Spanish Political System Restoration: Key Events and Parties


Satisfaction and Conservative Restoration

x-Canovas-constitution [bipartidsmo order and pacify the country and Cuba Carlist] / call for cuts Eleccions constituyntes / Constitution 76 (doctrinaire liberalism [census-sufrg, shared sovereignty, conservative character] / monarkia = moderating power (powers of King) / bii cuts, based on census voting, universal sufrg masc / confessional Catholic state “bill of rights / bipartidsmo and alternation in power-shift-Pacific kedo army subordinate to civil power / stability favored to 2guerras x military-reduction esfuerzxo catalunya-76 nuclei Charles VII cross border into exile / Carlist defeat (abolition of reg, Navarre) is a concert estupulo k economical degree of autonomy granted to provncias Fiskales Basque anualment payment in exchange for central administrcion / end war 10 years (68-78) and negotiation acting militr-war-peace zajon chikita79 + insurrcion 95

Political Alternation of Power

Canova for six years was alfonsino party leader, after return of Alfonso XII in the Conservative party is trnsformo -project bipartidsta + progrsta rekeria other party, left-Sagasta dinastika prog-agreement, union and liberal party = rep = dynastic party / conservadres and liberal coincide (constituted, self-unitairio liberal state and central) were nourished by economic elites and upper classes were notable minority parties / diferencias..inmovilism polit, based on census, church (not promulgr tacit law ..) / institutional stability / / shift system Pacifika +20 years thanks to electoral corruption and economic influence and power utilization of indviduos on Cacike society “(Spain, Andalusia, and Castilla GALCI)-adulteration to vote in elections via abituale practice restablcimnt to vote censitatrio-Cacike, notables sobrtt rural, rich propietrio to Work Related to the dirccion jornaleros.consu otientbn influence of voo Appreciating with favors electoral loyalty to discrimnnd rsptbn ke no interest-manipulated elections as according to civil authorities ygobernadores electorals k-set trmpas cnsguir ayudbn to the adulteration of resltad sistmtika electoral rigging-XRA XRA = eleccin candidate CONSEG falsifikar census, manipulate, vote buying .. /

along pacifk Time period 76-89 regularidad.6eleccion worked with conservative ganads x 4 x 1 crisis the disaster of 98 matches k erodes dinastikos and politikos / l conservadr party lasted from 75-81, when Sagasta frmo the first Liberal government and iontrdjo sufrgio univrsl masculin-Canovas returned to power but fear desestbilzcion after death alfonso momentum agreement between conservdres and liberals: pact of brown which aims to support regency m º Cree and garntizar monarkia to repression Carlist republikns / under the liberal partdo regncia the time k + conservadr.durante ruled over Sagasta government liberals led 85-90 ls refrmista work: the law of associations, esclavitd abolished, new civil code and finance and militres refrmas / la> refrma xro undermine male suffrage universl x mecanisms continuity of electoral fraud and corrpcion / in the last decade of the century remained party Pacifik Time: 90 the conservadrs return to power in 92 back in 95 Canovas liberal government assumes office till 97 k is asesinad.pero sistma personalism of parties causing damage to internal dissent and the decomposition of both parties. politically marginalized FORCES SYSTEM: After six years of the republik frakso against disappointment and repression / adaptation = Emilio Castelar + moderator: rep.posibilista-party – a progressive political zorrilla rep.radical: rep.progresista-party break-Salmeron insurrc practices and creation depart-rep.centrist – but the party faithful followers and rep.federal (pi) / suffrage election univrsal revitalization-aliasing (union rep.) pablo PSOE 79/derrota churches Carlist = carlos exile / crlos confidence Candido Nocedal-renewal of the party x Mella (progrmaa adpatdo = minutes of Loredo: catolc unit, fuerismo, pretndient authority, democracy opposition, no Ant.rg / Caesarism = ramon Nocedal: National Catholic Party (fundamentalist Catholic party) / fundo militia (Requete) / Union Catholic (alex Pidal: conservadr party and catolc) / serrano.izquierda dynastic