Social Networks and Web Evolution: 1.0 to 3.0

Key Elements of a Successful Event

The following is a list of essential components for organizing a successful event:

  • Sponsors and Ads: To contribute to the cost of printing.
  • Registration: Process for attendees.
  • Table of Contents: For easy navigation of event materials.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): To address common queries.
  • Introduction: Setting the stage for the event.
  • Details About Every Session: Comprehensive information on each session.
  • Schedule of Sessions: Timeline of all activities.
  • Most Important Sessions: Highlighting key events.
  • Celebration: Some form of celebratory activity.
  • Keynote Conferences: Major events with title presentations.

Different Types of Meetings for Enhanced Participation

Develop engaging meeting formats to encourage active participation.

  • Maps of Exhibitors
  • Training sessions
  • Cultural program
  • Leisure activities
  • Closing ceremony
  • Sponsors to help cover printing costs
  • Table of contents
  • Registration information
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Introduction to the event
  • Schedule of sessions
  • Details about each session
  • Highlights of the most important sessions
  • Celebration event
  • Keynote conferences with content summaries and speaker names
  • Major events
  • Different types of meetings to encourage participation
  • Exhibitor layouts
  • Maps: Practical information, service details, and group map
  • Training: Workshops
  • Cultural program: Side events, cinema room
  • Leisure activities: Cultural events
  • Closing ceremony

Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0

Web 1.0 only allowed users to read information, whereas Web 2.0 facilitates information sharing and cooperation. Web 2.0 describes a set of applications that make cooperation and information sharing possible on the World Wide Web. Thanks to Web 2.0 technology, internet users can share and modify information in blogs and wikis, among other communication tools. Web 3.0, also called the semantic web, will contain tools that understand the meaning of words. As a result, these tools will be more intelligent and will perform tasks on behalf of users. This is a huge step forward because, until now, tools have only been able to recognize words, but not their meaning.

Social Networks

The internet is a large computer network that links computers and smaller networks worldwide. Communication is possible because all computers and networks use standardized communication protocols. The word “internet” is a compound word of “inter” and “net.” As a noun, it is usually preceded by the article “the.” A social network is a dynamic social structure made up of individuals or organizations which are connected by a common interest. A social network owns online services which contain technologies that allow the participants to share information or resources.

Characteristics of General Social Networks

  1. Tuenti: This is a Spanish social network. Its name comes from the contraction of “tu entidad” and sounds like the number 20 in English.
  2. Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates founded it.
  3. YouTube: This is a platform created to share creative video content.
  4. Facebook: It contains an internal webpage called the “wall.” Owners can control who participates and sees the contents of the wall.
  5. Twitter: The reduced size of posts explains its success, as posts can be easily sent and received via SMS.
  6. Tuenti: As opposed to other social networks, this is an invitation-only network, which provides privacy to users.
  7. Twitter: This service includes online network and microblogging services. Thanks to this service, users can send and read text-based posts up to 140 characters long.

Specialized Social Networks

Specialized social networks have specific areas of interest.

  1. Picasa: Picasa is an image organizer and image viewer network. The word “Picasa” is a mixture of the word “picture” and the name of the famous painter.
  2. MySpace: MySpace allows you to store music.
  3. YouTube: YouTube is both a general and specialized social network. It’s specialized in videos, and, on the other hand, YouTube has characteristics of general social networks because YouTubers can share information through forums.