Spain: A Geographical and Socioeconomic Analysis
Spain: A Comprehensive Analysis
Geographical Uniqueness
Topic 1: The Geographical Uniqueness of Spain
- The Spanish territory: natural territorial units and major political and administrative divisions.
- Spain’s geographical uniqueness and its dynamics: causes and consequences.
- Spain’s situation in the world.
Relief and Climate
Topic 2: General Characteristics of Spanish Relief
- Overview of the mainland and island (Balearic and Canary) relief.
- The variety of Iberian Peninsula, Balearic, and Canary relief formations.
- Dynamics of major geological processes in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic, and Canary Islands.
Topic 3: Major Morphostructural Units
- The Iberian Peninsula, Balearic, and Canary Islands.
- The Plateau and its internal and external units.
- The mainland, Canary, and Balearic Island coasts.
Topic 4: The Climate of Spain
- Elements and factors: climate concept.
- Differences between climate elements and factors.
- Elements of the Spanish climate: temperature, precipitation, humidity, atmospheric pressure, sunshine, cloudiness, and wind.
- Climate factors in Spain: astronomical, dynamic, and geographical.
Topic 5: Climatic Domains in Spain
- Regional differences.
- Classification criteria.
- Regional climates of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands: the temperate-cold and warm-temperate domains.
- The Canary climate.
- Nuances introduced by mountain climates.
Hydrography and Natural Resources
Topic 6: The Rivers of Spain
- Ebro Basin: layout, flow, river system, and its factors.
- Watersheds and major river basins of the Peninsula.
- River regulation: water reservoirs.
Topic 7: Natural Vegetation in Spain
- Factors of Spain’s biogeographic diversity.
- Biogeographic regions: Euro-Siberian, Mediterranean, and Macaronesian.
- Main vegetation types: deciduous forest and heathland, evergreen forest and Mediterranean scrub, riparian forest, mountain vegetation, and Canary Islands landscapes.
Population and Migration
Topic 8: Population Evolution in 20th Century Spain
- Natural population dynamics.
- Fertility, birth, marriage, death, and natural increase or decrease.
- Spanish population evolution: factors and results in spatial distribution and demographic structures.
Topic 9: Migration in Spain and its Spatial Impact
- Spatial population movements: concepts.
- Internal migration: factors, trends, and consequences.
- External or international migration: stages and destinations; consequences.
Urbanization and Settlement
Topic 10: Evolution of the City in Spain
- Morphology and urban structure.
- Urban settlement and the concept of city.
- Urbanization process in Spain.
- Pre-industrial city: old town, medieval town, and city in the Old Regime.
- Industrial city: beginnings of planning, reform projects, and urban development.
- Post-industrial city: urban periphery and metropolitan areas.
Topic 11: The Interurban System
- Urban network or systems of cities in Spain.
- Urban hierarchy, city functions, and areas of influence.
- System of Spanish cities.
- National, regional, and sub-urban development axes.
Economic Activities
Topic 12: Agriculture in Spain
- Physical constraints of Spanish agricultural areas: climate, topography, and soil.
- Human constraints: historical, socioeconomic, political, and technical.
- Structure of agrarian property regimes, land tenure, and land use.
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in crops, livestock, and forest areas.
Topic 13: Types of Agricultural Landscapes
- Atlantic agricultural landscapes.
- Interior landscapes.
- Mediterranean landscapes.
- Canary Islands landscapes.
Topic 14: Fishing in Spain
- Fishing: basic concepts and historical changes.
- Fishing regions.
- Material and human resources: fleet, fishing techniques, species caught, and fishing and aquaculture volumes.
- Law of the Sea and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
Topic 15: Industry in Spain
- General characteristics and geographical distribution.
- Factors of industrial location: raw materials, energy, capital, space, environment.
- Stages of the industrialization process in Spain.
- Regional distribution of industry in Spain: industrial areas.
Topic 16: Areas of Industrial Activity
- Key sectors: basic industry and consumer goods industry.
- Traditional sectors: metallurgy, steel, shipbuilding, and textiles.
- Dynamic sectors: automotive, chemical, food industry, and cutting-edge technologies.
Topic 17: Transport in Spain
- Transport: basic element of territorial and economic articulation.
- Road transport: characteristics of the road network.
- Railway transport.
- Maritime transport.
- Air transport.
- Transport and environment: impacts on the region and society.
Topic 18: Tourism in Spain
- Evolution of tourism in Spain.
- Characterization and typology of tourism models in Spain.
- Main tourist areas in Spain.
- Significance of tourism in the Spanish economy and society.
- Tourism and the environment in Spain.