Spain’s Transition to Democracy: From Franco to the 1978 Constitution

Franco’s Death and the Dawn of Change

On November 20, 1975, Francisco Franco died. Prince Juan Carlos was sworn in as King on November 22nd. The first government under the monarchy, still led by Carlos Arias Navarro, saw key appointments: Fraga in Interior, Areilza in Foreign Affairs, and Garrigues in Justice. The need for reform was evident, especially given the economic crisis following the 1973 oil crisis. The appointment of Torcuato Fernández Miranda, a figure with deep knowledge of Franco’s laws, as President of Parliament proved crucial.

The Push for Reform

Two forces accelerated the pace of change: a society demanding freedom and a growing opposition. The Democratic Junta, led by the PCE, and the Democratic Convergence Platform, led by the PSOE, merged in April 1976 to form Democratic Coordination. This group advocated for the legalization of parties, amnesty, statutes of autonomy, political liberties, and the call for elections to a constituent parliament. Demonstrations in support of these demands followed.

Arias Navarro’s resignation in July 1976 paved the way for King Juan Carlos to appoint Adolfo Suárez as the new President of the Government. Suárez’s most ambitious project was the Law for Political Reform (LRP). This law recognized the sovereignty of the people, established courts with members elected by universal suffrage, paved the way for a new constitution, and defended fundamental rights. The LRP was approved by the Cortes in November 1976 and ratified by a referendum in December.

The 1977 Elections and the Constitution

Elections were held on June 15, 1977. Participating parties included Suárez’s Union of the Democratic Center (UCD), Manuel Fraga’s Popular Alliance (AP), Felipe González’s Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), the Democratic Pact of Catalonia (PDC), the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC), and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). The UCD’s victory placed Suárez at the helm, tasked with leading Spain through a series of historical milestones.

The Drafting of the 1978 Constitution

The Congressional Committee for Constitutional Affairs was charged with drafting the new constitution. A seven-member group was appointed for this task. The resulting 169-article document enshrined national sovereignty, acceptance of autonomy, the abolition of the death penalty, traditional freedoms (liberty, equality, justice, and political pluralism), total amnesty, and religious freedom. It established a separation of powers, with a bicameral legislature (Congress of Deputies and Senate), an executive branch led by the government, and a judicial branch composed of judges and magistrates. The constitution was approved by a large majority in a referendum on December 6, 1978.

Economic Challenges and the Moncloa Pacts

The Moncloa Pacts, signed on October 25, 1977, addressed two key objectives:

  1. Sanitation of the economy before the economic downturn, addressing the lack of investment and rising oil prices.
  2. Legal and political action to ensure freedom of expression, assembly, and association.

The State of Autonomies

, q mention in the historical nationalities (Catalonia and the Basque Country) on step democracy was linked to the recovery of autonomy. Suarez began in 1977, the pre-autonomous process and decentralization. The first step was taken in Catalonia after the demonstration on September 11, 1977 in Barcelona, President of the Generalitat government and restored the president appointing Joseph Tarradellas. The Basque case was different because of the terrorism of ETA, the nationalists demanded the incorporation of Navarre, and the PNV did not recognize the constitution in December 1977 formed the General Council Vascos, chaired x Ramón Rubiales. Throughout the 1978 s were other pre-autonomic manifestations (Galicia, Asturias, Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias, Baleares, Murcia, Extremadura, Castilla y Leon, Castilla La Mancha and Valencia) This process was reflected in the constitution in its Title VIII where regulated the regional organization. The text looked two autonomous pathways: a faster xa historical nationalities such as Catalonia, Basque Country and Galicia, and another slower designed xa the rest. The process was conditioned autonomic x LOAPA (Organic Law Harmonisation Process Management and Autonomy) d q limited powers different autonomies. Spain happened to have cn 17 autonomous communities between 1977 and 1983, but the cities of Ceuta and Melilla (1955). / / In the elections of March 1, 1979 the results were similar. Suarez formed a government, as their political group (UCD) won the elections. On 3 April, called the 1 municipal elections. UCD won the most votes and councilors. Began a period marked lack of cohesion x UCD because of its heterogeneous composition q hampered the work of the government and the inability to carry out the proposed reforms. The government spent x serious problems like the economy, the autonomy process claims raised q x powers of the regions and terrorism. The party crisis was exploited by the PSOE xa raise a motion of censure against the government in May d 1981. In early February xa UCD held a congress to appoint successor Adolfo Suarez. The choice was Vice President Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo. Xo + regressive military staged a coup cn xa finish the transition to democracy. D 23 February 1981, while celebrating the inauguration of the new President, a group of civil guards led x Antonio Tejero stormed the Congress of Deputies. The coup failed and those involved arrested and convicted. Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo was inaugurated on February 25, xo was unable to stop the disintegration of the UCD, q what led him to call elections in October 1982 xa. One of the controversial decisions + Leopold was Spain’s entry into NATO. Finally adhered in 1981.

16.1La democracia.La transition to the 1978 Constitution. / / On November 20, Francisco Franco dies. After death inheritance expectations were met and Prince Juan Carlos was sworn in as King on 22 d November 1975. The 1st government of the monarchy continued headed x Carlos Arias Navarro but important innovations cn; Fraga Interior Areilza on Foreign Affairs and Justice Garrigues. Besides his desire for reform expressed the need to end the crisis following the 1973 oil crisis.also, the appointment as President of the Parliament of Torcuato Fernandez Miranda, chief of the King, deep knowledge of the laws under Franco, was of great importance. / / This team initiated some political reforms x 2 q forces are accelerating the changes: q society demanded freedom and the opposition, the Democratic-led Board x the PCE and the Democratic Convergence Platform x led the PSOE, was merged in April 1976 in Democratic Coordination d or “Platajunta” q defined the legalization of parties, amnesty, statutes of autonomy, political liberties and the call for elections to parliament’s Constituyentes.Durante 1 month produced a series d demonstrations supporting these requests. / / The resignation of Arias d in July 1976 allowed the king to appoint a new president government on July 3, Adolfo Suarez. The most ambitious project was the Law for Political Reform (LRP). This law recognized the sovereignty of the people, establishment of courts whose members are elected x direct and secret universal suffrage, constitution-making and defense of fundamental rights inviolable. Las Cortes approved the November 20, 1976 and December 15 the same year he won cn dl 94% affirmative votes. Elections were held on 15 June xa d 1977 q and political parties participated were: Union de Centro Democrático (UCD), led by Suarez, Alianza Popular (AP) by Manuel Fraga, the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) Felipe Gonzalez; Democratic Party of Catalonia (PDC), Ezquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) or the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV). The victory led the party fu xa x Suarez Cortes UCD and cn faced a series of historical tasks: / / d 1978 The Constitution: The Constitutional deAsuntos Congressional Committee, was tasked with drafting the constitution. The Commission appointed a seven member group x task. Fruit d this agreement is a text d 169 items whose features include: national sovereignty, acceptance of autonomy, abolition of the death penalty, ensuring all traditional freedoms (freedom, equality, justice and political pluralism), total amnesty and freedom religious. Established separation of powers: the legislature in two chambers x formed Cortes (Congress of Deputies and Senate), the x-led executive and judicial government formed x judges and magistrates. It was approved in a referendum x large majority on December 6 1978. / / In economic field were signed the Moncloa Pacts October 25, 1977 q focused on two objectives: