Spain’s Political Evolution: 1981-2000

The Government of Calvo Sotelo (February 1981-October 1982)

Upon the confirmation of Calvo Sotelo in Parliament on February 23, 1981, the chamber was invaded by a group of civil guards under the command of Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero. The King informed all military personnel to return to their barracks. The nation’s government was kidnapped, and the country lived through moments of great tension. This event marked the end of military intervention in Spain’s political affairs and consolidated democracy and the rule of law in the country. The coup was dismantled, and the perpetrators were sentenced to prison, but these events left the government of the UCD (Union of the Democratic Centre) tremendously damaged. During his presidency, Calvo Sotelo attempted to stabilize the democratic system with various political and economic measures, but the results were poor. Soon, the UCD was emptied of its leaders, who joined other parties, including the new Social Democratic Centre (CDS), founded by Suarez. Against this backdrop of social unrest and the disintegration of the ruling party, new elections were called in October 1982. The PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) won an absolute majority, which began 13 years of government under Felipe Gonzalez.

The Democratic Consolidation

The PSOE had presented itself in the elections as an alternative capable of generating profound changes in Spanish society and culminating a period of transition and democratic consolidation. It won the elections in 1982, 1986, 1989, and 1993, carrying out the change and modernization of Spain. Felipe Gonzalez, at the head of the PSOE, made major economic adjustments to modernize the economy and carried out industrial restructuring that required closing a large number of companies, therefore increasing unemployment. Between 1985 and 1991, Spain experienced a period of economic growth due to its incorporation into European institutions. Certain measures (a temporary employment plan for youth, precarious contracts) led to a confrontation with the unions, who called a general strike on December 14, 1988, which gained massive support throughout Spain. In 1991, the Treaty of Maastricht, signed by the member states of what was then called the European Union, forced the Socialist government to take severe measures to achieve economic convergence, as it could not meet the Maastricht requirements.

The Crisis of the Socialist Government

In the early 1990s, several economic scandals erupted. The most significant was the *Filesa* case (the PSOE was accused of being illegally financed through banking groups), in which some leaders were involved, leading to resignations, such as that of Deputy Prime Minister Alfonso Guerra. In this climate, early elections were called again in 1993. The PSOE won again, but with a slim advantage. The new government promised change; however, it left a country convulsed by new scandals, such as the Roldan case, the GAL (Antiterrorist Liberation Groups), and CESID (the Spanish intelligence agency). These events damaged the image of the socialist government during a time of economic recession, despite the progress that had been made in social policy. New elections were called for March 1996, in which the Popular Party (PP) won a minority victory, and Jose Maria Aznar formed a government with the support of Catalan, Basque, and Canary Islands nationalists. A second transition began, as there was a substitution of the political class that had starred in the first Transition, closing the 13-year period of Felipe Gonzalez’s government. The triumph of the PP should not be attributed only to socialist errors but also to an important generational change in the ranks of the right. In the next elections of 2000, the PP, with Jose Maria Aznar at the head, won again, this time with an absolute majority. With Jose Maria Aznar, convergence criteria were met, and a better economic and social climate was achieved. The late 1990s were marked by labor peace, a decline in unemployment, and economic confidence.