Spanish History: From Autarky to Modernity

Autarki (39-52):

Civil War is declining labor force, repression and lack of provisions and exilio.Existe gold reserves disappear. Company frankismo imposed cotidinana life changes and cultural behavior and ex religioso.Con is no attempt to control social and ideologico.Vuelta the field because of the regime’s propaganda against dangers virtues city simple life. Create institutions to control pa youth as “youth front” and the female section. Education compulsory political education classes and Roman Catholic religion. Paternalistic society’s direction, trying to control tds factors and public and private life dirigila x state and national movement. Primary school paper importan.Economicamente juice, the state plan autobastecimiento, ie q has to live with what the country is known as “autarki.” There is THROUGH food rationing cards of sorts and protects racionamiento.Se nacional.Se industris nationalized railways . In field service works q Regual national wheat prices and buy at farmers’ production lsAs well as national institutional pa colonization implanting settlers in areas d regadio.Comerio increases exports and low economic activities importacion.Racionamiento produces illegal black market, creates new class ricos.Hay an economic downturn, resulting in hunger, lack of raw materials, only increase working hours, children incorporacionmujer and ekilibrar help the family budget. Prices are rising, declining or stagnant wages. First causes are repressed conflistos q Consti1837.

Progresitsta government announces cuts pa develop consti. Is combination progresitas aspirations and concessions to the moderates. Assume the first division national sovereignty and recode powers. Statement libertades.Potestad rights and courts to make laws. Legislative bicamelares courts, congress, vote sencitario. Executive: King appoints ministers.
Constitution is a liberal progressive, makes concessions to moderates ls as ls poderesmonarca, bicameral structure cuts and Catholic religion.
The law allowed Consti78 finally the activity of all parties and freedom of association. Was convened on 15 June for its first democratic elections, the politicians who went 106 games. There were four major political forces: Suarez’s UCD, PSOE of the PCE F. Carillo Gonzalez, AP de Fraga. Also we must mention the nationalist parties PNV and CDC. UCD won them, a group sponsored by Sullivan himself, followed by the PSOE. The new Constituent Cortes appointed a committee to draft a constitution by consensus, a sort of agreement between the main political forces. During 1978 the main political forces worked on drafting a constitution. It was a draft constitution by consensus acceptable to all. The consensus reached was focused mainly in respect of the market economy and national unityWithin a structured autonomous state. On 4 December of that year approved the Cons. The Spanish state is primarily a social and democratic state of law. With higher values of its legal freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism. The Spanish state is an autonomous state, similar in structure to the so-called federal states. Enshrined in the Cons. In 1978, the classic division of the 3 democratic powers. The first is the general courts, which are bicameral. The executive for government and administration. The Autonomous Communities also has a legislature and its corresponding government, not to mention the superior courts for each community. Other constitutional bodies are: the crown, the ombudsman, the constitutional court, the court of accounts, the council of state. The Spanish constitution contains a thorough treatment of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In order juridic Spanish State, in addition to Const include: Institutional Acts, whose principal purpose is the development of the Constitution, ordinary laws, which are the codes, except the criminal code. The Spanish legal system is now comprised of special laws, more or less extensive on very different subjects. The autonomous communities are equipped with self-governing territory are the main administrative divisions of the Spanish State. The 1978 Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the nation, but recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of nationalities and regions that comprise it. About this law, certain provinces with common historical, cultural and economic characteristics have agreed to self-government, becoming autonomous. Thus, throughout the Spanish State is divided into autonomous regions. The state recognizes and protects the statutes of autonomy as part of the order juridic. Must have the name of the community, the delimitation of its territory … There are matters that State alone, although this may transfer or delegate, in certain cases, some of these powers, other matters are the responsibility of each community and others, in short, are of shared competence. Autonomy must be based on a legislative assembly, a governing council with executive and administrative functions and a president to lead it and a superior court. The implementation of the autonomous state since 1984, with the approval of several laws such as the organic law of finance and the law governing the bases of local government.


ending the war and dictatorship comes militar.Republicanos are exiliadosyencarcelados.2No war is crucial par globaliza international relations conducted interviews Franco.España states neutral.


Hitler and Mussolini to intervene findeq not change guerra.Solo belligerence, command Volutariado, blue division, losing fight against fascist suro.Cuando abandonment nonbelligerency pra neutralidad.Idelogia Frankistan based public policy, keria iglesia.Franco Catholicism and liberalism and democracy been banished liberal.Cuenta military support, Falangists traditionalists, Monark and trends are catoliscos “families of the regime” social frankismo esburguesia, aristocracy and proletariat with tolitario state agricola.Crea tods nuevas.Desmantelan laws prohibit insitu republican political parties, all power ex, head state, gobi, single party and military. Caudillo pass laws and they owe allegiance. Form authoritarian regime of personal character. Unique Spanish Phalange Party jons traditionalist and later called national movement, this has frete youth (students), women’s section. State Frankistan mzlca dictadua absolute military monarkia without a king. It provides series of laws principles: Out of work jurisdiction of the Spanish (declarion spice of Derex ibertads yl) organicacion national union, creation of courts of law, University Organization Act, Law on Primary Education (Catholic) referendun law (law of succession to the leadership Status (proposed state chief successor) End 2guerramundial, defeat fascism, political prisoners amnesty. Aisalaron to ex vencedos Countries. Spaña UN was not admitted. Trying to overthrow Franco x pacificos.Organiza media demonstration of popular support and a referendum supporting the scheme. Countries withdrew their ambassadors. Economino and political boycott is reforzo.Inicia Cold War (47) U.S. And Inglant URSS.EU and dislocate pa frank approach starts against communism. Adimitda Spain international agencies and UN ambassadors cuelta recomendo Madris. Spaña enter united nations . Fima concordat with the Holy See, strengthens alliance with inglesi. EU.Spaña Firman gave military treaties with military bases to counter the expansionist military aid to cmbio economy ypolitica. Sonstituye Regimen q exceeds organic democracy liberal democracy. Political participation is a natural. Guera After World appoints ex-ministers of the Catholic Action approach ls pa q Christian parties govern muxs European countries.

Ideology, Frankistan INSTITUTIONS AND FOREIGN POLICY, 2nd Part (59-75):

isolation span longer exists, friendship with the continuity in EU.Sige law años.Promulga first principles of the national movement insists on Catholicism, family, union and democracy organic . They are technocrats and Opus Dei. Ruiz tries to create political Asociacións nada.Intenta not reached revitalize the union, bringing on moderate opposition leaders. Fraga creates press law. The organic law of the state (66) unifies previous laws, eliminating autoriataria fascist terminology. Cosa.Jefatura estadoygobierno no difference between them, is done with this last race, after being named vicepresident.Aumenta social unrest, strikes and demonstrations and sugr 1 bourbon sucesor.Franco Antentas ETA.NOmbra Juancarlos arabes.Spaña countries seeking support is forced to grant independence marrue.Spato request community input x is accepted economic europea.N not have cultural agreements democratico.Firman political system and economy Inglan, Germans and Francey reaffirm the agreements with the world passes arabe.Spaña begins DECOLONIZATION marruecos.Y guinea Ifni. Same time produces reivindicación Gibraltar, giving reason to spaña xro UN bloquea.En referendum issue for Britain giblaltar manifest. Tb-colonized Sahara.Cede to Morocco and Mauritania after the Green March. Regime in crisis (73) Franco government appoints presidn carter. I intend to continue after the death of Franco, but ETA is asesita and promises new president Arias Navarro timid reforms, there are riots and protests is aggravated and the government response is repression.


conkista order and start the second century, the pre-Roman peoples ended up thinking, talking, and feeling like Romans. The concept Romanization refers to the assimilation of cultural forms economicasSocial, linguistic, religious, artistic etc … Roma.La romanization of closer involvement is full of Hispanic society in the entire Roman world (economy, society, culture and religion). Through this process, indigenous peoples were taking romana.Con the Roman culture is necessary to consider the following: “vary according to location and depending on the time .- romanizacion.Se meant the conquest occurred slowly. -tp the disappearance of their own cultural forms was complete. Agents romanization highlight: Roman soldiers spread-language-creation of cities by blunt ciudaddanos Romans and Latins. -Selective concessions to the right of citizenship, important in the era of CIESAS after Caracalla’s decree, all the inhabitants of the empire obtained the right of Roman citizenship. -Organization and municipal administrava. Q-the influence exerted on indigineas the presence of greats like Scipio, incessantly, graco, Sempronius. -Linguistic unification, using the Latin. Construction calzadas.Los-cultural aspects relating to the adoption of Latin as a common language, Roman law, later polytheistic religion and Christianity mind. Economy, the land became state property and was generalized vllas system, the tendency to extract metals is necessary. Roman culture had a character x pracitco them the Romans were great engineers and great Builders of public works. Rome left impostantes artistic works, rings, temples, acuedusctos, a large urban network, roads and other public infrastructure.

Charles I: Internal:

Arrival of Catholic kings grandson, will be tensions. Carlos was a foreigner, did not know the reality of the country and I immediately cut subsidies to achieve the imperial title, the Spaniards showed their discontent. Constrituyeron Castilian cities in communities, q abiertamete rebelled against the ruler Utrecht. The movement led commoner x the urban middle classes, badaba his ideas on supporting traditional institutions against royal absolutism and in defense of Castilian nationalism against the imperial designs of Charles I. The aristocracy held aloofBut when the movement was radicalized, the nobility began to serve the regency council. The process is interpreted as unalucha tb between feudal mentality and urban land. A commoner revolt lacks a concrete agenda. Fights against certain realities, but lack overall objectives, seeking justice and freedom, equality call q abuses had fallen in the system, but does not fight the system itself. Nobility Pkeña support the rebellion. This was crushed in the battle and its main dirifentes Villalar were executed.

The germanias:

with a keen sense of social protest erupted in Mallorca and Valencia the movement of the Germanic. The agrermanats came to reject the army of the viceroy, taking over Valencia but alfinal were defeated by the royal army, reinforced by hosts nobility.


the main ideas of this policy were: to isolate France and achieve unity Peninsula. The external problems are: q their main enemies were the Turks, the German Protestant princes and France. The problem was the Protestant Reformation. In the decade of the 10 were several meetings to solucional the problem, then try emperor covenant life with little besides q exito.En view the German Protestant princes had assembled in one block, to fight the emperor urges the church to convene a council to try to define the dogma itself and reform the church catholic. In the imperial city of Trento in the absence of protstantes dde. Decant the solution x military, defeated the Protestants in the pirncipes Battle of Muhlberg. To Protestants it sparecio insufficient and allied with France, has again declared war on the peace sign emperador.Se augburgo, q q in any territory claimed the religion of the prince would be the religion of the subjects, and gave religious freedom. The wars with France lasted many years, overcame all the emperor. The war against the Turks has its origin in the expasión by the Mediterranean.

Philip II: Internal

Distinguish two periods: the first phase q 1555/68 show a continuing policy of Charles I, with a team of liberal advisers, q respects the characteristics of each kingdom. A second stage 68/98 with a tougher policy and attempts intransigente.Son centralization of Flanders, reducing self-government, cutting power to parliament and raising taxes. In Catalonia there are social conflicts and valence Moorish problem. Suspending the privileges of the city of barcelona. Therefore, the actual intervention in the surrounding areas increased significantly. Major conflicts are aragon revolt and insurrection alpujarras.

Aragon Revolt:

Antonio Perez was secretary to Philip II. John of Austria was given the task of pacifying the country and to prepare plans to invade England from the Netherlands. Juan de Austria Escobedo shipping to pressure the king in favor of his plans. Antonioperez apparently persuaded Philip II to the desirability of the elimination of escobedoThis was accused and executed. The facts were known and the charges were multiplied against the king and his secretary perez. Philip perez blame laid on the fact. Perez was convicted and imprisoned, but escaped and took refuge consuiguio in Aragon, where he declared under the protection of the laws of the kingdom. Philip ntonces to inkisicion resorted to hurry Antonioperez, saving the laws of the kingdom apparently. The inkisicion accuse him of heresy, but the people of zaragoza q consider the intervention of the king went against were, mutinied and facilitated the escape of perez to france. At the same time there was a revolt against the power of aragon king. Philip repressed x milital via rebellion and did run to justice. We can locate Antonioperez acuta as advisor to the French and English crowns.

Alpujarras Revolt:

the minority is causing Moorish unassimilated initial repressive measures do rouse Philip Moors. After four years of war were subjected military in time of Philip III, expelled all the Moors will pensinsula.

Philip II, External:

inherits all the territories of his father Charles. External problems are: FRANCE: civieles.Francia riots experienced a kind of Civil War with many disturbances. Spain acts to make the problem more. Battle of San Quintin, q wins in Spain, q termna FIMR peace with the hegemony of Spain in Italy. ENGLAND: Queen Elizabeth I as aid to the rebels Netherlands, Philip II decided to invade England, two fleets, Unden large navy. PORTUGAL: Courts recognize Philip as king, the union of Portugal is the immense advantages inherited q colonial empire Philip II and the traditional friendship between England and Portugal. TURKISH: Mediterraneo. FLANDERS: Protestant princes.