Spanish Restoration: Political System and Colonial Conflicts
11 Or Restoration
Restoration Basics
Martinez cmpos 1874 retaurant monarqia the Alfonso XII. C ANOVAS castle conservative governor’s political system into a system parlamenteari but undemocratic. We sought to overcome problems liberalism. Nature-inspired CONST.1876 moderate in 1845. defense: family, religion and property;-sovereign king and Parliament, veto-Corona;-bicameral Parliament;-Confesionlit.catol; censatari-Suffrage.
Crown institutional inquestionabe;-dynastic parties: power alternately compatit (conser.libera);-Exercised: allunyarse life politik king’s head symbol viible exercised.
Stability of the regime last Carlist War and Cuban. At last Carlist War elimination of Statutory Rights. New troops in Cuba / / 1878 = Peace Zanjón amnesty, abolition esclavi, pledges reforms … not complete causing insurrections.
Alternation of Power
Ensure institutional stability Objective 2 through the participation of families liberaism / Conserv .= Antonio Canovas / Liberal Práxedes Mateo Sagasta = / = equality argue monarqia, Constitution, private property, consolidating liberal state. / Differences = Conserv: inmobilisme political, church, social order; Liberal: Reformism progressive and secular. / / / handling Buy electoral votes, falsifying records and cation ..
After Alfonso XII-death prompted preserved. liber.a and reach an agreement by Brown Pact (QE Liberal government to allow continuity system) / / Maria Christ. regent until her son Alfonso XIII QE mjor age. / / / The new series of government reforms-sufragiunivr. MASCULI for municipal elections, esclavitd-abolition, law-associations, suffrage-univ. male. gernerls for elections. FORCES Objection System Restoration da other marginalized sectors politcs. Were enfrotar the Carlins, defeated militarmnt presets were quite as lunica authenticates / / Ramon Nocdal game created = traditionalist and liberal defense tradicioi religion / Emilio Castelar Republic = (Pososbilst game), Ruiz Zorrilla (Republi party Prog.) Others aroundSalmeron / Pi i Maragall Federal = / / / was created Rpublicana Union (FEDER, central progressive).
Birth of Nationalism
Is a reaction against aqesta gestation pretnsions uniformitzadoresdl of constructive political and adminstratiu of librlsme, ignored existence dltres lang and culture. / CATalansm =- Valenti Admiral federal case Catalan Center. organitzacio wanted to raise x to achieve autonomy Village., a group opposed progressive intellectuals. dAlmirall. creates Catalanist Union (tndencia Conserv.). BASC = labolicio rise of charters ultimaguerra Carlist naixemnt vindictive power dunk. ; Sabino Arana GNP =
Colonial War
Lack Dorgan representative in Cuba and protectionist policy QE estragulava economy, promote the emergence of riots lead to QE independncia. / 1898 EEUUva Spain declared war enfonssat to see one of his ships. December Peace of Paris was signed in Spain QE leaving Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. CONSEQUENCES 98 aqesta defeat assume españl society and polished in frustration. was an ideological and moral defeat. The crisis helped colonial movements apraicio QE criticized Catering, wanted a regeneration policy (Joaqim Coast) 98 = Generation group criticized intellectual backwardness peninsula.