Spain’s Tourism and Population Dynamics
Item 8. Tourist Areas
Tourist Season: Is the concentration of tourism demand in certain months of the year. In Spain, given the dominant tourism model, the demand is concentrated in summer.
Hiking: Movement for pleasure or recreation without an overnight stay outside the home environment.
Traditional Model Tourist: It was introduced in the 60s and is called “sun and beach.” It is characterized by abundant and cheap tourism, leading to a homogeneous and massive demand, with medium to medium-low purchasing power, very concentrated spatially and temporally in the summer sun and beach areas of the Balearic Islands and the Mediterranean coast. This tourism is dependent on international tour operators and is unaware of environmental-impact statements.
Tourism Supply and Demand: Supply is the set of services available to the tourist, and demand is the collective demand for requested tourist services.
Overnight: Overnight stay away from home. Tourism is to spend the night in tourist accommodation.
Tourism: A term applied to leisure; all human activities to implement this type of trip; the industry, which contributes to meeting the wishes of tourism.
Alternative Tourism: Leisure activity in which they seek ways different from mass tourism. It can be individual or in a small group.
- Theme Park: Recent phenomenon that attracts masses to giant entertainment centers of aquatic nature, zoos, science, etc.
- Tourism: Leisure type consisting in making trips to other nearby towns or to visit monuments, exhibitions, shopping, business, etc. There are often long journeys.
- Cultural Tourism: A form of entertainment that seeks knowledge and enjoyment of other cultures than their own.
- Ecological Tourism (Ecotourism): Focuses on visiting protected natural areas: national or natural parks. Combine half-environmental protection with recreational use and tourism subject to regulation.
Unit 9. The Reality of the Spanish Population
Population Density: Ratio of total population and surface area (d = P / S), normally expressed in inhabitants per km2 (h/km2).
Emigration / Immigration:
Emigration: Movement of people from a given territory out of it. Migration can be external or international if the migrant changes country, or internal if not outside his country.
Immigration: Movement of people into a given territory from outside. Migration can be internal if the immigrants are from the same country, or external if they come from abroad.
Aging: The increase in the proportion of people over 65 in a population. To use an index to measure, it is equivalent to the percentage of old people relative to the total. If the result is a value around 15%, it indicates clear aging.
Population Explosion: (Baby Boom) is the term for strong population growth, according to a dramatic rise in births. The baby boom occurred in Spain in the sixties.
Population: All persons who provide labor available for the production of goods and services among the population aged 16 to retirement age.
Includes persons of both sexes who have a job (working population) and those seeking work (unemployed population), either because they are unemployed when they had had a job or because they are seeking their first job.
Active Population: A group of people over 16 who have no paid work. Includes retirees, pensioners, rentiers, students, persons engaged in work from home, disabled, etc.
Population: With use, is formed by persons 16 years or older who, during the reference week of the survey or registration, have had paid employment or self-employment.