Spanish Literature: A Comprehensive Overview

Spanish Literature Overview


The union of an auxiliary verb and a non-personal form, functioning as a single verb with one significance. It may include a link.

Prepositional Phrases

A group of words that function as a whole and include prepositions.

Subject Specifications

  • Played by a noun or equivalent construction.
  • The verb agrees with the noun in number and person.
  • Can be replaced by personal pronouns.
  • Built without a preposition.
  • Can fail in prayer.

Direct Object Characteristics

  • Played by a noun, animal, etc.
  • Preceded by the preposition “a”.
  • Can be replaced by “lo”, “la”, “los”, “las”.

Indirect Object Characteristics

  • Introduced by the preposition “a”.
  • Can be replaced by “le”, “les”.
  • When the direct object is replaced by “se”, the indirect object is also replaced by “se”.

Attribute Characteristics

  • Works as an attribute (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, or prepositional phrases).
  • Consistent in gender and number with the noun.
  • Replaced by gender-neutral pronouns.

Coordinate Clauses

Found at the same hierarchical level.


Grammatical elements that unite phrases or sentences at the same hierarchical level.

Copulative Conjunctions

y, e, ni

Disjunctive Conjunctions

Show opposite options (o).

Adversative Conjunctions

The second clause introduces opposition to the first (pero, mas, sino).

Distributive Conjunctions

Express alternation (bien…bien, ya…ya).

Explanatory Conjunctions

The second clause clarifies the first (es decir, o sea).

Juxtaposed Clauses

Clauses in the same sentence without a conjunction.

Subordinate Clauses

Clauses that function within another clause (the main clause).

Substantive Clauses

Perform the functions of noun phrases.

Adjective Clauses

Serve the functions of adjective phrases (que, quien, cual, como, cuando, donde, cuyo). The relative pronoun functions as a subordinating element, introducing a subordinate adjective clause and having a syntactic function within the clause.

  • Noun Adjective Clauses (quien, como)
  • Specific Adjective Clauses (without commas)
  • Explanatory Adjective Clauses (between commas)

Literary Figures and Works


  • The Triumphs: Allegorical poem in terza rima.
  • The Canzoniere: Collection of love poems inspired by Laura de Noves.

Garcilaso de la Vega

  • Influenced by Latin and Renaissance themes.
  • Known for formal perfection and clarity of expression.
  • Key themes: locus amoenus, feminine beauty, idealization, carpe diem.
  • Eclogues: Pastoral poems exploring love and nature.

Theater Authors

Encina, Torres Naharro, Lope de Rueda, Juan de la Cueva.

Picaresque Poetry

  • First-person narrative.
  • Realistic occurrences.
  • Protagonist from a dishonorable family.
  • Open-ended work.

Fray Luis de León

  • Italianate verse forms with classical and religious themes.
  • Known for sobriety and naturalness of style.
  • Prose works include translations of the Bible and commentaries.

St. John of the Cross

  • Dark Night of the Soul: Expresses the joy of spiritual perfection.
  • Spiritual Canticle: Songs between the soul and the divine.
  • Living Flame of Love: Expresses the joy of the soul scorched by God’s love.

Jorge Manrique

  • Love poetry influenced by courtly tradition.
  • Verses on the Death of His Father (Coplas por la muerte de su padre): Famous elegy exploring themes of life, death, and fame.

Gonzalo de Berceo

: 1st is the name known Spanish poet, was born in berceo, village of La Rioja, their childhood is spent in San Millán de Suso, was a clergyman of San Millan de la bud. Works on religious, didactic and moralistic. Works of lives of saints (Santo Domingo de Silos, san millan and St. oria. most important work miracles lady nuetra ).Characteristics of the sentimental novel – the love professed adoration for the beloved who usually becomes tormented passion. The lady is presented as being full of beauty and virtues. The language is ornate and rhetorical, full of metaphors, antithesis … the love, not being fully reciprocated, usually have a tragic ending. Mester of clergy: aesthetic consciousness and will of cultured, religious inspiration and influence on issues such silly ideological and didactic; clrerigos writers and people of Latin classical culture; of rhymed same # of syllables forming the frame via; the verses are to be recited; mester of minstrelsy: verses of great beauty, the minstrels sang secular subjects, the public domain but little infromación; irregular verses rhyme assonance; compositions are to be sung .Gender Issues in the matchmaker: a text in dialogue because some consider it a dramatic piece to read because of the difficulty of the representation, others include it within the narrative as a novel kind of dialogue. Other authors think that red I try to create a novel that criticizes the sentimental novel. Not for the delimitation of its genre and literary INNOVATION and originality make it a very important work of our literature.