Spain’s Second Republic: From Inception to Civil War

The Fall of Alfonso XIII and the Rise of the Second Republic

Key events:

  • End of the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.
  • Municipal elections with a victory for the left.
  • The King left the country amid fears of civil war.
  • Proclamation of the Republic (April 14).
  • Constitution of 1931: Single Chamber, universal suffrage, regionalism, state secularism.

The Constitution of 1931

The first task of the deputies was drafting a new constitution, having elected moderate socialist Julián Besteiro as chamber president. The new law imposed the dissolution of religious orders that were considered a danger to the budget of the clergy. In protest against these measures, deputies from the right left Congress, and Alcalá Zamora resigned from their posts in government. With the constitution adopted on December 9, 1931, Spain became a democratic, secular state with a single chamber and a responsible government with universal suffrage. The new constitution defined a strong central state to solve problems, but regional autonomy statutes were enacted. Alcalá Zamora, chosen by Congress as President of the Republic, confirmed Manuel Azaña at the front of the premiership.

The Governments of the Second Republic

The Bienio Reformista (1931-1933)

A period of significant reforms under the leadership of Manuel Azaña.

The Bienio Conservador/Radical-Cedista (1933-1936)

The elections of 1933 (the first time women voted) were won by the CEDA (right-wing Confederation of Autonomous Rights) with Gil Robles and Lerroux’s Radical Party, who ruled. During this period, all the reforms of the previous biennium were paralyzed.

The Rebellion of October 1934

Unhappy left-wing reorganization before the 1933 elections:

  • Formation of the Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Rights.
  • Coalitions favoring victory for many seats, despite a small difference in votes.
  • Conditions: Landowning oligarchy, employers, and conservative forces.

October 1934 Survey:

  • Cause: Entry of three members of the CEDA into the government, considered a betrayal of the Republic.
  • Catalonia: Appeal to strike. The Catalan Republic failed.
  • Asturias: The aim was similar to the Russian proletariat’s.

End of Government after the armed uprising:

  • Instability, doubt, inactivity, internal tensions.
  • Revolution in Asturias.
  • Corruption and the “Straperlo” black market scandal.

The Popular Front (1936)

An overwhelming electoral victory for the Left, grouped into an electoral coalition: The Popular Front (Communists, Left Republicans, and PSOE). This was an attempt, driven by the interests of the left, to change the landscape after the October Revolution of 1934 (Azaña). The international situation was a factor. This was not unique to Spain; other countries also created similar fronts (e.g., France). The goal was to prevent the rise of fascism, even if it meant collaborating with democracy. The government, headed by Azaña until May, was formed immediately. Authorities were aware of rumors of a coup by Generals Franco and Mola. Neither the PSOE nor the Communists participated in this government, because they prioritized revolution and the construction of a socialist state over helping the Republic itself. The PSOE was dominated by the radical leftist Largo Caballero. Azaña would be head of government until the courts dismissed Alcalá Zamora as President of the Republic and Azaña took this job. This was because Zamora had previously dismissed Azaña. This required the appointment of another head of government: Casares Quiroga.

Key policies of the Popular Front:

  • Acceleration of land reform.
  • Boosting labor reform.

(In order to recover what was the basis of the Second Republic).

Meanwhile, the right and the military, especially unhappy with the Republic (Franco, Mola, and Sanjurjo, among others), began to design the conspiracy (the first meetings began in March) leading up to the military coup of July 18, 1936, aided by strikes, social confrontations, and the general deterioration of public order.