Spanish Generation of 1927: Key Authors and Works
Generation of 1927: A Literary Movement
Formed by a large group of artists (painters, writers, etc.), the Generation of 1927 is the most important poetic group of its time. The year 1927 marked the tercentenary of the death of Luis de Góngora (1627). All the authors came from public, liberal education, and all were university literature specialists. They were united by a close relationship of friendship. Their models were Góngora and Juan Ramón Jiménez, both of whom developed a perfect student residence. Poetry helped them identify with new literary currents. The group of ’27 published in magazines such as Revista de Occidente, Litoral, Cruz y Raya, and Caballo Verde para la Poesía.
Rehabilitating Góngora’s Poetry
The poets of the Generation of ’27 proposed to rehabilitate Góngora’s poetry. They did this by holding poetry readings, publishing Góngora’s poetry, and offering commentary. Dámaso Alonso specialized in this author. Rafael Alberti imagined what the third of Góngora’s Soledades might have been. Gerardo Diego published anthologies of Spanish poetry, including that of the Generation of ’27.
Characteristics of the Generation of ’27’s Poetry
The poetry of the Generation of ’27 is characterized by finding a balance:
- Between intellectual and sentimental poetry
- Between pure and human poetry
- Between appealing to majorities or minorities
- Between Spain and Europe
- Between tradition and renovation
From a formal standpoint, there is a generalization of free verse.
Key Authors and Works
Federico García Lorca
Creator of exceptional poetry, Lorca wrote the following works:
- First books: Libro de poemas, a youthful work showing the influence of modernism.
- Series of poems: Canciones, of great simplicity, fast pace, and popular tone, with tragic themes for children.
- The Tragic Andalusia:
- Poema del Cante Jondo: Demonstrates the weeping of the land of Andalusia.
- Romancero Gitano: Shows the world of gypsies.
- Surrealist poetry: Poeta en Nueva York, a work inspired by the feeling he experienced during his stay in this city.
- Other works:
- Llanto por la muerte de Ignacio Sánchez Mejías: A long and beautiful elegy showing his grief.
- Diván del Tamarit: A work inspired by Arabic-Andalusian lyrics.
- Sonetos del amor oscuro: Deals with the theme of love in a tone of bitterness.
Luis Cernuda
Cernuda’s verses express loving feelings of loneliness, frustration, desolation, and sadness. He tends towards pessimism and pure poetry.
- Los placeres prohibidos: Lines that voice his complaint and rebellion against social conventions.
- Donde habite el olvido: Intimately painful books.
- Desolación de la quimera: The poet expresses his bitterness and his memories.
Pedro Salinas
Thoughtful and sober poetry in language.
- Razón de amor
- Todo más claro
Jorge Guillén
- Cántico: A joyful poem full of vitality.
- Homenaje: Retrieves the most optimistic tone of Cántico. Pure and sophisticated poetry.
Vicente Aleixandre
A poet with a lyrical journey. Three broad stages of his career can be distinguished:
- Surreal Stage: La destrucción o el amor, Sombra del paraíso.
- Second Phase: Historia del corazón.
- Latest works: Poemas de la consumación, Diálogos del conocimiento.
Gerardo Diego
Poetry of the avant-garde.
- Imagen
- Manual de espumas
- Versos humanos
- Alondra de Verdad
Dámaso Alonso
Dámaso Alonso’s poetry is of tremendous value and significance.
Works: Hijos de la ira – free verse and discreet language.
Rafael Alberti
Avant-garde and surrealist poetry; committed verse.
- Marinero en tierra
- Sobre los ángeles
- El poeta en la calle
Miguel Hernández
Author of some of the most beautiful poems in Spanish lyric poetry.
- El rayo que no cesa
- Viento del pueblo