Spanish-English Vocabulary: Food, Farming, and Grammar
- Apple: Manzana
- Avocado: Aguacate
- Banana: Banana
- Grape: Uva
- Mango: Mango
- Melon: Melón
- Pineapple: Piña
- Tangerine: Mandarina
- Peach: Durazno
- Pear: Pera
- Plum: Ciruela
- Raspberry: Frambuesa
- Strawberry: Frutilla
- Grapefruit: Pomelo
- Orange: Naranja
- Coconut: Coco
- Watermelon: Sandía
- Lemon: Limón
- Cherry: Cereza
- Starfruit: Carambola
- Bean: Frijoles
- Spinach: Espinaca
- Watercress: Berro
- Zucchini: Calabacín, calabacita
- Leek: Puerro
- Green pepper: Pimiento verde
- Red pepper: Pimiento rojo
- Pumpkin: Calabaza
- Tomato: Tomate
- Potato: Papa
- Asparagus: Espárrago
- Celery: Apio
- Eggplant: Berenjena
- Lettuce: Lechuga
- Peas: Arveja, guisantes
- Beetroot: Remolacha
- Broccoli: Brócoli
- Cabbage: Repollo
- Cauliflower: Coliflor
- Garlic: Ajo
- Carrot: Zanahoria
- Cucumber: Pepino, cocombro
- Onion: Cebolla
- Corn: Maíz
Farming Vocabulary:
- Wheat: Trigo
- Farm: Granja
- Ranch: Rancho
- Farmer: Agricultor
- Barn: Granero
- Field: Campo
- The well: El pozo
- The greenhouse: El invernadero
- The hoe: Azada
- The plow: El arado
- The fence: La Cerca – portón
- The seeds: Las semillas
- The manure: El estiércol
- The dairy farm: La lechería
- The tools: Las herramientas
- The tractor: El tractor
- The truck: El camión
- The tow truck: La grúa
Simple Past Tense Exercises
Complete the sentences with the simple past:
- I had a shower and some fruit for breakfast.
- Then I went to the sports centre.
- I swam 500 meters in the swimming pool and then I ran 5 kilometers.
- At lunch time I met my friends in a café.
- We ate some pasta and drank some juice.
- After lunch I slept for a few hours, I was tired!
Plural Nouns Exercise
What is the correct plural of the word?
- These (person) people are protesting against the president.
- The (woman) women over there want to meet the manager.
- My (child) children hate eating pasta.
- I clean my (tooth) teeth three times a day.
- The (student) students are doing the exercise right now.
- The (fish) fish I bought is in the fridge.
- They are sending some (man) men to fix the roof.
- Most (housewife) housewives work more than ten hours a day at home.
- Where did you put the (knife) knives?
Regular Verb Conjugation
Place the correct conjugation of the regular verb.
Present → Past → Participle
- I play → I played → I have played
- She listens → She listened → She has listened
- You work → You worked → You have worked
- Andrew cleans → Andrew cleaned → Andrew has cleaned
- We count → We counted → We have counted
- I help → I helped → I have helped
- The brothers live → The brothers lived → The brothers have lived
- He watches → He watched → He has watched
- They start → They started → They have started
- Susan looks → Susan looked → Susan has looked
- I walk → I walked → I have walked
- You visit → You visited → You have visited
- We enjoy → We enjoyed → We have enjoyed
- My parents open → My parents opened → My parents have opened
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Write the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:
Adjective → Comparative → Superlative
- Old → Older → Oldest
- Big → Bigger → Biggest
- Fat → Fatter → Fattest
- Happy → Happier → Happiest
- Simple → Simpler → Simplest
- Lazy → Lazier → Laziest
- Important → More important → Most important
- Expensive → More expensive → Most expensive
- Intelligent → More intelligent → Most intelligent
- Good → Better → Best
- Bad → Worse → Worst
- Little → Less → Least
Linking Words Exercise
Linking Words: and, so, but, because.
Complete the sentences with: and, so, but, or because.
- In my bedroom there’s a bed and a closet.
- Our apartment’s small, but it’s comfortable.
- I like living here because it’s near the university.
- I like Chinese food, but my husband doesn’t like it at all.
- We both like sailing, so we live near the ocean.
- I like downtown Asunción because it’s very exciting.
- Mike likes ice cream so he’s going to buy El Heladero.
- John has a motorcycle and a huge truck.
Possessive Nouns Exercise
Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.
- The birds’ color (birds).
- The lights’ hues (lights).
- The museum’s painting (museum).
- The mattress’s length (mattress).
- New York’s metropolitan museum (New York).
- The officer’s uniform (Officer).