Spain’s 1936 Election: Popular Front Victory & Road to War

The Triumph of the Popular Front

The harsh repression against leftists during the Two Black Years led to the unification of forces against the conservative government. In the elections of February 16, 1936, two clearly antagonistic blocs formed: the right and the left.

The February 1936 Elections

To contest the election, the leftist parties (Republicans, Socialists, and Communists) grouped together in the Popular Front. This electoral coalition was based on a common agenda advocating amnesty for those imprisoned during the October 1934 revolution, reintegration into positions and jobs for those dismissed due to political retaliation, and the implementation of reform legislation that had been suspended by the Radical-CEDA coalition. (The Popular Front was a coalition of left-wing Republican, Socialist, and Communist parties, similar to those formed elsewhere in Europe to counter the rise of fascist regimes.) The CNT did not participate in the pact.

Right-wing parties formed various coalitions, including the CEDA, monarchists, and traditionalists (National Bloc). However, the right-wing parties did not manage to present a unified candidacy across all of Spain or agree on drafting a common manifesto.

In the elections, the Popular Front won 48% of the vote and emerged as the winning force. According to the program signed by the Popular Front, the new government was formed exclusively by Republicans (Republican Left and Republican Union), while the Socialists and other coalition parties agreed to provide parliamentary support. Manuel AzaƱa was named President of the Republic, facing strong opposition from the right and much of the army, and Casares Quiroga became head of government.

The Popular Front Government

The new government quickly implemented the program agreed upon in the electoral coalition. It declared an amnesty and forced companies to reinstate workers laid off after the strikes in October 1934. The government of the Generalitat was restored to power, and the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia was reinstated. The new government resumed the reform process halted in 1933, presented a project for returning communal property to municipalities, and restarted agricultural settlements.

In cities, strikes were called demanding better working conditions. This new situation was met with absolute rejection by the right: many landowners opposed the government measures, some industrialists closed factories, and the Church returned to its campaigns against the Republic. The Spanish Falange gained a higher profile and fostered a climate of civil strife.

Towards the Military Coup

Creating a climate of violence was a strategy favored by those sectors determined to organize a military coup against the Republic.

Initially, the conspiracy had limited military strength and poor organization until General Emilio Mola took charge, becoming the true leader of the coup plot by July 1936. His plan involved a simultaneous military uprising in all possible garrisons, with key actions in Madrid and Barcelona. To quell rumors of a coup, the government transferred the generals most directly involved in the plots (Franco to the Canary Islands, and Mola to Navarre), but did not dare dismiss them.

The military conspiracy had the support of right-wing political forces (monarchist sectors, Carlists, CEDA members, etc.). In July, the murder of the monarchist leader Calvo Sotelo in Madrid by a group of leftists occurred. His death hastened the coup plans, and the uprising began in Morocco on July 17, leading to a civil war that lasted for three years.