Spain’s Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce Sectors

Agriculture in Spain

Agriculture in Spain is modern and has the following features:

  • Prevalence of intensive farming and irrigation.
  • Employment of new technologies.
  • Specialization of crops by region.
  • Prepared staff.
  • Destination of crops for export and industry.

Problems in Spanish Agriculture

  • The cessation of agrarian activity.
  • Use of ancient irrigation systems, consuming water and yielding few benefits.
  • Conditions required by the EU to grant subsidies.
  • Difficulties for some products, such as cotton or table grapes, to compete in the market.
  • Land demand in rural areas.

Forestry Development in Spain

Forestry occupies 51.4% of the country (21% are trees). The most numerous trees are conifers, pine, oak, and beech. The main products obtained from trees are wood, cork, and resin.

Fishing in Spain

Fishing is divided into Atlantic and Mediterranean regions. Some problems include:

  • The exhaustion of domestic fishing grounds.
  • The limitation of catches.
  • The age of the fleet.

Solutions to Fishing Problems

  • Modernization of the fleet.
  • Creation of joint ventures with other countries (Argentina, Senegal, Morocco, etc.).
  • Aid to the most affected areas.
  • Aquaculture development.

Energy in Spain

Non-Renewable Energies

Coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy.

Renewable Energies

Hydro, wind, and solar.

Shipping in Spain


Road infrastructure is divided into several levels:

  • State network: Managed by the state.
  • Autonomous network: Facilitates communication within communities.
  • Island networks: Allow access to population centers (Canary or Balearic Islands).


Increased activity and benefit are obtained from commuter trains and high-speed lines.

Tourism in Spain

Key factors contributing to tourism:

  • Geographic location.
  • Increase in the number of Spanish tourists.
  • Improvement of transportation infrastructure.
  • Physical environment.
  • Cultural richness.

Types of Tourism

  • Beach or coastal tourism: Traditional model, the most important for European tourists, with high demand.
  • Other types: Artistic, cultural, sports, etc.

Negative Effects of Tourism and Remedies

Negative Effects: Excessive water use, overexploitation of aquifers, deforestation and desertification, acoustic and visual pollution, waste disposal, depletion of natural resources.

Remedies: Water conservation, reforestation, reduction of emissions, etc.

Internal Trade in Spain

Dominated by small shops and traditional businesses. Key features:

  • Modernization: Driven by new consumer habits, payment methods, technologies, etc.
  • New forms of commerce: Supermarkets, shopping centers, etc.
  • Crisis of traditional trade: Small businesses are struggling to compete with supermarkets.

Foreign Trade in Spain

Has experienced tremendous growth. Spain’s trade balance remains in deficit. Imports mostly consist of equipment, machinery, cars, etc.

Spanish Industry

  • The fastest-growing industries are those of automobiles and depend on foreign investment.
  • High-tech industries are relevant but compete with multinational corporations.
  • Predominance of SMEs, which have been built and are present in several European countries.
  • Spain spends few resources on R&D (Research and Development).