Spanish Literature: Realism, Exile, and Social Change (1940s-1960s)
This period reflects specific circumstances and eras, showcasing three types of realism: critical, pure, and magic.
- Argument: No longer based on a novel.
- Author: Objective, all-knowing, and comments, although disappears.
- Reader: Not passive but active or apathetic, able to compose a book.
- Characters: The protagonist loses importance.
- Techniques: Different persons of discourse, sign removal of punctuation, and syntactic style. Behaviorism (narrator disappears) are put away simultaneously in chapter sequences.
- Structure: Breaking boundaries of genres. Narration is no longer like “Platero y yo.”
Year 40s
- Nationalist: On the Civil War. Is ideological and poor. R. Garcia Serrano, Agustin de Foxa, and Thomas delete.
- Realistic Traditional: In the traditional manner of the century (the ’98 cm). Zonzunegi, Ignacio Agusti.
- Fantastic and Humorous: Of escape, fantastic flowers. Menceslao Fdez.
- From Exile: Significant. Speaks of society, especially R.J.Sender, Ayala, and Rosa Chacel.
- From Current Existential Loneliness: And the repudiation of the post-war era. The author wants to express themselves due to censorship. It is not social criticism but problematic individual. Situated in the city and countryside.
Use, violence, hunger.
Alone in the world, aggressive, selfish.
Etimological, the 1st person is used much.
Nada by Carmen Laforet (nihilist), Shadow of the Cypress is Long by Miguel Delibes, Lola Fdez Menceslao Dark Mirror-Flowers, Pascual Duarte by Cela.
- In War: Objective due to transfer of time. Jose Mª Gironeya, Juan Goytisolo, and Cela.
- Fantastic: Social. Torrente’s content deviates Vallester and Álvaro Congueiro.
- Social: Changes to the group leaving the individual. Analyzes the circumstances of the moment. Topics: poverty, frivolity, sex… Gray, gloomy atmosphere… Urban. Novels: The Mine by Saline, The Trench by A. Grosso, The Blood-Glow and I.Aldecoa, The Jarama by S. Fertorio, Path by M. Delibes, Entre-CMGaite Curtains.
Pure objectivism (hidden narrator) and critical (sometimes hidden). Simple, linear style, sober and very important direct dialogue because of the narrator. Language style hides the chronicle. The time and space break with simplicity, not large periods, there are no temporal references.
Literary and political change. In the hands of technocrats and cultural figures. The government (soft dictatorship) Spain became a free country which makes it easy to read and do things in secret. New magazines, pocket books, Swedish, twits, social tourism disappears because it is too simple, new novels abandoning the simplicity but not the broad thematic social. Language and style. Technique: flashback, interior monologue, a new concept and Marcel Cazcan reader.. Prus.
Year 40s: Poetry
- From Prison and Exile: Poets do not speak, remain silent. Topics: lost homeland, war, and defeat. Authors: Leon Felipe and Miguel Hdez (topic: love, death, dolor).
- Rooted or Garcilaso: Because the name was published in the revista. Garcilaso. Classic cut, traditional. Theme: religion, love. Style: traditional, modern conservative. Reflects the Renaissance world. Form: silva, lira, and soneto. Authors: d.Ridruego, L.panero, and l.rosales.
- Uprooted: Both content and form. Lexicon is hard, sober, and serious-minded, impactful. Topics: Spanish reality in the belfry. Also blame religious themes and questions to God. (p.existential) Authors: D.alonso, Victorian Crende, Eugenio de Nora, Gabriel Celaya, Blas de Otero.
Other authors wrote between the last 2 Poesis: c.bousoño, J. Mª valverde, J.luis gentleman.
50s: Poetry
- P.Social: Solidarity with those who suffer. Topics: freedom, injustice, the working world. Style: simple, colloquial, for what is understood. Lyrically is bad and mediocre. Authors: G.Celaya-Cantos Iberians, blas de otero “I ask for peace and the word, jose iron-fifth of 42.