Spanish Relief: Internal and External Structures
Internal Relief
A more or less flat surface with an average altitude of 600 to 700m, occupying 45% of the Iberian Peninsula. Formed in the Hercynian orogeny, leveled, and inclined towards the Atlantic. Covered by Tertiary and Quaternary materials, and crossed by two mountain ranges.
Two major stages:
- Tertiary: Tilted toward the middle.
- Post-Alpine: Movements destroyed the peneplain, giving rise to mountain ranges inclined towards the west.
Central System
Located in the center of the Meseta, dividing it into north and south sub-mesetas. Formed by a set of horsts and grabens from the Hercynian folding, unevenly affected by the Alpine orogeny. Highest peak: Almanzor (2592m).
Monts de Toledo
Divides the southern sub-meseta into two watersheds. Formed by old rocks, with modest altitudes. Highest peak: Sierra de Guadalupe (1603m).
Northern Sub-meseta
Altitude of 700-800m, located north and east of the Central System.
Southern Sub-meseta
Vast plains and volcanic traces in the Campo de Calatrava. Peneplain of Extremadura in the west.
Mountainous Borders
Galician Massif
Northwestern end of the Paleozoic basement. Average altitude of 500m. Large peneplains and river valleys. Reliefs formed by horsts.
Cantabrian Mountains
Parallel to the sea coast. Western sector: Paleozoic materials. Eastern sector: Karstic limestone formations. High peaks and tectonic relief.
Basque Mountains
Low elevation and gentle forms. Folded materials, short hills parallel to the coast.
Iberian System
From the coast to the interior. Paleozoic alignments of quartzite and slate. Mesozoic limestones and dolomites. Structural basins, like the Teruel Basin.
Sierra Morena
Southern boundary of the Meseta. Formed by a fault or a flexure in the Paleozoic basement.
External Relief
Alpine Formations
Catalonian Coastal Range
Two alignments along the Ebro Valley. NE-SW direction. Coastal mountain range, littoral depression, and pre-littoral mountain range.
Alpine Mountains
Young mountains created by the Alpine orogeny. Predominantly sedimentary folds. Includes the Pyrenees (between Spain and France), and the Betic Systems (in southern Spain).
Ebro Valley
. NE-SW direction along 250km from the ampurdan to connect with the Betico sist, we distinguished: coastal mountain range, dpresion li-toral and littoral cordillera. cordi Alpine: mountains orogeny created by young alpi, predominantly sedimentary folds upon a dressing q plastic has not had time to be affected x erosion.podemos differentiate the: The Pyrenees, situated between esp and fra, 50.000km2 over 435km length + d dsd golf cannot of Biscay to the Cape of roses (axial and pre-Pyrenees) beticos systems located in the south of the peninsular, complicated structure tectonic and metamorphic mantles alpi-not well developed in the inner regions, typically alpine mountains AILA has separate x-ing basins (cordi Subbéticas Penibética and depression) depression in the valleys or depressions of the Ebro and guadal originated as a result of the folds alpinos.son Prealpine basins or ditches between the edge of the plateau and a ridge geosinclinal.presntan triangular shapes and are great collectors drained x dissymmetric river, ebro more complex and varied relief, flat guadal. ebro: between piri, sis IBERI chain cost and tasting. q depressed zone along the river ebro, arm of the sea since he was third to alpi gold, then q montñs surrounding overlying sediments. guadal: open sea, washed x the guadal and its tributaries, its genesis coincides with the lifting of Betic and the formation of a entncs of seawater. a final tercio, Sedimentation field sea rises and withdraws aguas.ARCHIPIELAGO CANARIO: volcanic nature, q 20Millar was started years ago as a result of solidification of magma tectonic and volcanic crag built archi.destacan the different islands: the cinder cones, individualized resultatnes reliefs of volcanic activity boilers, nearly circular depressions x explosion originated, the Badlands or solidified lava to the surface cracked, the Iroquois as lava pythons x uncovered erosion.