Spanish Road Design & Construction Regulations

1 .- Network part of the County Councils and Island Councils:

    • The roads whose routes affects more than one region.
  • Roads owned and administrative management corresponds to the regional governments.
  • Access roads to ports and airports of general interest.
  • High capacity roads whose function is basically the mobility and long-distance routes.
  • None of the above answers is correct

2 .- figures regarding the current transport in Spain, we can state:

  • The road is the dominant mode in relation to external transportation (international) goods.
  • The predominant mode of urban transport is the metro rail.
  • The road is not so prevalent in the foreign transport of passengers, most important being the air and rail.
  • The road is by far the dominant mode in both the domestic transport of passengers and goods.
  • None of the above answers is correct

in the design of a road, heavy vehicles condition:

  • The minimum friction coefficient due to sliding on ramps.
  • The values of the minimum radius of curves on the track at the plant.
  • The values of minimum camber curves.
  • The minimum parameter values of the curves of vertical agreement.
  • All of the above responses are valid.

The maximum speed that can move a vehicle in a curve on the condition that there is no cross- Slip:

  • Just depends on the coefficient of slip resistance and cannot cross.
  • Just depends on the radius of curvature on the ground and slip resistance coefficient transversal.
  • Coefficient does not depend on longitudinal shear strength.
  • Just depends on the radius of curvature on the ground and cannot.
  • None of the above answers is correct

5 .- The number of vehicles per unit length are in a stretch of highway is called:

  • IHM
  • IH30
  • FHP15
  • Traffic density
  • None of the above answers is correct

6 .- called “road” to:

  • Part of the cross section of the road occupied by the lanes and shoulders.
  • Part of the cross section of the road occupied by the rails, berms, if they are paved.
  • Part of the cross section of the highway lanes occupied only by
  • Part of the cross section of the road that makes up the lanes, the shoulders and berms affirmed.
  • None of the above answers is correct

7 .- The speed change lanes out:

  • May be of a direct or parallel
  • Will always direct type
  • Will always be parallel type
  • Can be configured as an additional lane for quick movement.
  • They are intended lane at an intersection with left turn, arrest the vehicle waiting for opportunity to perform this maneuver without blocking traffic.

visibility necessary or required for a vehicle to stop quickly at the appearance of an obstacle on the road:

  • Stop is called visibility
  • Stopping distance is called
  • It must at least stop the visibility exceeds or equals the desired stopping distance.
  • Includes the distance traveled during perception reaction times.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

9 .- The Regulation Canary Road (Decree 131/95) requires mandatory projecting knots with crossings at different levels (links):

  • On any road if the IMD in the current year exceeds the 10000 veh. / day
  • On any road if the IMD in the current year exceeds the 15000 veh. / day
  • Only on freeways and expressways.
  • Only in highways, roads and highways.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

10 .- according to the standard 3.1-IC, the minimum width of a branch of a single lane one-way in a knot is:

  • 3.0 m.
  • 3.0 m + widening.
  • 3.5 m.
  • 3.5 m. + Widening.
  • 4.0 m.

11 .- A branch semidirect out:

  • You exit on the left and enter the other end on the right.
  • Crossing a single stream of traffic, took a single quadrant and has a single inflection.
  • Leaves and enters from the right without crossing any other path of traffic.
  • Crosses two streams of traffic, takes up two squares and has two inflections.
  • Cross four streams of traffic, occupies three quadrants and has two inflections.

12 .- service roads:

  • It can be single or double direction of movement.
  • Does not allow access to adjacent properties or properties
  • Are ideally suited to provide a single entry or exit to the trunk
  • It is a road that serves to wean this road of conflict between inputs and outputs are very close.
  • A branch can connect them and turn routes gives if the two-way traffic.

13 .- The cross slope on the ring road a roundabout may be:

  • Banked towards the center of curvature of the lineup on the ground with a value depending on the radio.
  • Banked to the outside of the range between 2% and 3%.
  • With pumping no more than 1%.
  • Without any cross slope if the longitudinal profile perfectly horizontal.
  • Any of the above solutions may be valid.

14 .- link semidireccionales four sections:

  • Is in left turns semidirect predominant type branches.
  • Is in left turns direct predominant type branches.
  • It is a modified cloverleaf all ties replaced by external handles.
  • Has all branches of left turns and loop-type and swing to the right of direct branch type.
  • Meets all left turns are made by all branches semidirect and right turns through direct branches shared with the semidirect off the main road or the entrance to it.

15 .- The classification methods applied to rock slope stability allows for an index called:

  • RMR
  • RQD
  • SMR
  • IE
  • SPT

16 .- The filled land or structures made from materials such soil, with maximum sizes generally less than 100-150 mm and low fines content is called:

  • Causeways
  • An all-Filled
  • Breakwaters
  • Embankments
  • Landfills located

in compaction control of embankments under Article 330 of the current PG-3:

  • Shall be made only by checking that reached the dry density and moisture in compaction is within limits.
  • Shall be made only by checking that reached the dry density and degree of saturation at compaction is within limits.
  • Must verify, among other parameters, the minimum value of vertical deformation modulus in the first wave of a plate load test.
  • Must verify, among other parameters, the ratio of vertical deformation modulus in the second and the vertical deformation modulus in the first wave of a plate load test.
  • None of the above answers is completely correct.

18 .- more of the square is determined, according to the standard 6.1-IC by:

  • The CBR index value determined in the laboratory.
  • The value of the deflection characteristic.
  • The value of the trace produced by the passage of a shaft 10 tons depending on the test track.
  • The bulk modulus in the second cycle of loading plate load test.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

19 .- an esplanade of E1 on suitable soils (according to standard 6.1-CI)

  • Can be achieved with only these soils if they exceed the thickness of 1 meter.
  • Can be achieved with only these soils if the thickness of these more than 2 m.
  • Should always be formed with a layer of stabilized soil on these soils.
  • Depending on the thickness of these soils is necessary or not in situ stabilization.
  • You can not get in any case with suitable soils, but require selected soil type (2) or type (3).

20 .- according to Article 512 of the current PG-3, can be used for in situ soil stabilization for the formation of plains, the following materials:

  • Only lime.
  • Only the cement.
  • Only granulated slag and fly ash.
  • Lime, cement and hydrocarbon binders.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

21 .- hydrometeorological method for calculating runoff flows through the rational formula can be used in hydrological calculations of road projects:

  • For any type of watershed (regardless of length, area, terrain, etc).
  • The validity of the method is limited to times of concentration less than 6 hours and watershed areas not exceeding about 2000 Km2
  • Can not be used for calculating runoff volumes and margins on the platform.
  • Included in the calculated flow through the rational way for the possible subsurface flow that may emerge on the surface at any point on the slopes of the road.
  • None of the above is correct.

22 .- minimum return periods to be considered for the calculation of runoff flows in accordance with standard 5.2-IC for higher ADT roads (> 2000) are:

  • 100 years to cross drainage works and 10 years for longitudinal drainage.
  • 100 years to cross drainage works and 25 for longitudinal drainage.
  • 500 years to cross drainage works and 10 years for longitudinal drainage.
  • 500 years to cross drainage works and 25 for longitudinal drainage.
  • 100 years to cross drainage works and 50 for longitudinal drainage.

23.-a narrow strip of longitudinal drainage channel in the form of coated, very shallow, usually at the edge of the platform and with circular or rectangular grid protected, is called:

  • Cuneta.
  • Scupper.
  • Caz sink.
  • Caz curb.
  • Collector.

24 .- a scupper is:

  • A device that allows surface drainage drainage ditches CACES or abroad.
  • A device that allows surface drainage drainage ditches CACES or a collector.
  • An element in the form of longitudinal drainage channel that allows water falling on the slopes.
  • The tube-shaped elements that drain collector to the CACES and gutters.
  • None of the above answers is correct.

25 .- Step works with an empty road where the light is between 3 and 10 m, are called:

  • Sewers.
  • Culverts.
  • Pontoons.
  • Vaults.
  • Porches.

26 .- The method of construction of bridge decks consisting of the construction of successive sections through a structure that will move forward with the coronation of batteries and panels already built, separating said construction of ground, is called:

  • Construction autocimbra
  • Construction board by pushing from the abutments.
  • Construction launch beam segments.
  • Advances by successive projections.
  • None of the above is correct.

a bituminous emulsion:

  • Is a hydrocarbon binder resulting from the addition to the liquid bitumen fractions from petroleum distillation.
  • Is a hydrocarbon binder resulting from the addition to the liquid bitumen fractions from the distillation of tar.
  • Is a dispersion of a hydrocarbon binder with water and a cationic and anionic emulsifier.
  • Hydrocarbon binder is a result of physical interaction and / or chemistry of polymers with bitumen.
  • None of the above is correct.

28.-The firm consisting of a total thickness of bituminous mixtures of less than 15cm on untreated granular layers (according to standard 6.1-IC) are called:

  • Flexible
  • Semiflexible
  • Rigid
  • Semi-rigid.
  • Mixed.

29 .- the artificial gravel may be used (according to standard 6.1-CI)

  • Solely on surface layers.
  • Exclusively in intermediate layers.
  • In taxiways and intermediate layers.
  • Base layers exclusively.
  • In base and subbase layers.
  • Subbases exclusively.

30 .- hot asphalt mixtures of dense type may be used (according to standard 6.1-CI)

  • Solely on surface layers.
  • Exclusively in intermediate layers.
  • In taxiways and intermediate layers.
  • Base layers exclusively.
  • In basic and intermediate layers.
  • Layered basic and intermediate rolling.

macadam can be used (according to standard 6.1-CI)

  • In pavements, intermediate layers and base layers.
  • Exclusively on pavement.
  • In paving and base layers.
  • As equivalent to an artificial gravel, especially under irrigation with gravel.
  • In pavements, bases and sub bases.
  • Subbases exclusively.

32 .- indicate the type of hydrocarbon binder the following relationship can not be used for irrigation of primer (as PG-3):

  • EAR-1
  • FM100
  • EAI
  • ECI
  • EAL-1
  • ECL-1

33 .- The recommended ratio of mineral powder / binder to be used in hot mix asphalt will range from (according to PG-3)

  • <1%
  • 1% and 1.3%
  • 1.5% and 3.0%
  • 3.0% and 5.0%
  • > 5.0%

34 .- The type of binder to be used in hot asphalt mixtures for discontinuous surface layers for the road GC-1 may be (as PG-3):

  • B60/70
  • B40/50
  • BM-3c
  • ECL-1
  • FM100
  • None of the above answers is correct.

35 .- minimum track widths for civil airports depend on the reference code, but must fall between:

  • 10 m and 20 m.
  • 20 m and 50 m.
  • 18 m and 45 m.
  • 20 m and 60 m.
  • 30 m and 60 m.