go for it detailing the phased .- The first phase is the understanding and diagnosis of social reality, for this phase using the technique of direct observation: this involves taking direct information on an incident which occurred interested in studying. The object is to directly observe a situation, the difficulty we encounter is the inability to transcribe or record the observations and thus lead to observer bias. The benefits of this technique are that the evidence base is real, can be applied in many situations .- another technique that can be used are the family conferences, which consist of direct and active participation in family discussions, informal and provides information of a situation by all members of the family. The difficulties we have is getting the active participation of all members, acceptance of technical performance, inability to transcribe the information at the time and requires small groups. The benefits we get is to create positive expectations and encourage family communication. It is used in family situations .- The following may be the survey technique is an indirect information, which are issued by answers to questions we need to know and who have previously been pigeonholed. The difficulties we encounter are that the samples of respondents are not known, it controls the collection of information is very broad, inconsistent answers are given and the great time that is needed. The benefits are the high amount of information. It is used in large sample studies of population (community). Another is the art of documentary observation, it is existing information in document collections, publications, magazines, etc. Related to the object of study .- Here are the statistical techniques that allow analysis of data obtained or collected, both quantitative and qualitative, within this major are: descriptive statistics techniques: data expressed as indices central tendency (mode, median, mean..), Indices of variability (standard deviation, mean, variance ..), and position indicator (percentiles). Today information technology has developed and facilitated this technique. Statistical sampling technique: analysis of population data for the study of the characteristics, measured between the samples: the size of the population, the population mean ..- nonparametric statistical techniques, they differ from previous ones in that .- There are population parameters and finally the techniques to identify the needs: social indicators, is an empirical data shows the presence of a phenomenon or social variable. Using these is intended to assess the overall situation of the population and their comparative analysis between different neighborhoods or areas. Tb is to identify regional priorities for action .- In the second phase: the development of operational planning and programming techniques are graphical data systematization.