Spain: From Isolation to Democracy (1939-1978)

ISOLATION (39-50): ex kiso participate in the global 2G and Spain but pedia muxo was unable (desp. Of G.Civil) to help the fascist forces of the moment. (Hitler, Mussolini) Due to register on the side that defeated Spain keda be isolated from the rest of europa.Y withdraw ambassadors and UN Exane.
Exitos diplom. (1953) Vatican Concordat, the regime gave the freedoms and education igñesia x apoyo.Tratado U.S. Bases in 1955 after militares.Y within onu.INTENTOS OF MONARKIA: juan bourbon on many occasions attempt k will return the juan carlos reino.Lausana 1945.Pero following an agreement will be educated in Spain and susesor of Franco.NUEVO STATE: organic democracy (three organs: family muni union) and fundamental laws (it was 7 the last of organic life k and k have stated susesor and kingdom) verticales.AUTARKIA Sindicats ECONOM.: civil G Spain.Thanks left in ruin 2Gmundialprivó to Spain to refrain from its longstanding international blokea necesidades.El isolation estubo econ.Portanto stage markedby autarki (mean self-sufficiency) production indust. Land was scarce and what led to the rationing k (till 52) and the market tamb negro.OPOSICION the regime (MAKIS) guerrilla movement integrated x anarchists communists and socialists lasted till the 48th though proibida tar produced in the t goes without vasco.Y cataluña madrid university (state of exception) Economic growth: new government in 1957 introduced Opus Dei ministries k economicos.Icieron the economy grew faster between 1960 and 1973.La renata aunemnto to doble.Modernizacion of the economia.Devaluacion peseta.Inversiones foreign money migrants turismo.INMOVILISMO POLÍTICO.Iniciaron one liberizacion apparent, the first was the press and publications law, eliminated censorship, but does not guarantee freedom of expresion.La second was the law on religious freedom recognized = equality of all religions (not important).’s final was the promulgation of the organic law fundamental law to give false apariencias.Declara juancarlos sucesor.RELACIONES EXTER.Consiguió as Spain’s integration in organizations intern. (NATO comu.Econo.Europ.) opposition to the regime. · Labor disputes (strikes) are born Comiciones workers. · Universitaria.Protestas agitation of 65 teachers exp.El Communist Party, formerly a part of antifrankista aora x democracia.El psoe fight is a minority and in 1979 waiving marxismo.CRISIS ECONOMIC BACKGROUND . Pretoleo crisis with the economy falling well as helping the Spanish dictator’s death. (politically affects tamb.) manifests (crisis) Spain in red numbers xk inflacion.Exaron pay muxo.Caen empresas.Disparo the blame for the crisis to democracy.
ALTERNATIVE POLICIES (continued breaking reform)
. POLITICA.Arias REFORM Adolfo Suarez Navarro formed cabinet, INCAP to carry out the renovation politica.Victoria t goes without muertos.El king calls general 5 resignation of arias.ADOLFO new presi, caused a rexaso x ITS LINK nacional.En movement one years elections, recognizes all political groups and autonomy, amnesty POLICY REFORM poitica.LEY was reforma.Recojia feet nailed to the aspirations of the opposition.Transitoria.Establecia was like choosing new courts sufragio.Fue constituents and accepted by the courts frankistas.Convocan referendum.Respaldada x 94%. CLIMBING TERRORISTA.Grapo and eta, derexa.Eta extreme was the most casualties k provoco.Pretendian destabilize the country k does not reach the democracia.Extrma d.Contra comunistasGrapo against anti Frankistan estado.Eta members and anti-Spanish, liberate the country vasco.PRIMERAS ELECTIONS 77.La ucd UCD victory coalition of centrist parties and moderate Derex (Adolf). Alliance popular (Fraga) derexa.PSoe (felipe gonzales) image of young and fully izkierda.Apoyo of 1 minister austria alemanya old prestige x suecia.Pce the dislocation against frankismo.
Once seated CONSTI.Pactos moncloa.Una PERIOD democracy ay k economicas.Devaluacion action of peseta.Firmados by todos.Consistia in economica.Contencion stabilization of salarial.Los feel betrayed x izkierda support of unions.
the success of national parties leads to the thought preautonomias.Tamb xk k eta stop.
CONSTITUTION once constituted the court
78.Unas demo, establishing the paper representatives of major consti.La partidos.Proyecto of marginalization leads PNV k sta cn esta.Fue aprovada according to the agreement 78.Fue minded groups constitute very diferentes.Caracteristica of : Spain as a democratic social state, justice, freedom, pluralism and dad = politico.La pueblo.Establece sovereignty resides in Spain as executive monarkia parlamentaria.Poder: gobierno.P on the legislature: in the courts, congress / judiciary senado.P , judges and territorial magistrados.Orga unitary state of autonomy.