Spanish Literature Through the Ages: A Comprehensive Overview


Lyric Poetry-Jarcho-Cantigas de amigo, p OESI epic or epics romancesHistóricosCarolingios and BretonesFronterizos and cultured moriscosNovelescos and lyrical poetry XIII and XIV century Mester de clerecíaPoesía educated.

Juan manuel:

ensña ls vlrs of the time, CNDE Lucanor.


John of the Ensina Xv, religious tms

Gold Century:

XVI-XVII (over last death catholic austria) yes, great work.


The seventeenth-century Spanish writers make in their works the doctrine of disappointment and pessimism. Not ripped-off by the beauty of nature, believing that it is false and deceptive


identified single stream which was a derogatory term coined by his detractors.

The concept:

Baroque attitude centered own ingenuity.


culto is that such concepts as were their enemies.


Objectivity is sought by applying the experimental method. The novel becomes a reflection of life.
It uses an omniscient narrative point of view (anticipates what will happen, i think he judges his characters and dialogue with the reader)
The arguments are based on the vulgar reality, everyday in the next context, recognizable, contemporary author and reader.
The works revolve around a protagonist who gives title to the work, which is defeated when their aspirations clash with social norms
The style is plain and simple.
The genre is the novel used as the realistic novel of the period has little value and the theater does not reach great results.
It describes the world of the bourgeoisie, the middle class.
Naturalism is when he joined the working class and marginalized.
The novelist must study the characters and describe with scientific accuracy by showing that their behavior is determined by genetic inheritance and social environment l living.
The novel tries to become a sociological document.
The writer mimics the scientific method: observation and documentation of settings and characters, check facts …
Detailed descriptions are used and explains the behavior of the characters rely on psychology and medicine

the lyric poetry is a great development in this period. Lyric Poetry: characterized by the use of rhetorical and bombastic style, with many exclamations. Narrative poetry: narrative legends and historical events long poem short poemsRealist poetry:
Campoamor, that mocks the romantic sentimentality with a prosaic language.
Poetry ideological theme philosophical, religious or social.

Postromantic Poetry:

continuation of romantic intimacy, but with a less rhetorical and simpler language


XIX, interest represent reality, star burgesa class average versoimil clear, repdocucion speaks colocial.
naturalist extreme realism.

External Modernism:

Place the action spaces unreal populate the poems of fairies and fantasy things.
Intimate Modernism:
It is the poet’s answer to his melancholy, his inner thoughts and anxiety, pessimism and disenchantment and lack of religious belief flourish in numerous poems.


Characters: you can mix comic and tragic characters.
Unity of action: it should remain (though Lope not to)
Units of time and place: no need to respect them but the less time is better.
Number of acts: three acts
Metrics: Setting the topic in the tradition
Purpose: The language should reach targeted audiences to delight


King, justice requires
Galan has all the virtues
Woman: as virtuous as the gallant
Antagonist: the gallant competitor beneath him
Servants, confidants of their masters
Father of the queen: exemplary father
Funny: Funny and witty character, friend and confidant of trouser that is its counterpoint in character.
Sonnets (Rimas, Rimas Rimas sacred and human and divine)
Narrative Production
The beauty of epic poems Angelica ladragoneta, isidro.
Narrative works in prose
The pilgrim in his homeland
Marcia Leonarda Novels
Drama Production: Fifteen hundred comedies: La dama boba, The Dog in the Manger, The bravery of Belisa
Main theme of honor:
Fuente Ovejuna
P eribáñez and the Commander of Ocana
The villain in his corner
El caballero de Olmedo
In the spirit of classical tragedy:
T caballero de Olmedo
E l punishment without revenge

The Ilustració n
is an innovation of the eighteenth century ideology that posited the triumph of reason and progress of society. He defended individual liberty, equal rights and brotherhood among human beings. It had its birth in France, where they emphasize Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau.
He also appeared in Encyclopaedia which contained all knowledge of the time.
Rationalism: Reason is the only basis of knowledge which helps develop scientific thought.
Utopianism: the ratio will improve society, economy and culture.
Reformism: aim to modernize society through reforms undertaken by kings and enlightened absolutism absolutist governments à “all for the people, but without the people”.
The generation n of 98 was characterized by: Europeanism and taste for the chaotic, sobriety, subjectivism, idealized landscape, concern over the problems of Spain and philosophical reflections.
The Noucentists were characterized by: strong intellectual and systematization, Europeanization, intellectualism, pure art.
Expression of intimacy and love
Assessment of the poetic word
Co ncentración and expressive tension / rural, working-bourgeoisie.
Antonio Buero Vallejoà Historia de una escalera
Miguel Mihuraà Three hats
John Mayorgaà Hamelin
Sergi Belbel Night Swan
Fernando Ferrara N Godel meza Bicycles are for summer
Jose Lui s Alonso Santoso get off the Moor