Spanish Literature: Modernism, Vanguards, and Generation of ’27

Intimate feelings with melancholy and evocative. Modernist aesthetic themes and formal aspects.

Campos de Castilla

More simplicity. They collect their own generation of ’98 reasons, reflection on national identity and description Castilian landscape. Other poems reflect loss of Leonor.

Ramón María del Valle Inclán (1866-1936)

Pontevedra. Ideological trajectory of conservative Republicanism. Works: “Sonatas” and “Tirano Banderas.” Spanish Theater Renovation S. XX.


Modernist Aesthetics: “Comedies barbaric” and Esperpento: deforming reality shows, animalizes characters, personified animals and objects. Une lyrical language with vulgar expressions, to denounce social and political reality. “Divinas Palabras” and “Bohemian Lights.”

European Literary Renewal: Vanguards

Joint movements reject traditional artistic forms and supporting experimentation with new themes and forms of expression. Include:

  • Creationism: Hispanic. create reality within the work itself. many language games.
  • Surrealism: French. express thoughts and emotions subconsciously. automatic writing (writing ideas as they come mind, no relation).

Novecentismo: 2nd decade S. XX

Writers group characterized by intellectualism, search Europeanist pure art and desire are the generation of ’14. Juan Ramón Jiménez.

Noucentista Novel

2 characterized traits: lyrical descriptive passages and the presence of nonfiction. Emphasizes the reflection and portrayal of characters and their environments. Gabriel Miró “Bishop leper” and “Our Father, Saint Daniel”. Ramón Perez Ayala “Belarmino and Apolonio” or “Tiger John”. Ramón Gomez de la Serna: Home introducer vanguards Spain and creator of the greguerias (amount of humor and metaphor).

“The q p is returning from a walk.”

Noucentista Essay

José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1963). He summarized his ideas as it should be new literature on “The Dehumanization of Art”. He scored his thoughts to the authors of ’27. manifest influence of the avant-ortega defends originality, lack of sentiment, anti-realism and the predominance of the image.

Generation of ’27

Author solid intellectual formation, like poetry and ideas Juan Ramón Jiménez Ortega y Gasset. poetry imitated model and incorporated new elements, blending modernism and tradition. Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillen, Damaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego and Vicente Aleixandre. Early tendency to intellectual poetry.

Thematic and Formal Elements

Exaltation of technique and progress. Special typographical arrangement of verses. Image and essential metaphor poem. Free verse.

Rafael Alberti (1902-1999)


  • “Marinero en tierra”: Registered neopopularista current defends use their own forms popular Spanish poetry. Topics: nostalgia, childhood memories.
  • “About angels” surrealist technique expresses the poet’s personal anguish and disorientation.

Jorge Guillén (1893-1984)

Maximum representative pure poetry. Work includes the book “Air ours,” brings together three collections of poems:

  • Song: poems set emphasizes happiness to be alive. uses images suggest lightness and perfection.
  • Cry: addressed issues (poverty, death, suffering …) contradicted or questioned perfection held in “Song.”
  • Tribute: poems praising whole different personalities art and science.