Spanish Literature After the Civil War (1939-Present)

Spanish Literature Since 1936

The postwar period brought two main literary trends:

  • A conservative aesthetic trend, cultivated by authors ideologically close to the regime.
  • Literature expressing existential despair caused by war, evolving toward social criticism in the 1950s.

Existential Fiction in the 1940s

In 1939, the cultural landscape was bleak; many writers were exiled, and literature was determined by censorship. Around 1942, the novel took a new direction, becoming existential, with key themes of the narrative. It was understood that literary art is not disinterested but should reflect and report the social situation of man to raise awareness. After suffering the ordeal of war, authors dealt with reality as a theme. This current, called tremendismo, reflected brutal aspects of reality to encourage deep reflection about the human condition.


  • Camilo José Cela with The Family of Pascual Duarte
  • Miguel Delibes with The Shadow of the Cypress is Long, showing existential concerns such as death or unhappiness.

Social Novel of the 1950s

The narrative moved away from existential concerns and focused on social conflict and injustice. It turned to the description of social conditions, with a clear ethical stance.

Features of this novel:

  • Use of realistic and objective techniques to approach the facts.
  • Lack of focus on the psychological analysis of the characters.
  • Replacement of the individual protagonist with a collective character.
  • Concentration on spatial and temporal facts.
  • Simplicity and clarity of language.

Novels that exemplify social narrative: The Hive by Cela and Jarama by Ferlosio Sanchez.

Experimental Novel of the 1960s and 70s

In the 1960s, there was a weariness of critical realism. Social realism decayed, and the novel developed into what is known as the experimental novel, seeking new techniques and forms of expression. Authors worried about formal and linguistic research and opted for experimentation. The narrative focused on playing with the story’s form, structure, and language in many ways.

Characteristics of the Experimental Novel:

  • Multiplicity of viewpoints, use of second-person narrative, free indirect style, and inner monologue.
  • Destruction of the temporal linearity of the story, with techniques such as flashbacks.
  • Innovative treatment of language, manifested in the breakdown of logic and syntax.
  • Departure from the traditional division into chapters in the external structure. Sequences are used, separated by spaces. Regarding the internal structure, techniques such as counterpoint (combination and interaction of different stories) and open structural approaches (no indication of outcome, etc.) are used.

Key works include: Five Hours with Mario by Delibes and Time of Silence by Luis Martin. Five Hours with Mario represents Delibes’ incorporation into the renewal current. The work presents Carmen’s monologue while watching over the body of her husband, Mario.

The Modern Novel

The modern novel retained classic narrative patterns: interest in the plot, linear development of history, and the unique voice of the narrator. It predominantly features urban issues, unheroic characters, a very careful style, and frequent notes of humor.

Genres and Authors:

  • Detective fiction and intrigue: Manuel Vazquez Montalban, author of a series featuring the detective Carvalho.
  • Historical novel: The Old Siren by José Luis Sampedro, Captain Alatriste by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
  • Novel of inner reflection: Focuses on personal research and reflection on one’s own existence. Mortal and Pink by Francisco Umbral, a heartfelt reflection on death in a brilliant style.
  • Novel of memory or testimony: The memory of a generation and commitment are the main themes. Novelists include Luis Mateo Diez with The Fountain of Age, a lyrical and humorous critique of provincial life; Edward Mendoza with The Truth About the Savolta Case; Antonio Muñoz Molina with The Polish Rider; and Juan Marsé with Last Afternoons with Teresa.