Spanish Civil War: Key Battles and Events

Failure in Catalonia

Gore leads the conservative movement led by CAT Mola. Conservatives supported the Catalan population, but the ESP and Falange Carlists did not. The Regionalist League did not support the Conservatives or liberals.

The Conservatives won with a majority. Liberals came out on the street with police, population, military, and trade unions. They could not come in the afternoon. Godet resigned.

Internationalization of the Conflict

The U.S. and USSR were pro-liberal Republicans, wanting to modernize. They sent 60,000 international anti-fascist soldiers who battled in three stages. Franco was supported by the right, conservative Catholics, and ITA, GER, and FRA PORTG. Great Britain signed a non-intervention pact with Hitler, along with the war, but they equally left weapons and military in France.

Battle of Madrid (1936-1937)

The people’s militia surged to fight against Franco. 30,000 liberal volunteers in the area conquered by Aragon Franco, but did not conquer Majorca or Aragon. Franco did not start conquering territories, reaching Africa Yague and keeping Mola South Yague devastated. Grandmother resistencia. Franco did not start the battle in Madrid on October 29.

The village joined the slogan “No Pasaran”, so they could not conquer Madrid, arriving brigades anti-fascist. The government moved to Valencia, then wanted to leave Madrid and conquer the surroundings of Madrid alone.

Battle of the North

In 1936-37, Madrid provoked a desire to isolate the battles of Jarama and Guadalajara, where he wanted to win republicans. Mola entered Bizcaya. Franco sent planes to bomb Gernika. Franco Nazis occupied the battle of Brunete Bilbao. Republicans fans drew attention of conservatives and down in Madrid was conquering all the NORTH. France holds Santander and Asturias. The popular army stopped Franco.

Vicente Rojo rose to power and created the battle of Teruel. The top was fine, but with Franco, this positive dynamic ended, and he was forced to evacuate the city.

Catalonia: 1938

Franco attacked Catalonia, approaching Valencia and Lerida, which was the goal. The Liberals at Wise Cat QE state government was in Valencia and created the battle of the Ebro, starting well, but Franco won and destroyed. More than 60,000 republicans died. The Munich agreement with Hitler and Great Britain did not help republicans. Franco squatted BCN Tarrag, 450,000 exiles in France, and Ian Frank wanted them to surrender. He occupied Valencia, Madrid, and Alicante in March 1939. On April 1, the war ended, and Franco took power.

Generalissimo and Caudillo

Jurjen Dies was the conservative leader. In time, a national defense junta was created (French military, Canovelles…). Franco wanted to govern and conquer Toledo. He was supported by Hitler and Mussolini. He was named head of the destination and Generalissimo of the USA armies. The national defense board melted and created a technical and state board. The headquarters was in Salamanca. Franco was able to wage war. Republicans wanted their rifles on the banks of the French conservative Pirmin, who continued with the war. In 1937, the Spanish Falange was created with Frank as its leader. Generalissimo passed the Warboss, following the Catholic and fascist doctrine. The country was unified, strikes were prohibited, and workers were instead…

Franco finally supported the church.

Catalans and Franco

Catalonia had conservatives and Republicans, while Republicans were month after month, Falangists, CEDA, and more people to conservatives. Conservative sexilia changed in France and sent money to the Conservatives. The Catalans were outside of CAT and did nothing.