Social Security Benefits: Disability, Maternity, Retirement, and More

Temporary Disability (IT)

This is a situation in which an employee is temporarily unable to work due to health-related reasons.


  • Being affiliated with Social Security, registered in the system, or in an equivalent situation.
  • Having accumulated a grace period (after trading) of 180 days within the 5 years prior to the downside. However, if the incapacity is due to an accident at work or not work-related, or an occupational disease, the vesting period is not required.

The economic benefit is an economic subsidy to help overcome the situation of necessity.


The condition in which the subject does not come to work and who is enjoying the legally established breaks for maternity and for similar cases to it (adoption or foster care).


  • To be registered, members or in an equivalent situation.
  • Accumulate a grace period of 180 days in the last 5 years.
  • Enjoy the maternity leave.

The provision is an economic subsidy. The duration is the same as the duration of the suspension period of the contract.


The state in which the worker, because of age, voluntarily ceases their work.


  • Age: It is necessary to have reached 65 years of age. In some cases, a lower retirement age is allowed as long as they meet certain requirements.
  • Grace Period: 15 years of contributions, two of which shall be included in the 15 years preceding the date of retirement.

Unemployment Benefit

It gives an unemployment benefit and, in addition, assumes the payment of contributions to their own system. The duration of this benefit depends on the number of days traded.

Unemployment Assistance

The law gives a grant for unemployment assistance and has a non-contributory nature.

Permanent Disability (IP)

A situation in which a worker, after completing temporary disability and medical treatment, presents serious anatomical or functional reductions which result in a reduction or cancellation of their earning capacity permanently.

Within IP, 4 degrees of disability can be distinguished:

  • Permanent Partial Disability (IPP): A decrease of at least 33% of normal performance for the usual occupation, but without preventing the execution of key tasks.
  • Permanent Total Disability (IPT): Disables the worker from performing the basic tasks of their profession, but they can devote themselves to various other professions.
  • Permanent Total Disability (IPA): This involves disabling the worker for any profession.
  • Major Disability (GI): In addition to being incapacitated for any type of work, it requires the assistance of another person to perform the most basic acts of life (food, travel, etc.).


  • To be registered and signed or in an equivalent situation.
  • Gather the vesting period (when the IP is derived from a common disease) of 1800 days in the last 10 years, with certain exceptions.

The benefit is a pension or compensation in some cases.

Death and Survival

The state in which those who are economically dependent on a worker or pensioner who has died.


  • Conditions of the Deceased: Being in high or in an equivalent situation except in the case of a pensioner. A grace period of 500 days within 5 years prior to death except in the case of a pensioner.
  • Requirements for Beneficiaries:
    1. The widow shall have the right to a widow’s pension until remarriage.
    2. An orphan is entitled to an orphan’s pension if they are under 18 years of age or become incapacitated by an IPA or a GI, or under age 21 if neither parent survives or if their income is below 75% of the minimum wage (SMI).
    3. Other family members are entitled to the same only if they are within the second degree of inbreeding and also if they prove their economic dependence on the deceased.


  • A death assistance amounting to €30 and is charged once.
  • Widow’s annuity, an orphan’s pension, and a temporary annuity or for other family members.