Sociolinguistic Text Analysis: Structure, Arguments, and Linguistic Features
The topic addressed by this text is the subject, and we can say that the title of this topic (theme or not) is a character G / E, because it is aimed at a particular sector of society and is added with the ideas in a logical order.
This article is expository-argumentative. We can locate three parts: introduction, development, and conclusion. This text follows a parallel structure, list-like (throughout the text, different aspects of the same subject are set out), induction (from particular to general), deductive (from general to particular), focusing (begins with a general idea, then cites specific cases and concludes with the general idea).
Thematic Progression:
Regarding the thematic progression, we can say that it is (constant, linear, issues arising).
The thesis of this text is, and is found (I / E).
The isotopy which uses the wording of the item relates to…
To reinforce the idea, the author is strengthened by the following arguments: …
Scope of Use, Gender, Purpose, Function Language:
This text is an essay that belongs to the scope of academic use. If we try to define the kind of text, we can say that although it uses the expository-argumentative approach, the predominant language is… because…
The author has used a written channel to spread their article. Time and space are not shared. It is also aimed multidirectionally worldwide and is unilateral because it is only a sender who writes.
Linguistic Variation:
When analyzing linguistic variation, we find several demonstrations as part of the diachronic change in the actual language. Regarding the diaphasic variation, the standard logging is dominated as being transmitted through a means of communication, which is the appropriate one. Finally, we can find some brands that represent the diatopic variation as: …
Regarding polyphony, we can say that the author’s true voice is… And the receivers are all true… The author’s model is the idea that the receptors are made of it (explained), and the reader model is the idea that the receiver is the emitter (explain),… (Reported Speech: We can also observe that the author has introduced a reported speech…; irony.)
Cultural Framework:
The cultural framework in which this text is developed contains the characteristic. The context in which society deals with the text is an assumption.
Then we can say that the theme is sociolinguistics as… (Since the text is more subjective than objective, modalization predominates over impersonality)
If we analyze the modalization to refer to the degree of subjectivity of a text, we can say that it is deontic (because the author intends to persuade or to regulate the conduct of the receiver), epistemic (because the author expresses a high degree of security, certainty, or knowledge of the subject), valuation (because the author expresses their opinion or attitude). We can observe an abundance of personal lexicon that shows a predominant evaluative opinion of the author. Examples are evaluating substantive adjectives such as evaluating how…, …, and finally evaluating adverbs how… also dictated by the personal and…
Then we have also found items such as temporary deixis…, spatial deixis, and elements that put…, as a spatiotemporal text.
Modality Sentence:
Analyzing the modality sentence, the enunciation predominates… we respect that… and with respect to the enunciated.
With regard to the tenses that dominate (this [singing] preterite indefinite [He sings], periphrastic [I sing] / Imperfect [sing], preterite pluperfect [had sung], conditional [sing]…. that his time (deictic / anaphoric) and puts the text (the axis of this / the paste)
Connectors are already in the connector…
Procedures Reference:
Now we analyze the semantics-syntactic cohesion… where we find repetition, the synonymy between… (and hyperonymy and hyponymy are dealt with), anaphora….