Spanish Civil War: A Nation Divided (1936-1939)

SPANISH Civil War From the July 18, 1936 until April 1, 1939, Spain became involved in a long, hard civil war that shocked the world occidental.La Civil War reached international dimensions After the defeat of the Republic, the authoritarian model spread throughout the country. On April 1, 1939, General Franco would begin his personal dictatorship which ended only with his death on November 20, 1975.

The reasons:

The first government headed by Casares Quiroga accelerates the process of reforms, reforms that satisfied this dissatisfaction was expressed in a strong social conflict, which ended polarizing society into two camps, left and right, two groups in short, with different ideological approaches. To this must be to unite the military conspiracies Part of the army was plotting to overthrow a. Republic through a coup. The head of this conspiracy will be the general Mola, Sanjurjo is with him and will be added Queipo de Llano, Goded. Cabanellas. The assassination of the leader of the right, José Calvo Sotelo, 13 July, in reprisal for the murder of Lieutenant Castillo, it was inevitable. On 17 July, rebel troops in Morocco, 18 only a part of army on the peninsula. The military led by General Mola, Franco and Sanjurjo rose Queipo de Llano thought that they would triumph quickly because they did not have a rapid response from leftist groups, but were wrong and triggered a devastating Civil War three years.

The supports and the size

The military revolt succeeded only in part of Spain’s industrial centers and large cities remained loyal. From day 18 was evident the existence of two Spains. The side of the rebels, who soon adopted the name National was supported by different political groups; Falangists Carlist monarchists … And the traditionally dominant groups, landholders financed the coup (Juan March), and a large number of Catholics. Within the armed forces counted 14,000 officers and 150,000 troops, after the death of Sanjurjo, 20 July, was founded in Burgos the Junta of National Defence . The Republic had all the political groups on the left,with a large group of officers, 8500, 160,000 soldiers, and much of the Air Force and Navy. Lacked in the first months of war of unity in the political and military leadership, and that undermines the effectiveness and contributed to losing the war. The Republic had the help of the USSR of Stalin (paid with gold from the Bank of Spain) and France supplied him with weapons at first, but was hard pressed by Britain. Besides foreign volunteers fought (International Brigades), many Communists. The national side received unconditional support from Germany, Hitler and Mussolini’s Italy, the former was essential for African troops crossed the strait Civil War had a great international impact through the deployment of media. And the rise of fascism in Europe.

The development of the conflict and the evolution There are three phases in the development of the conflict; The primary objective of the rebels was to take Madrid. The attacks on the capital had to be made simultaneously from the north and south. The northern forces led by General Mola, advancing with difficulty and could not achieve their goal. Madrid was defended by the militia and troops loyal to the Republic “.
To the south, the advance had to be counting on the African troops. Toledo fell in late September and early October, the rebel troops arrived in Madrid. But Madrid resisted and after several attempts Franco gives up and raises the settlement of the northern front. Oct. 1, Franco focused on political and military power and established his headquarters at Burgos. B) .- The northern front (April-October , 1937) Given the failure to take Madrid, Franco’s troops conquered the entire northern peninsular participate in this action Italian troops and the German Condor Legion With the disappearance of the northern front, the republic lost an area with abundant industrial resources and miners. The assistance provided by the USSR was hampered by Italian submarines.

C) .- The Eastern Front (October 37 to April 39)

The idea of attacking Madrid was again present in the strategy of Franco, but the occupation of Teruel the Republicans made him look to the east. Catalonia was partially occupied and away from the Republican zone. The Republic forces were severely disrupted, Soviet aid. Came with great difficulty and the body of the International Brigades left the country. Among the Republicansposed a divide between those who wanted to resist) and those seeking a bargain, on 4 March in Madrid is trying to negotiate peace, rejects Franco, wants an unconditional surrender. The March 28 Madrid surrenders. On April 1, Franco announced that the war was over.
The Republican Spain lacked from the beginning of political unity and eventually the internal divisions between political parties and trade union forces increased. So the great task undertaken from Largo Caballero will be the reconstruction of the state by initiating a process of centralization. The acceptance of the communist party’s strategy “winning the war first, then social revolution” will lead to confrontation on the streets of Barcelona’s Spain National: early on there was a concentration of power. In October Franco is appointed by the Board of National Defense, Chief of all armies under the title of generalissimo and head of state government. Assumed unlimited powers and political and military. The first measures were: (name the dictatorial)