Spanish Post-Civil War Literature: Poetry and Novel

Poetry civil war was a brutal cut in the path of our poetic creation, the trend of poetry and the poetry of exile.
Poetry of exile the list of poets who went into exile is long. Apart from Machado would have to distinguish three groups: Poets of the Generation of 14 (JRJ), Group of 27 (Vicente Aleixandre) and poets who had barely begun his work before the war. In its subject is an important theme of parental loss.
M. Hernandez’s life and work, tragically cut short by war, servant of bridge between two stages of Spanish poetry: his precocity and contacts with 27 as close to this age group and it is included in the generation of 36. It is an exceptional poet.
Snatched and human tone, his word seems to come straight from the heart. Stages: 1) Early and fullness (Proficient in moons) This fullness is achieved with the beam that does not stop book that contains his three topics: life, love and death. 2) War and imprisonment. With the war begun a series of poems committed to wind people. Finally in prison up the songbook and ballads of absences.


Variety poetry trends. Stages:

1) First post-war years:

Those who follow Spain, are guided by different paths that Damaso Alonso down to two:
Poetry rooted (Youth creator, is grouped around the magazine Garcilaso. Luis Rosales) and Poetry uprooted ( Damaso Alonso Children of Wrath). Cattail magazine welcomes poets of this trend. It is tragic tone poetry, which is facing a broken and chaotic world, overwhelmed by the suffering and anguish. Carlos Bousono books and primers Gabriel Celaya. Apart from these two trends noted caba: Poets difficult to classify (José Hierro), The Postismo (Founded by Carlos Edmundo de Ory, claiming freedom of expression, imagination and playfulness) Song Group (cultivated an intimate poetry, Pablo García Baena), From a very personal line writes Gloria Fuertes, social
Poetry (Blas de Otero, Celaya). Overcome their existential stage, to locate problems in a social context. From poetry uprooted, you come to the social poetry.: Poetry is considered a tool to change the world. In the subject we must mention the issue of Spain with a more political approach. The style is simple, poets appeal to the majority. The disappointment and exhaustion of social poetry not long in coming.

Blas de Otero

His poetry summarizes the stages covered by the Spanish poetry for several decades: from I to we. Step 1: is a poetry uprooted, which dominates the I with existential angst. The poet wonders about the meaning of life, so looking to God, who appears as a terrible. From the formal point of view, the language of this stage is characterized by its expressive violence. 2nd stage: social poetry: a new cycle begins in 1955 with the book I ask for peace and the word and that is Spain. The poet park their troubles, the road not found in religion it looks for a new religación: solidarity with the suffering. Otero is now directed to the vast majority in simple language. 3rd stage: during the 60 fatigue occurs social literature and some disappointment on their effectiveness. Your attitude will not change, but his poetry. Thematically, do not disappear the social and political problems, although there is a greater presence of privacy.

2) The group of 50

Although poetic social poetry extends into the 60s, and in the decade of the 50 new poets begin to appear (Angel Gonzalez and Jaime Gil de Viedma) have sidorecogidos in some anthologies, under the rubric of poetic Group 50.They begin to write poetry 50 and mark the following decade. Fundamental concern for man, Nonconformists against the world, Poetry true reflection of personal experience, return to the intimate and everyday, sore Skepticism raises awareness of isolation.
3) The newest in 1970 published an anthology entitled Nine newest wide impact Spanish poets. (Vázquez Montalbán, Pere Gimferrer, Felix de Azua). Are poets born after the war, with a new sentimental education, training, linking traditional and close to the influence of movies, records, television, … Theme: uniting the personal and public, to join the bass with a provocative frivolity, are sarcastic and corrosive to society of consumption, are nonconformists and dissidents. The style is what matters to them above all else. Its aim is the renewal of poetic language.
4) Latest classical poetic generations
Line (Luis Alberto de Cuenca), baroque (Antonio Carvajal), Trends and experimental avant-garde, decadence and aestheticism (Pere Gimferrer), cultural (Antonio Colinas), Minimalism and Conceptualism (Amparo Amorós), New eroticism (Rossetti), Poetry of Experience (Justo Navarro) and the other sentimentality (García Montero).


The Civil War was a complete break with the earlier literature. The political, economic and social influence in the literary production and the status, authors going into exile with the following: The memory of Spain, the presence of new places and reflection on the nature and existence of man. Include: Ramon J. Sender, Max Aub and Francisco Ayala (intended to reflect the vices of modern man and political and social criticism. The usurpers) 1) 40 Years:

Some novelists turn to traditional realism of the nineteenth century, embodied in the life of the bourgeoisie (Ignacio Agustí) others use fantasy and humor (Fernández Flores) with The Living Forest.
The Family of Pascual Duarte (Camilo J. Cela) marked a milestone showing a reality so terrible and sordid, using the stark reality to treat unpleasant aspects of reality.
The beehive mark the path of the prose in the following years. Carmen Laforet In 1944 Nadal won the prize for his novel Nothing showing isolated and incommunicado characters unable to share their anguish.

2) Year 50:

represent the rebirth of the Spanish novel, thanks to a new generation of authors who developed a new type novel, taking the social and literary becoming an instrument of denunciation. Features: Spanish reflect reality and are instruments of denunciation, have focused on city environments and are objectified, dominated by dialogue, collective ownership and simple language. Topics: the world of everyday life, the loneliness and isolation and the critical vision of thought and culture (El Jarama,
Sanchez Ferlosio) 3) 60 years:

industrialization, the flexibility of censorship and will cause a revival in tourism narrative trends of this decade. This transformation is largely due to the emergence of silent time of Martin Santos. Social realism to the novel structural evolution, intended to the inquiry into the personality of the individual through the structure of consciousness and its social context.MARTÍN SANTOS: changes the course of the novel. From a romantic hero and social content, introduces major innovations in narrative techniques. The irony and humor are critical tools for the degraded Spain. Resources: mixture of narrators, breaking the chronological sequence, symbolic references, digression, irony, interior monologue. A) Authors of the 1st baby boomers: Cela, Delibes, Torrente Ballester B) novelists of the generation of half a century are released for testing beating the previous novel social witness: Juan Goytisolo Signs of identity,
Juan Benet’ll return to Region
Juan Marse Latest evenings with Teresa.
Other authors of this group: Gross, García Hortelano, 4 …) In the 70s to the contemporary novel:
a new group of writers, known as the Generation of 68 experimental narratives start but soon evolved into the traditional forms of narrative . EDUARDO MENDOZA:

The truth about the case Savolta

Other authors are representative: Vazquez Montalban, Luis Mateo, Juan José Millas, … The trends these authors’ narratives in the novel still apply today and are reinforced by the writers of the generation of 80 among them Javir Marys, Julio Llamazares, Antonio Muñoz Molina … One of the best-selling novels of recent years has been the Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.