Social Security in Spain: General and Special Schemes
Social Security Schemes in Spain
General Scheme of Social Security
Who is included in this scheme?
- Spanish workers employed in industry and services, and those normally engaged in business in the country.
- Employees and partners of capitalist corporations, even when they are members of its governing body, if the exercise of this charge does not involve the performance of the direction and management of the company or if they do not have control over it.
- Directors and managers of corporations who are not capitalists are treated as employees, excluding unemployment protection and the Wage Guarantee Fund, provided that the discharge of their duties entails the performance of the direction and management of the company, and they are being paid for it or because they are workers of the same.
- Worker members of labor associations, regardless of their participation in the social capital within the limits of Industrial Societies, and although part of the social administration body, have the status of employees for inclusion in the General or Special accounting for Social Security because of their activities, and are covered by unemployment protection afforded by the Wage Guarantee Fund if these contingencies were under that regime.
- Spanish non-resident workers nationally, in certain cases (staff or employees of international organizations, Spanish officials not employed in the service of the Spanish administration abroad, etc.).
- Foreigners with residence permits and work permits in Spain working for someone else in the industry and services and operating in the country. Community workers do not need a work permit.
- Local Administration Staff.
- Drivers of passenger cars in the service of individuals.
- Civilian personnel officers attached to bodies, departments, and entities.
- Lay or paid lay members serving in church institutions.
- Persons who provide paid services to entities or charitable social institutions.
- Staff engaged in the services of Notaries, Property Records, and other offices or similar establishments.
- Officials in practices who aspire to join or scale Corps officials are not subject to the Passive Class System, and senior officials of the government who are not officials, and incoming officials of the Autonomous Communities.
- Officials transferred to the Autonomous Communities, to enter voluntarily into their own bodies or scales of the Autonomous Region of destination.
- Temporary staff serving the administration of justice.
- Workers engaged in the operations of handling, packing, packaging, and marketing of bananas.
By Royal Decree 2621/1986 of December 24, the following groups are integrated into this scheme:
- Trade representatives.
- Artists.
- Professional bullfighters.
Exclusions from the General Scheme
- Workers who develop a professional activity that falls within one of the Special Schemes.
- Except for evidence of employee status, spouses, offspring, parents, and other relatives of the employer by consanguinity, affinity, or adoption, to the second degree, engaged in their school or workplace, where they coexist at home and are in their office.
- People who work occasionally, running so-called friendly, benevolent, or good neighborly tasks.
Special Agricultural Scheme
This includes workers over sixteen years of age engaged in unpaid agricultural labor employed within the field of organization and direction of another person or entity.
Explicitly included are:
- Pastors, village guards, and fishing or hunting guards in their custody of livestock or farm monitoring of one or more owners.