Spanish Civil War: A Concise History

In the elections of February was the Popular Front victory kien obtained mayoria.Esta brought very radical consequences due to the opposition of the Derex, much of the military and the impatience of the workers x reformas.Fue streamlining of ke started the Spanish Falange to take the most violent positions creating a climate of civil strife against représentants de izkierd.Todo this culminated in the organization driven x General Mola from the outset estado.El give ngolpe of July 17, 1936 incidents start at the headquarters of Melilla and the 18th of July the army reberldia pervades españa.Pero in most cities, provincial capitals and in the industrial regions of the country, the coup failed and he pretended to be ke a coup becomes a civil war that lasted about three years long conflict years.The 4grandes stages could be divided into different military periods: The first was a week later the uprising giving rise to a phase called “war of columns “that took place between the disenchantment of operations and the frperhaps of the insurgents in an attempt to take Madrid in early November 1936.Tras troops cross the Strait of Africa (the most prepared) Yague commanding got in touch with the rebellious area of norte.En September Franco occupy Toledo . In late October, was already at the gates of Madrid.La conquest of Madrid could be very dangerous PO4 resisted as hard, they fortified the entrances and inside the city.The 6 November, the Republican government moved Valencia, leaving the plaza in the hands of the general x j8unta chaired Miaja, while the Red commander defended the capital.Madrid resisted even the air strikes until January, then received help from the first International Brigades and an anarcho column from Barcelona . The resistance heroi9ca Madrid (November-diciembre1936) ends the phase of the “pillars” or “militia phase” because it used the system of columns of troops, as in colonial wars, the Republican troops were composed of troops militia, militias, political parties and voluntary sindicatos.2.La second phase was characterized bystabilizing both armies, and created a new Republican People’s Army of the Republic and the militarization or dissolution of much of the milicias.Franco militarized bodies voluntarios.Ante tb a failure of Madrid making this we decided to ring for leave no supplies, no strength .. Pretended to cut the Valencia road which led to the battle of Jarama in February 1937 in which the two sides atrubiyeron the victoria.Los ublevados crossed the river but failed its goal, Republicans I put the Batlló freno.En Guadalajara (March 1937), the popular Republican Army scored its first major victory by defeating Italian fascist troops Franco.Cambiando allied war strategy Franco north down their objective as would be a strategic area, isolated from the xzona Republican, came to the Gaza cantabrica combat scenarios moving from east to west across the coastal road bombing of malaga.Cayo Bilbao, Santander and

Mola asturias.Los rebels in the head carried out an attack on the ultra Vizcayascams marzo.El days 26 April the Basque town was razed x Guernoica the Nazi avacion first aerial bombardment in history on the civil population and Guernica would be an event immortalized in the work of dealing picasso.Se Bilbao in the month of June through better training and resources of the Republican sublevados.Losa distraction while doing battles like Brunete and Belchite but will not prevent the capture of Santander and Asturias (September-October 1937) importantes.Miles industrial areas of people fled to areas even in Republican hands as Ctaluña.3> The move to the Mediterranean (November 1937-junio1938) In December 1937 the Republican Army restructured stay with General Vicente Rojo to endow it frente.Ademas professional commanders, cadres from the Milica ( Modesto, Lister, the Peasant) and the International Brigades (Brigades mixed). It arises in the winter of 1937 the Battle of Teruel in which Republicans occupied the area but only until February. When Franco’s army unleashed the campaign of Aragon land of Teruel., crossing the Mastership and reaching the Mediterranean andNo kedo Vinaroz.El Republican territory in two areas, including Catalonia, which could be attacked by Franco and thin wing to war but for fear of tension with France continued on toward the sur.Siendo braking atake x the Republican army in the Tarrago zone one, on the river Ebro, 4> Battle of the Ebro and end of the war (July 1938-April 1939) This was the final stage of the war in which Republicans were derrotados.Dicha battle began on 25d July with the atake Amposta.Los McCain among Republicans seek Mequizena and reunify aora x rebel areas before the Ebro, give everything for this obejtivo.En Gander Franco sent reinforcements along with German and Italian principoios November that the military republican had to retreat on the other side of the river while Franco was up occupying the entire war zone tuvco ebro.La end when he decided to take the offensive end on cataluña.La drop ger0na siognifico flight to France of thousands refugees and government d Republican desd installed oictubre barcelona d 1937.Todo the government of the republic, the chief government Negrin and esu d president Manuel Azaña, leaving the border tb españa.Cruzaron members of the Republican cuts, the government of the Generalitat, parliamentarians and government vasco.En d in February 1939 to the Republic only the territory he had called “central” and little Almeria mas.Negrin regreo with d idea supported continuing the war comunistas.A x the end of ms England and France recognized the Franco government and Manuel Azaña Paris resigned as president of the republic early in Madrid Luiga Marzotuvo an insurrection against the Republican government led by Colonel Casado Sigmund, chief of the defense of l.Casado capita wanted to reach an agreement with Franco and end the communist presence felt which lengthened the war, and rose up on the 5th controlling Madrid after a strong dislocated communist units.