Space Exploration: History and Fundamentals

C = 2πr  v = √(GM/r) {G-m3kg-1s-2a = v2/r {r=Er+orbr} n1l=tendencyStaySameSpeedunlessForce n2lF=ma n3l=f-f f12=Gm1m2/r122 w=fd v=√(2gh) ep=-GerthMobj/r v=√(Gm(2/r-1/a)) p>=mv> f>t2-1=p2-1> mf linear mr_ mf expo..v2-1 _v2-1 is/ exh v{ion engines}

Planetary Exploration Stages

What stage of planetary exploration follows sending a successful flyby? Orbiter

Historical Parallels and Mythology

What historical era does our golden planetary age resemble? Age of Maritime Greek Mythology

Which engineer constructed wings of feather and wax? Daedalus

What did the Mongolian brothers use in their flight? Hot air balloons

Space and Earth Analogies

What looks like Earth? Egg

What demarcates the edge of space? The Von Karman line

Inspirational Literature

What 19th-century novel inspired the voyage film? The Brick Moon

Milestones in Space Exploration

In what year was the first image of Earth captured? 1946

Who was the first person to break the sound barrier in a rocket? Chuck Yeager

Under which US president was NASA founded? Eisenhower in 1958

Motivations for Space Exploration

Why do we explore? Curiosity, quest for basic knowledge, challenge, conquest, competition, economic advantage

Early Space Program Challenges

At the start of the program in 1961, what was the failure rate? 49%

Gemini and Apollo Programs

How many astronauts traveled on each Gemini capsule? 2 (Apollo 3)

Which of the following pilots was a Mercury program astronaut? Alan Shepard

First Human in Orbit

The first human to orbit the world was of which nationality? Russian

Apollo Program Costs

Approximately how much did the Apollo program cost? Interstate highway system

First Moon Landing

In what year did the first human landing on the Moon take place? 1969

Lunar Orbit Rendezvous

Which scheme did Apollo use to get to the Moon? Lunar orbit rendezvous

Orbital Zones

In what orbital zone can you find GPS and other satellites? Medium Earth orbit

Heliocentric Model

Who proposed the heliocentric model to put the Sun at the center of the solar system? Copernicus

Newton’s Contributions

Which friend convinced Newton to go public? Halley

Technological Advancements

What technology did both Galileo and Newton improve? Telescopes

Spacecraft Design Strategies

Which is not a strategy for ensuring a spacecraft will function? Single fault tolerance, building in redundancy, components of heritage

Voyager’s Controversial Addition

What controversial edition was made to the Voyager? Alien message

Redundancy in Spacecraft Systems

Why would a spacecraft have multiple computers? To protect from failure

Spacecraft Heating Strategies

What’s a strategy for heating a spacecraft? Adding radioactive or aluminum coating

Number of Robotic Spacecraft Launched

How many robotic spacecraft have been launched since 1957? 200s

Spacecraft Velocity Equation

What equation is for the velocity of a spacecraft in any circular or orbital? Not vital singves or gua deviva

Curvature of Spacecraft

Why is a passive spacecraft curved? Gravity

Ancient Geocentric Model

In the geocentric (ancient) model, which body is between Venus and Mars? Sun

Orbital Changes

For a spacecraft to change orbit, what kind of energy should be added or subtracted? Kinetic

Soviet vs. American Space Designs

How do Soviet designs differ from American? Different path

Which country was successful in flying a balloon out of the atmosphere of Earth? Soviet

International Space Exploration (1986)

1986: Who explored other than the USA and Soviet? Halley’s Comet European

Elliptical Orbits

Which mathematician produced the first model of the solar system with elliptical orbits? Kepler

Bound Orbits

Which is an example of a bound orbit? Circle/Ellipse

Perihelion in Heliocentric Orbits

In a heliocentric orbit, what is closest to the Sun? Perihelion

Effect of Increased Speed on Orbit

If you’re in an orbit and increase speed, what will the new orbit look like? Larger ellipse

Early Rocketry Pioneers

Who first demonstrated reaction using a steam-powered pigeon?  Archytas

What powered the first chemical rockets by China? Gunpowder

Which rocket, Redglare, is immortalized in the national anthem? Congreve-British

Who first set down the laws of rocketry in the 80s and 90s? Tsiolkovsky

Stages for Space Travel

How many stages for space? 2/3

Efficient Rocket Engines

Which type of change today is the most efficient rocket engine? Electrical

Remote Sensing Instruments

Which is an example of a remote sensing instrument that provides its own light? Lidar

In-Situ Instruments

Which is an example of an in-situ instrument that a spacecraft might carry? Impact sensor

Constants and Values

LEO a=r=6.556×106m; Transfer a=2.436×107; GEO a=r=4.216×107; G=6.67×10-11; M=5.97×1024; Me=5.972×1024; Msun=1.989×1030; Mmn=7.348×1022