Spanish Literature, Theater, and Poetry Since 1975

Postmodernism in Spanish Literature

Due to the political and social changes of the 1980s, postmodern thought emerged. It is characterized by the rejection of ideologies and aesthetic theories, and the practice of mixing languages from different disciplines, such as literature and cinema. Postmodernists defend popular culture and the hybridization of styles. Postmodern thought is reflected in everything, from the taste for the fusion of genres, to how the author plays with references known to the reader. The relativism of postmodern thought itself favors the use of humor and irony as resources.

Current Literary Trends (Since 1975)

Literature since 1975 has the trait of trying to regain the reader after the experimental excesses of previous years. Alternate theater, commercial works, and experimental works of medium capacity coexist. There is a growing body of literature in Catalan, Basque, and Galician since 1975.

  • Narrative: Bernardo Atxaga, Manuel Rivas, Terenci Moix.
  • Theater: Sergi Belbel, Els Joglars.

Lyric Poetry Since 1975

Although the lyric poetry of this period cannot be reduced to common features, some general characteristics can be identified:

  1. Taste for upcoming issues and everyday life (the individual poet is close to the reader, telling of his experiences and feelings).
  2. Simple and colloquial language (using neologisms, jargon, marginal terms, etc.).
  3. Inclusion of dialogues and monologues (the poem is structured as a dialogue between the poet and a recipient, which causes an almost theatrical effect).
  4. Formal purification (with attention to the poem’s formal aspects, precise and careful language is used).
  5. Formal freedom: no rhyme and/or measure.

The Poetry of Experience

In post-1975 poetry, multiple trends and styles coexist. Many authors of the previous generation (Antonio Colinas, Luis Alberto de Cuenca) published some of their most important works in recent years. A stream called “poetry of experience” has as its main theme the real or fictional experiences of the author. This type of poetry has a clear reference in the generation of the 1950s, with writers like Jaime Gil de Viedma.

The most representative authors are:

  • Luis García Montero (1958) cultivates a poetry closer to reality. Highlights include the poetry collection *Habitaciones Separadas*. His poems reject culturalism and the avant-garde, and pursue communication and simplicity.
  • Felipe Benítez Reyes (1960) is the author of poetry books such as *Los Vanos Mundos*, *La Mala Compañía*, and others. They offer a disenchanted and skeptical view of existence.

The Novel Since 1975 (Trends)

The current novel seeks to recover the interest lost due to the abuse of experimental techniques. In 1975, *La Verdad Sobre el Caso Savolta* by Eduardo Mendoza marked the starting point of this new novel, in which what matters is the content and plot, not the structure.


  • Policing/Detective: The argument revolves around a crime. Example: *El Invierno en Lisboa* by Antonio Muñoz Molina.
  • Historical: Recreates events of the past. Example: *El Hereje* by Miguel Delibes.
  • Intimate: Focuses on the personal and emotional conflicts of the characters. Example: *El Jinete Polaco* by Antonio Muñoz Molina.
  • Testimonial: Addresses current topics from a critical standpoint. Example: *Te Trataré Como a una Reina* by Rosa Montero.

Notable Novelists

  • Eduardo Mendoza: A principal figure of the novel in this period with *La Verdad Sobre el Caso Savolta*. His later work also includes humorous works like *El Misterio de la Cripta Embrujada*, and novels that speak about twentieth-century Barcelona, such as *La Ciudad de los Prodigios*.
  • Antonio Muñoz Molina (1956): Great mastery of language.
  • Javier Marías (1951): A writer of great intellectual character.
  • Luis Landero (1948): Author of *Juegos de la Edad Tardía*.

Theater Since 1975 (Trends)

  • Commercial theater: Musicals and light comedies.
  • Alternative theater: Innovative texts released in theaters with reduced capacity.
  • Els Comediants

Notable Playwrights

  • Francisco Nieva (1924): Writes theater of high intellectual content, with very important staging.
  • José Sanchis Sinisterra (1940): One of the playwrights concerned about the renewal of theatrical language. Example: *¡Ay, Carmela!*
  • José Luis Alonso de Santos (1942): Traditionalist author of novels such as *La Estanquera de Vallecas*.