Spanish Ballads, La Celestina, and Renaissance Literature

The Spanish Romance (El Romance)

Short compositions formed by a variable number of eight-syllable verses (octosyllables) with assonant rhyme in the even-numbered lines and no rhyme in the odd-numbered lines. They are anonymous epic poems, considered works of collective authorship. Among their most important features are:

  • Brevity and simplicity
  • Direct presentation of reality
  • Abundant use of repetition
  • Predominance of action over description
  • Presence of rapid dialogues

La Celestina

In 1499, the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea was published in Burgos. Three years later, an expanded version appeared. Its author, Fernando de Rojas, was born in La Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo. He claimed to have written the book based on an original first act by another, unknown author.

Plot Summary of La Celestina

Calisto meets Melibea, falls in love, and declares his feelings, but she rejects him (rechaza). His servant Sempronio advises him to use the services of an old procuress (alcahueta), Celestina. Pármeno, another of his servants, warns him of the old woman’s bad reputation.

Celestina overcomes Melibea’s initial rejection (rechazo), and she agrees to an appointment with Calisto. Melibea and Calisto begin a passionate relationship. Calisto gifts Celestina a valuable gold chain. Sempronio and Pármeno demand their share (parte) of the reward (ganancias) from Celestina. She refuses, and the servants kill her. The servants are then executed.

One night (noche), when Calisto goes to his appointment with Melibea, scaling her garden wall, he slips and dies. Desperate, Melibea throws herself from a tower after confessing their love affair (amores) to her father, Pleberio. The play ends with his lament after his daughter’s death.

Characters in La Celestina

Two classes (clases) of characters (personajes) appear in the work: on one hand, the masters, Calisto and Melibea, and Celestina; on the other, the servants.

All the characters possess a powerful individuality.

Calisto is dominated by his amorous obsession (obsesión amorosa) and lacks authority over his servants, becoming their prey.

Melibea is a psychologically richer character. She is energetic and takes ownership of her actions.

Celestina is the undisputed star of the work (obra). She understands human nature and manipulates people. Her own ambition and greed drive all her actions.

Language and Themes in La Celestina

The language in La Celestina is characterized by its variety (variedad). A cultured language with long sentences is used.

The upper-class characters frequently (con frecuencia) express themselves in a more careful (cuidado) style. Both masters and servants change their way of speaking depending on the person they are addressing.

Regarding its meaning (en cuanto a), the preface guides the reader towards a moral interpretation of the work.

Spanish Renaissance Literature

The sixteenth century was the century of the Renaissance (Renacimiento) and the discovery of America. Economic expansion brought new ways of thinking, understanding life and human relationships, and also new approaches to writing and reading.

The sixteenth century saw a flowering of literature, so it is known as the First Spanish Golden Age (Primer Siglo de Oro).

Prominent poets include Garcilaso de la Vega and Fray Luis de León.

In prose, the novel Lazarillo de Tormes is particularly relevant. Spanning the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the most important figure in Spanish literature is Miguel de Cervantes.

Historical Context: 16th Century Spain

In the first half of the century, Charles I (Emperor Charles V) reigned.

His son, Philip II, ruled in the second half. This stage saw economic difficulties (dificultades económicas) and a shift away from European openness, known as the Counter-Reformation (Contrarreforma), promoted by the Catholic Church.

Cultural Context: Humanism and Renaissance

The Renaissance is intimately related to Humanism (Humanismo), which had spread in Spain during the fifteenth century. It involved a resurgence of Greek (cultura griega) and Latin culture.

Key aspects of humanistic thinking include:

  • The assertion of reason and experience
  • An appreciation of nature
  • The conviction that individuals can manage their own lives