Spanish Civil War: A Nation Divided

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Lesclat Civil War:

1.1 From time-bound for the Civil War:
-On July 17, 1936 in Melilla, Colonel Yagüe, head of the army, took up arms against the republic and the insurgency (Uprising national) spread rapidly to the rest of the Moroccan protectorate. Between 18 and 19 July, the majority of military garrisons in the rest of Spain joined the coup of state and civil sectors and Carlist Falangists (requetes). From Morocco, on the 18th, General Franco, who had already secured the triumph of the insurrection in the Canary Islands, headed towards the peninsula in front lexèrcit dÀfrica. The government of the Republic took 2 days to respond and the insurgents knew already made strong in Pamplona, Seville, and in the Old part of Castella lAragó.
July 19 Casares Quiroga was replaced by José Giralt, who decided lexèrcit dissolve and deliver weapons to the militias of Trade Unions (socialists and anarchists) and parties of the Popular Front (republicans, socialists and communists)
The insurrection was practically the whole peninsular interior succeed in Galicia, in the Guadalquivir lAndalusía in agricultural areas dominated by large and small property owners and also very conservative in two major city: Sevilla and Zaragoza. However, where the forces failed desquerres workers and had more presence: in the industrial areas of the Basque Country, Catalonia, Madrid, Valencia, Asturias and Santander, as a part of Spain, Extremadura and Andalusia.
The insurgents had planned a statement that the military would seize the organs of government, declared state of war and flushing any sign doposició. Should be a quick operation, a few days. But the coup did not succeed, the country had been divided into 2 groups that faces in a bloody Civil War.

1.2-The failure of the insurrection in Catalonia
Goded-General was lencarregat lead the military coup in Catalonia, where rebels, many of the officers and chiefs lexèrcit had a scant civilian support. Few Catalans had opted for the insurgency and the parties directly involved as Falange, renewals or Spanish Carlist themselves, had little introduction. The main conservative party, the Catalan League, did not participate nor supported esplícit the plot, but the revolutionary situation in Catalonia since 19 July, forcing many to flee their leaders who showed their support for the cause Franco.
The 18 and 19 July, the mobilization of street parties and unions desquerra had a role in the defeat of the rebellion. Goded surrendered to the forces and the insurgents fled fighting in other Catalan cities. The victory was living as a great popular success.

The consolidation of the 1.3-sides
-The insurgents were led by soldiers who were supported by the upper classes and of the most conservative right-wing monarchists, Catholic groups, Falangists traditionalists and those who knew opposed the reforms of the Republic. We have the support of Italian Fascism and German and is defined as national and Catholics. The military said that its intention was to impose a dictatorship to reestablish the order and stop the risk of a social revolution. The monarchists and CEDA, then wanted to return back alfonso monarchy, while Falangist impose a fascist regime in Italy and the Carlist expected lanhelada traditionalist establishment of the monarchy.
Loyal to the republic were formed by the popular classes: workers and urban workers, landless peasants and petty bourgeoisie. Most were members or supporters of organizations, socialist, communist and anorcosindicalistes cells.
All of them essentially defended the legitimacy and the whole republican reforms undertaken during the biennium desquerres and the popular front.
Lenfrontament armed conflict between these 2 sectors, where there was, on the one hand the old dominant groups of the peninsular and dune restoration workers and other groups emerging bourgeois who wanted to establish a constructive and democratic political progressive social order.
Lenfrontament occurred so desperate for a win was essential to transform Spanish society.

1.4-The internationalization of Civil War
-The Civil War had an impact internationally. Lesclat the war in Spain was seen as a confrontation between the democratic forces, and partly revolutionary (socialist or communist), and the growing fascist regimes (Germany and Italy).
The war of Spain was an event that apacionar and divided governments, media and intellectuals worldwide. The fascist governments (Italy and Germany) were the first to express their sympathy for the rebels and sending them military aid. Also the Portuguese regime filofeixista dOliveira Salazar was a loyal ally of insurectes.
The democratic and progressive world opinion and party workers last of the world marched in favor of the Republic. The USSR supported the Republic, while the European democracies (France, Great Britain) had a more ambiguous position for fear that the conflict spreading to Europe ended. The Republic asked for military and political support in France, but Britain that advocated a policy of containment against lAlemanya a Nazi was informed that if France intervened in Spain by helping the Republic does not support the foreign policy of France to lamenaça Hitler. France led to the creation of a committee of non-intervention (August 1936), based in London, which joined 26 countries. The policy of non-intervention constituted a huge injustice to the Republic and was one of the reasons for its defeat.
1.5 the assessment of foreign-

Non-existence of the committee-intervention did not prevent the sides received foreign aid 2. The insurgents were most favored by sending darmes Italian and German.
Germany has sent its aircraft to Spain, the Condor Legion, and used the Civil War espanuola as a test of some new weapons.
The Italian support lenviament consisted of a large unit, the Rangers Truppe volontaire.
With troops and insurgents fought volunteers Portuguese, Irish and other nationalities, in cases in moles or ddeología ultracatòlica to fascism.
The Republic was forced to buy energy products aremes and wherever he could as he could. Largo Caballero’s government decided to send the Soviet Union in October of 1936, the DOR reserves of the Bank of Spain to face the payment of the weapons purchased by the Republic.
In return the Soviet military advisers played a leading role in organizing tactic of war, as well as their political commissars, who exert their influence through, especially the Communist Party (PCE).
The Republicans had the troops of the International Brigades volunteers. A genuine anti-fascist solidarity movimentde was due more than 60,000 volunteers, arriving last of the world, had featured a speech in defense of Mdrid and different battlefields. They play an important role organizations like the Communist International Comintern. Among the volunteers there was in Europe and America from volunteers, and progressive dideología desquerres.