Spanish Demographic and Economic Shifts (1877-1930)
Demographic Change in Spain (1877-1930)
The Demographic Transition
The demographic transition was a phenomenon common to all countries that underwent industrialization. It was characterized by falling birth rates and mortality rates. Between 1877 and 1930, mortality decreased due to improved feeding, urban infrastructure, lower incidence of disease, and greater cleanliness and hygiene. Average life expectancy increased.
Birth rates also increased as a result of increased urbanization and rationality in family planning. As a result, the Spanish population grew. However, the modernization of the demography had a setback.
Migratory Movements
Mobility of the Spanish population was very limited until 1880, when migration to overseas territories began. From 1900 to 1914, Spanish emigration reached a peak, which declined due to World War I. The causes were that employment grew less than the population, scarcity of economic transformation, and improvement of navigation, narrowing the passage and leave for Latin America.
External migration slowed down foreign emigration. Madrid and Barcelona became the main industrial centers, while Bilbao and Seville became the main poles of attraction for migrants.
The Intensification of Urbanization
The most remarkable period of growth was between the end of the First World War and the crash of 1929. Big cities increased their population. In 1930, Bilbao’s population had doubled since 1900. Other cities also became important industrial or mining centers. The majority of the population exodus came from rural areas. The urbanization process resulted slower than in other European countries.
Economic Trends in Spain (1877-1930)
Economic Recovery
The 20th century began with the disaster of 1898. The disappearance of colonial markets hurt exports, but despite that, the crisis was overcome. There was low inflation, a reduction in public debt, and the repatriation of many capitals.
The Conjuncture of the First World War
Spanish neutrality during World War I fostered a major economic expansion. Increased external demand stimulated production growth for the first time in a long time. The Spanish balance of payments recorded a positive balance. However, the growth in demand triggered an inflationary process. The juncture of world war provided great opportunities for good deals and easy enrichment, the popular classes experienced a worsening of their living.
The cost of living went up, which caused a wave of strikes and workers’ claims. The end of the war unleashed a strong demand crisis. The domestic market was unable to substitute for exports, and many firms had to close. The working classes had to cope with rising unemployment, and social discontent was expressed in strikes. Not all economic sectors were affected (steel and chemical).
The Effects of the Crisis of 1929
In 1929, a worldwide economic depression began following the crash of the NYSE. The influence of the Great Depression was felt in the most dynamic economic sectors that guided much of its production to international trade. The crisis reverberated through Spain through the depreciation of the peseta.