Soil Ecology: Organisms, Environmental Factors, and Clay Minerals

Soil Ecology: Organisms and Their Roles

Nature Activities and Role in Metabolic Energy Transformation Processes

Environmental Parameter Relations

Relationships between microbial activity measured by the respiratory activity of soil CO2 flux.

  • Protozoa
  • Nematodes
  • Actinomycetes
  • Fungi
  • Soil Algae
Monera (Prokaryotes)
  • Bacteria:
    • Streptomyces
    • Pseudomonas
    • Nitrobacter
    • Nitrosomonas
  • Anaerobic:
    • Clostridium
  • Aerobic Actinomycetes:
    • Streptomyces
    • Bacteria to hyphae – Nocardia (degrade humic substances)
  • Nostoc
  • Anabaena

Synthesize vitamins

  • Protozoa and microphages (mainly saprophytes, feeding on bacteria)
  • Amoeba: Degrade lignin
  • Flagellates: Bodo – Oikomonas
  • Amoebae
  • Ciliates: Colpodo, Vorticella
Some Aerobic Fungi

Break down lignin, heterotrophs

  • Ascomycetes: Penicillium, Aspergillus, Morchella
  • Basidiomycetes
Plant Soil
  • Chlorophytes (green algae)
  • Worms: Nematodes (pseudocoelomate), seudocelomados (0.5 to 1.5 mm long), cylindrical (cuticles)
  • Phytoparasitic: Meloidogyne
  • Fungivores
  • Bacterivores
  • Omnivores: Have a digestive tube

Worms and body cavity (coelom). The circulatory system has a gut. Hermaphroditic freshwater annelid.


Present glandular cells, ingest soil mass. Secrete CaCO3 in the esophagus. Excrete ammonia and N-Urea NH4. Eisenia foetida. Redox potential (Eh) = -180 to 460.

Organism Classification

Class 1

A: Autotrophs: Obtain energy from sunlight, CO2 fixed by photosynthesis (algae, bacteria, higher plants).

B: Chemolithotrophs: Obtain energy from chemical reactions, organic C and CO2 fixation (Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans).

C: Heterotrophs: Use organic compounds for energy and carbon source, recycle organic compounds (fungi, bacteria, animals).

D: Symbionts: Obtain energy and nutrients from plants (N-fixing bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi).

Class 2: Bodies
  • Macrofauna: Size (6 to 200 mm), vertebrates
  • Mesofauna: Size (200 to 6000 mm), arthropods, annelids, mollusks
  • Microorganisms: Size (<200 mm), nematodes

Soil Colloids and Clay Minerals


  • Organic: Fraction of humified organic matter
  • Inorganic: Silicate clays, crystalline gels of Al and SiO2, oxides and hydroxides of Fe and Al

Clay Fraction

Particles less than 2 µm, found as primary minerals or larger size as kaolinite.

Crystalline Clays

The crystals are composed of a number of individual layers superimposed. Two basic structural units: Tetrahedron (silicon atom in the center) and octahedron (aluminum atoms). Must always be electrically neutral.

Isomorphic Substitution

Change in structure between ions that occur during the formation of clays. Rc / Ro.

Group 1: Kaolinite

Clay type 1:1, low cation exchange capacity (CEC), underdeveloped colloidal properties, little or no isomorphic substitution.

Group 2: Montmorillonite

Clay type 2:1, high CEC, highly developed colloidal properties, high isomorphic substitution.

Group 3: Hydrated Micas (Illite)

Clay type 2:1, intermediate properties, less isomorphic substitution.

Group 4: Chlorite

Clay type 2:2, interlayer structure with aluminum. Low in Chilean soils.

Group 5: Vermiculite

Clay type 2:1, high capacity for K+ retention.

Origin of Clays

  • Inheritance: Clays are part of the parent material, typical of sedimentary soils.
  • Transformations: Limited changes in the primary minerals, constituents are lost by degradation.
  • Neoformation: Significant change with the rupture of primary minerals and reconstitution of other minerals, according to new equilibrium conditions.

Conditions for the Formation of Different Clay Minerals

  • Montmorillonite
  • Vermiculite
  • Illite
  • Kaolinite
  • Halloysite
  • Allofan
  • Gibbsite