Sociotechnical and Sociocommunicational Models

  • Sociotechnical Model

In this model, power is exercised from the top down. The established administrators choose the hierarchy by delegating some of their power, exercised in successive steps throughout the organization.

This model features the following indicators:

Gómez Dacal:

  • The responsibility for decisions remains in the body that holds the authority for adoption.
  • The court which has led integrates one of its powers to appoint or dismiss those responsible for decision-making.
  • The bodies that have no organizational authority attributed are tied to the decisions of the “council” or “committee” advisory.


  • Dependence of the central government and its administration.
  • Works with a strong organizational hierarchy.
  • There is bureaucratic compliance with the law and its correct interpretation, as well as all administrative references: records, reports, rules.

In this model, the Director is in charge and must be obeyed; is governed by legal rules. It is a model in which management must know to comply with all rules set out in legislation.

Sociocommunicational Model

It is characterized mainly by the culture of personal relationships as a key instrument of learning and management. In this model, power is exercised bottom-up, which means cooperative and self-management. Negotiation and consensus are basic elements. The members of the organization decide who will occupy the top ranks. The power and authority are distributed among the various groups interested in the educational event. This model has a strong policy orientation.

  • The highest level of organizational authority for the national school, which integrates the various sectors that make up the community.
  • The person responsible for technical direction and management is appointed and dismissed by the collegiate governing body, holder of the highest authority.
  • The organization shall determine its policies and make decisions through a process of discussion led by consensus.

The manager serves the whole and, as in any democratic system, has its pros and cons, such as the fact of being eliminated by the collective at any time if they so wish. Therefore, the Director to order this model will be inclusive, a negotiator, able to handle human resources, and harmonize the diversity of the various bodies involved in school life.

At the moment, we mention that there is more of a mixed model, but with different emphases, as in the case of the distribution of power in the dynamics of communication and participation.

Different Ways in Decision-Making:

  • Without consulting with anyone. Only reports the decision to the concerned to undertake the relevant activities.
  • Although previously heard the views of those affected, making decisions without taking it into account.
  • Makes decisions taking into account, at least in part, the views of those affected.
  • The decision taken by consensus, after discussing it with those affected.
  • The decision taken by the voting system.

The Dynamics of Communication:

Communication in the sociotechnical model works primarily in a top-down direction (orders) and bottom-up (reports), i.e., the principal has the information and passes it to other group members (schema tree can result in distortion of information). While the sociocommunicational model operates primarily bottom-up and wants to act in all directions, that is, any member is receiving and sending messages, which leads everyone to know the information so we can think of itself, which does not mean it’s the best (total bonding scheme, it can result in ineffective and manipulative on the part of the cleverest).


  • “As intervention should have the supervisory bodies (if we speak of participation has to exist) in the decisions that are superior to others of responsibility and authority. (It is the sociotechnical model).
  • “As a “deal” of authority between members of different sectors involved in the operation of an organization. (This is the sociocommunicational model).