Spanish Film Industry: Structure, Regulations, and Support

Spanish Film Industry Structure

The Institute’s dependent organs include:

  • Protection Fund Film
  • Cinema Museum
  • The Commission of Motion Picture Score
  • The Film Business Registers
  • Research Center and Film Experience
  • Commission Room X
  • The Higher Council of Cinematography
  • The Committee to Aid Production
  • The Committee of aid distribution

The Director General, situated in front of the ICAA, provides the impetus to the Institute’s activities, including staff recruitment and the granting and distribution of aid. Autonomous regions show a disparate organizational structure, with entities like “Film Commissions”. Both the state and autonomous communities maintain an administrative record of Cinema and Audiovisual Enterprises.

The Film Act 2007 and Regulations

The legal framework for filmmaking in Spain is primarily based on Law 55/07 of Cinema, a continuation of Law 15/01 and Law 17/94. These laws adapted Spanish legislation to Community law. Earlier laws include 3/80 and the Act of April 27, 1946, which set out screen dimensions and the management of the national film industry.

Law 55/07 has shaped regulations concerning public support, inspection of exhibition halls, ticketing systems, and co-productions.

Key Regulatory Areas

The regulations cover several key areas:

  1. The Public Assistance System
  2. The movie rating system
  3. Contributions Screen
  4. The relationship between Film and Television
Public Assistance

“Promotion” is central to Spanish and European legal regulation. Chapter III of the Act focuses on building measures and incentives. Article 19 prioritizes cultural projects and independent productions over large television-related companies.

Support for the amortization of features is automatic, based on box office revenues. This means that more economically viable films receive more support. Support is also provided for creation, development, distribution, exhibition, conservation, promotion, new technologies, research, co-official language cinema, and external promotion.