Spanish Constitutional History: 1812 to Present

Timeline of Key Constitutional Changes

Constitution1812Royal Charter18371845186918761931Fundamental Laws 1936-19661978
Subject of SovereigntyNationKingNationKing and CourtsNation (People)King and CourtNation (People)Undetermined: Chief of StateNation (People)
IdeologyProgressive LiberalConservative (Moderate)ProgressiveConservative (Moderate)Progressive (Democratic)Conservative LiberalProgressive (Republican)Conservative (Dictatorship)Consensual Neutral
Power RelationshipRecognizes the separation of powersThere is no separation of powersAcknowledges the collaboration of powersThere is no separation of powersSeparation of powersThere is no separation of powersCollaboration of powersPower UnitCollaboration of powers
Reform CharacterSuper-rigidFlexibleFlexibleFlexibleRigidFlexibleRigidSuper-rigidRigid
PerpetratorConstituent CourtsKing by decreeConstituent Courts1837 Constitution ReformConstituent CourtsConstituent CourtsConstituent CourtsGeneral FrancoConstituent Courts
Duration of Force1812-1814, 1820-1823 (5 years)1834-1837 (3 years)1837-1845 (8 years)1845-1854, 1856-1868 (22 years)1869-1873 (4 years)1876-1923 (47 years)1931-1939 (8 years)1938-1976 (38 years)In force since 1978
Legislative Chambers

Unicameral: Cortes

Bicameral: Estates of the Proceres and Estates of the Solicitors

Bicameral: Senate and Congress

Bicameral: Senate and Congress

Bicameral: Senate and Congress

Bicameral: Senate and Congress

Unicameral: Congress of Deputies

Unicameral: Cortes

Bicameral: Senate and Congress

SuffrageIndirect universal maleAppointed and indirectly electedCensitaryCensitaryUniversal maleCensitary (until 1890), Universal male (after 1890)Universal female suffrage (first time)There is no free voteUniversal, 18 years and older
Religious QuestionConfessional. No freedom of religionIt is assumed that confessional (not expressed)Non-denominational. Maintains the ChurchConfessional. No freedom of religionNon-denominational. Freedom of religionConfessional. Restricted freedom of worshipNon-denominational. Religious freedomConfessional. There is no religious freedomNon-denominational. Religious freedom
Rights and FreedomsYes, it recognizes themNoYesNoYes, widelyYes, but more restrictedYesNoYes
Territorial OrganizationCentralistCentralistCentralistCentralistCentralistCentralistAutonomistCentralistAutonomous State
Kings and RulersFernando VII and RegencyMaria Cristina (Regent of Elizabeth II)Maria Cristina (Regent of Elizabeth II)Elizabeth II (Narváez)Regency. Governments of SerranoAlfonso XII (Canovas and Sagasta)Second Republic (Alcalá Zamora and Azaña)General FrancoJuan Carlos I (A. Suarez, Calvo Sotelo, F. Gonzalez, Aznar, and ZP)
Political or Economic SystemEconomic liberalismEconomic liberalismEconomic liberalismEconomic liberalismEconomic liberalismEarly protectionismSocialization of some sectorsAutarky and liberal capitalismSocial Market Economy