Spain’s Industrial and Tourism Sectors: Key Insights

Dynamic Industrial Sectors

a) The automobile sector has undergone a transformation, since it was oversized and technologically outdated.

b) The chemical sector is one of the foundations of Spanish industry.

  • The petrochemical or chemical base is organized in large complexes, usually integrated with refinery activity.
  • The chemical structure transformation in small businesses located in the Basque Country, coastal Catalonia, and Madrid.

c) The food industry. Its objectives are to increase sales in the market and promote exports with higher levels of production and product processing.

d) The construction sector is one of the most sensitive to fluctuations in economic conditions.

Edge Industries

Microelectronics, telematics, automation, precision instruments, biotechnology, and so on.


a) Dependence on external research and technology. Spanish retardation in these areas is due to underinvestment and insufficient integration between universities and enterprises.

b) Predominance of medium and small companies, so that competitiveness is weak.

c) Poor alignment of the workforce and education system.


Tends to concentrate in certain areas, known as innovative ways.

Science Parks

  • Functional: They reunite research centers and companies belonging to the most innovative sectors.
  • Morphology-urban: They are located in single, normally low, given the medium or small size of most of its industries.
  • Location: They are located in the vicinity of cities and medium cities.
  • Relatives of the environment: It is intended that innovative industries act as locomotives for local development outcomes.
  • The ability to attract businesses has been doubted in the parks that had a favorable location and much lower in those with worse locations.
  • Its ability to share innovations in the environment is debatable.

Major Tourist Areas in Spain

Tourist areas: The spaces that have a huge influx of tourists, both foreign and domestic.

Tourist spots: Isolated based on different attractions such as ski resorts, rural tourism, and historic cities of the interior.

Seasonal tourist areas: With above-average seasonal, especially tourism or tourism stabilized either by the longer stays or for occasional visits related to its historical heritage.

Sun and Beach Resorts

These are the Balearic and Canary Islands and the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula. Significant influx of tourists based on their climate and beaches, have notable differences:

  • Accessibility: Certain “gaps” in the tourist occupation are explained by the lack of good road and air links with the areas of origin of tourists.
  • The model of land use: In some cases, tourist accommodations are integrated into the existing urban structure, in other cases, tourism generates new settlements as a result of property transactions.
  • The type, quality, and customer of accommodations: The predominance of hotels or other accommodation, extensive model-intensive low-density altitude, high class or middle-low, domestic or foreign customers.

Other Tourist Areas

  • Increased tourism generated by the proximity of large urban agglomerations, both at home and on the coast.
  • Inland rural areas have seen in the tourism development strategy and economic diversification.
  • The need to restructure the traditional coastal areas has led to the incorporation of tourism in the littoral zone and the link between the coastal areas.
  • The emphasis on quality and new attractions by the demand.
  • Madrid barely has a significant seasonality, and hotel supply houses for cultural tourism.
  • The Galician and Cantabrian coastline offers coastal and inland areas and prominent unsaturated rural and natural landscapes.
  • Rural resorts, born following programs to support rural development, intended to stimulate additional aspects of farming and to repossess homes, crafts, and local traditions.
  • Ski resorts, tourism-based snow, have arisen in several mountains.
  • Historic towns and cultural tourism allow the sight of museums and monuments, as well as tours of historic centers.