Spanish Poetry: Modernism to the Civil War (1900-1939)

Item 1: Spanish Poetry of the 20th Century Until 1939


From the advent of modernism to the Civil War, Spanish poetry experienced a golden age. The writers of this stage are considered part of the Silver Age, or the second golden century of Spanish poetry.

Historical Context

  • Late 19th Century: The national politics and ideology were shaken by the disaster of 1898.
  • 1902: The reign of Alfonso XIII began. Spain became involved in a bloody war with Morocco, the effects of which culminated in the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, proclaimed until 1931, when the Second Republic was established.
  • 1931-1936: The Second Republic was a period of cultural flourishing. The Republic attempted a transformation and modernization of Spanish life, which had the support of intellectuals.
  • 1936-1939: A military uprising started a terrible civil war that ended three years later with the victory of General Franco and the establishment of a dictatorial regime.


Modernism and the Generation of ’98

Modernism is the Hispanic version of the European spiritual and artistic crisis of the late 19th century. There are two guidelines: a literature of escape and a temperament characterized by a critical and radical stance, known as the Generation of ’98.


At the end of the 19th century, a great spiritual and artistic crisis occurred. Bourgeois art and literature denied mentality. A new spirituality and provocative art were sought. In Spain, the position from the second half of the 19th century was of little value until the arrival of modernism, which supposed a radical change.


Modernism is a literary movement born in Hispanic America in the last quarter of the 19th century and distributed in Spain by the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío after the publication of his book Profane Prose. His importance was crucial to the evolution of Spanish poetry. Modernism was a poetic movement. The poetry of Rubén Darío is refined language, full of feelings. Rubén Darío is inspired by two sources: on the one hand, he continues and modifies some of the characteristics of romantic poetry; on the other hand, he takes the news of French poetry. The implications for Latin American poetry are:

  • The modernist poet is presented as a being belonging to the aristocracy of spirit. The poet sees himself as privileged to be devoted to art and beauty.
  • The writer adopts a lifestyle in keeping with his conception of art: La Bohème. But artistic pride contrasts with their material poverty. Their poems become the compensation for their poverty.


Two main themes are focused on recreating exotic affairs of the past, or the predominance of expression (for me) of the poet’s privacy. In any case, there is a rejection of realism.

  • The Escapist Line: This is the most representative of modernism. The poet seeks beauty in “rare worlds,” exotic places, and ancient times. There is no geographical limit: Japan or Paris. Eroticism and amoral behavior are often seen.
  • The Poet’s Intimate Line: This shows discontent with the world. The love of the world is regarded with mournful eyes. In poems, this nostalgia for autumn landscapes is part of the romantic. In this line, we also detect the traces of Symbolism: in all, there is a soul poet.

Meter and Style

Musicality: The verse is the main instrument. The very marked rhythms are reserved for grand subjects. The soft melodies accompany delicate emotions, such as the sadness of a princess. The musical direction is given by the ability to use the metric. Traditional verse is used, but the modernists are inclined toward the Alexandrian, the dodecasyllabic, or the hendecasyllable. As for the verses, the operational range is wide. The modernist poet uses a very rich lexicon. Color is a key element. Rhetorical figures are abundant: alliteration, audacious images, and synesthesia.