Spain’s Political and Social Transformations
Privacy Policy Floridablanca: The isolation seemed to be the best resource, and relations with France were cut off. The Inquisition was charged with threatening suspects and illustrated the country’s close ties to political advertising. Halfway between the reformists and liberalism, Jovellanos took the opportunity to write his report on the agrarian law, which enshrined the value of private property and individual interests. Under the charge of anti-Christian sentiment, all French publications were persecuted, sparking greater interest in the public and becoming a hotbed in Cadiz’s clandestine libraries. The departure from Spain was banned for youth who wanted to study at foreign universities, and the entry of foreign teachers was also banned, a measure with serious consequences at a time when the country needed to acquire expertise. The fear of revolution grew so strong that the Count of Floridablanca prohibited the teaching of French as a way to avoid reading material contrary to the monarchy and the church. Further activities with real companies in the country with friends were banned. Manuel Godoy. The War in Alliance with France: Godoy took office as the first secretary in 1792, replacing Aranda. He directed the government of Spain until 1808. His attitude was that of a typical ruler of enlightened despotism, fearful, on the one hand, of the revolution, and, secondly, encouraging educational and economic reform measures. The war convention: After the execution of Louis XVI in 1793, Spain severed all ties with France and declared war, voiding family pacts. The immediate opening of hostilities was the response of Spain, which had broken the traditional order, mainly in the right of kings and the privileges of the nobility and the church. For this reason, the war of the convention would have its lay preachers and church.
The army advanced on French Catalonia under General Ricardos, but did not optimize the initial success with the signing of a peace treaty. The temporary alliance against the convention dampened misgivings of the Madrid government towards Great Britain, which engaged the Spanish navy to participate in the naval blockade of France and wanted to force a contest to win control of the seas and trade. The Spanish navy disowned these requirements and was able to maintain clear communications with America. First Confiscations: In 1798, the first sale of church property for the benefit of the state occurred. The proceeds from the confiscation were to meet the payment of the growing debt, which led to a bankruptcy situation in 1804. The old regime thus inaugurated the era of the confiscations, which would be the weapon of the nineteenth-century liberals in their struggle for a new order. Charles VI served to try to sustain traditional society. The confiscation was extended until 1808, passing privately owned part of the church property, which benefited merchants and landlords. Abdications of Bayonne: Napoleon did not recognize Carlos and Fernando VI, who repented of his abdication. French troops under General Murat entered Madrid. The emperor intervened in the dispute over the crown, forming to resolve their differences in Bayonne. Napoleon forced both to pierce the throne, which would be delivered to his brother Joseph Bonaparte upon the abdication at Bayonne. Heirs of the French Revolution were preparing to bury the old regime with the help of enlightened individuals. King Joseph Bayona’s public status, a sort of constitution that, despite keeping most of the privileges, provided a renewed liberal air questioning the foundations of the old regime. Because of the war, this text was not implemented.