Spanish Civil War: A Concise Overview (1936-1939)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

The Popular Front Government

On February 18, 1936, the Popular Front won the elections. President Niceto Alcalá-Zamora tasked Manuel Azaña with forming a government. On May 10, 1936, after political maneuvering, a new government was formed under Santiago Casares Quiroga. Public disorder manifested in various ways: violence in the countryside (strikes, land occupation), burning of churches, and political attacks. On July 12-13, Falangists killed José del Castillo of the Assault Guard, prompting the retaliatory killing of José Calvo Sotelo.

Sociopolitical Radicalism in Spain

Right: The Falange (José Antonio Primo de Rivera) and Carlists (requetés).
Left: PSOE (Socialist Party) with a moderate branch (Indalecio Prieto) and a radical branch (Francisco Largo Caballero), and the CNT (anarcho-syndicalists).
Catalonia: POUM (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification) and PSUC (Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia).
Army: UMRA (Republican) and UME (anti-Republican).

The Military Conspiracy

From the beginning of the Second Republic, several conspiracies emerged: the Sanjurjada (August 1932, led by General Sanjurjo), a proposed state of war (on the night of the 1936 elections, led by Franco). The government placed Republican loyalists in key military positions and suspected rebels in peripheral areas. The coup, initially planned for later, was advanced to July 18 due to the assassinations of July 12-13. On July 17, Franco traveled to Spanish Morocco. On July 18, the uprising began in Seville, leading to two opposing governments.

Timeline and Reactions

July 17-18: Franco and Mola initiated the uprising. July 18: Uprisings occurred in various locations, and Mola declared a state of war. July 20: The uprising did not succeed across all of Spain, dividing the country. Rebels controlled some rural areas, islands, and other territories, while Republicans held the rest. Three Prime Ministers served in quick succession: Santiago Casares Quiroga, Diego Martínez Barrio, and José Giral. The Republicans, lacking a regular army, relied on militias. Insurgents replaced local authorities in areas they controlled.
Barcelona: Rebels initiated an uprising on July 19, but were countered by CNT-FAI militias. General Goded, sent to quell the uprising, surrendered and admitted defeat on the radio. Anarchists seized weapons from surrendered barracks, and churches and monasteries were burned.

International Collaboration

Portugal remained neutral but allowed Nationalist troops to pass through its territory.
Italy provided the CTV (Corpo Truppe Volontarie).
Germany sent the Condor Legion and provided arms.
Morocco supported the Nationalist side.
France initially provided material support and opened its borders to refugees.
Mexico offered asylum to many civilians.
The Soviet Union provided military instructors and training.
International Brigades volunteered to fight for the Republic.

Military Phases

: 1st: July – December 1936
Franco -> enters the Strait of Gibraltar peninsula with the help of Mussolini -> enter to Cordova and Granada, from Sevilla, he goes to Madrid extracted -> stops in Madrid.
Government Republic: moved from Madrid to Valencia.
Mola -> send columns from Pamplona to Madrid -> September 1936, occupies Irun and San Sebastian.
Militias -> were to the Aragon front, but are held back to cover populations Saragosa, Huesca and Teruel. Also in Majorca and Ibiza (August-September 36) but fails.

2nd: January 37 – November 38
Insurgents -> try to encircle Madrid but fails -> Frankie decides to play Malaga and other Andalusian cities (Jan-Feb 37) and North (June-Oct 37) k was difficult. -> Feb. 38 recovered Teruel -> March 38, offensive Aragon front. Apr 3, France holds a 5 repeals Lleida and autonomous status -> 15 Apr, reaching Vinaròs divided Republicans.
Republicans -> Dec 37, Teruel offensive, occupying Jan 8 38 -> 24-25 Jul 38, offensive in the area of the Ebro to join Republican territory -> first win Nov. 15 but the battle ended, the Republicans the lost.
Republican Government -> move from Valencia to Barcelona.

3rd: December 38 to 1 April 39
23-12-38 The Franco ordered the final offensive against Catalonia began to Seròs and Tempera. The army was occupying all Cat. 15-01-39 The entered Tarragona on 26, to Barcelona, the 4, in Girona. On 9 Feb reached the French border.
Government Republic -> exiled in France since BCN
On 28-02-39, Manuel Azaña Juan Negrín resigned and returned to Valencia to try to resolve it, but could not do anything. On 28-03-39, Franco’s troops occupied Madrid. The last city occupied by the army was Alicante. On 1 April 1939, the war was over.

The rear: Republic
Catalonia: On 20 July the workers control the time of forming the National CCMAF (Committee of Antifascist Militias)