Spanish Literature: Lexicon, Word Formation, and Literary Figures

1. Creation, Incorporation, and Loss of Words

1.1 Origin of Words

The greater part of the lexicon comes from Latin, known as the patrimonial lexicon. In some cases, Latin words have changed over time, making it difficult to recognize their relationship with the resulting Spanish word. In other cases, Latin words have barely changed, leading to the substrate known as cultismos.

Las voces are words that have their origin in linguistic strata formed by languages spoken in the Iberian Peninsula before the Roman colonization. Loan words are those that have been incorporated because of the coexistence of different peoples and also by language contact for social, political, and cultural reasons.

1.2 Lexical Innovation: The Creation of Words

In science and technology, new terms have been coined at every step. The same applies to common language, which has incorporated words and expressions through which we can refer to realities that did not exist decades ago. There are also words that do not refer to any reality, but with which people try to put them into circulation, differentiating them from others or being expressive. But even banality and sheer carelessness can lead to changes in languages, with new words expanding the vocabulary.

We have procedures related to other words that facilitate the integration of words into the lexical system.

1.3 Procedures for Lexical Extension or Renewal

  • Broadening the meaning of existing words, creating a new meaning that metaphorically maintains a relationship with the original meaning. The change of meaning occurs when the primary meaning is lost with the expansion of significado, and only the new meaning remains.
  • Forming a word from another or others by means of derivation, composition, or abbreviation.
  • Loan words are words borrowed from other languages, usually from languages of greater semantic prestige.
  • Calques are formed when new meanings are incorporated from a foreign language to corresponding words of the language itself.

3. Procedures for the Formation of Words

3.1 Derivation

There are different procedures for the formation of derived words:

  • Prefixation: Is done through prefixes, producing changes in the meaning.
  • Suffixation: Is done by suffixes. Suffixes change the meaning of the word and sometimes also the category.
  • Parentheses: This produces the simultaneous addition of a prefix and a suffix to a root. We call this training procedure parenthesis.

3.2 Composition

Compound words are formed from the combination of at least two word roots. This combination is the fusion of one word with another. Cult compounds combine two or more Greek or Latin roots. Phrase compounds are those formed by the union of several words that function as a single unit. The order of phrase elements in compounds cannot be changed.

3.3 Abbreviation

Is the reduction of a word or group of words:

  • Shortening a word.
  • Abbreviation that occurs only in written language.
  • Acronyms, which are formed by the initial letters of a phrase and have no morphological variation.
  • Acronyms are formed by the union of initial or final letters or syllables of several words.

1. The Adverbial Phrase: Structure and Features

1.1 PADV Constituents

The adverbial phrase (PADV) is a constituent that has an adverb as its core, which can be modified by a quantifier and carry an adverbial complement. The core of the PADV has to be an adverb of place or manner.

  • Quantifiers are adverbs or phrases of quantity that take precedence over the core.
  • Complements are prepositional phrases or adverbs in apposition that would fall after the core.

1.2 PADV Functions

The typical function of the PADV is as a direct complement to a verb. It can also perform other functions: attribute, prepositional phrase complement, complement of another adverb, adjective complement, and sentence complement.

2. The Adverb

The adverb is invariable morphologically, but some admit expressive diminutive or augmentative suffixes and variations of degree. It can take the form of a word or a phrase.

2.1 Classes of Adverbs

Place, time, manner, quantity, affirmation, negation, doubt, inclusion, and exclusion. There are also relative adverbs (where, when, and how) that introduce a clause whose antecedent is a noun phrase, prepositional phrase, or time adverbial phrase. There are also interrogative adverbs that are used to ask about a temporary circumstance, place, or manner. Exclamatory adverbs add expressive value to a particular circumstance.

2.2 Functions of Adverbs

  • Adverbs, whose lexical content is the core of the PADV, and their functions are as described in 1.2.
  • Quantifiers, adverbs of quantity that indicate the degree or intensity with which the content of an adjective is presented.
  • Adverbs of negation, affirmation, and doubt are mode indicators in a sentence and thus alter its content.

The adverb is characterized as a focuser because it directs the recipient’s attention to a linguistic unit. Inclusion can mean within a given set, or exclusion of that unit from a whole.

Jose Espronceda

He is a clear representative of exalted Romanticism. Born in Almendralejo (Badajoz) in 1808. Studied in Madrid. Along with other school friends, he founded a secret society of a liberal character. Went to Lisbon in 1827, where he met Teresa. Lived with her in Paris after she left her husband. In 1833, he returned to Spain, where, after the death of Ferdinand VII, the introduction of a liberal system had begun. Participated in politics from radical positions. In 1839, Teresa died. He dedicated the poem <<Canto a Teresa>> to his late wife. In 1842, he died of a throat infection.

Lyrical Poems

His lyrics cover various topics, such as mourning for lost youth, defense of the marginalized, or political ideals. The poetic style is a reflection of his passionate temperament. The musicality of his poetry has helped to make it popular.

Narrative Poems

.– Salamanca student. Set in the 17th century and starring Felix de Montemar, Don Juan character k symbolizes the exalted and rebellious romantic vitality. The poem consists of 1704 verses and is divided into four different parts of the devil extension .- world offers a mix of different ranges generos.el tone and sharply between the sublime and the grotesque and philosophical poem vulgar.el not get to never end, and has an ideological intentions. GAB: born in Seville childhood was marked by the death of his parents was pekeño.estudio kuando the painting, but when he turned 18 he decided to go to madrid to succeed as there poeta.pero step difficulties economicas.en 1857 directed the publishing project, the history of the churches of Spain, was taken k kual interrupt problems economicos.em 1858 Julia platonic boyfriends espin.a was placed late 1860s as editor ofthe contemporary. a year, married Casta Esteban, but the marriage was not bien.en 1870 dies of pneumonia .- rhymes: poems are composed of short, divided into 4 thematic sections: the poetry and poetic inspiration, hopeful love, failure, love and therefore desngaño and loneliness and death. in total there were 26 rhymes from 4 apartados.el style is simple but great formal.para the perfection, the poetry should and should not address social or ideological, but by the intimate k is the usual language can express. the poetry of becquer is influenced by the German Romantic lyric folk songs and will have an enormous influence andaluzas.becquer later, k will become visible in the great poets of siglo20 .- prose works: destacn legends, published between 1858 and 1864. this is fantastic tale set in almost all the age media.en them expresses their intimate obsessions.