Spanish Romanticism: Authors, Works, and Themes

Don Juan Tenorio: A Masterpiece of Spanish Romanticism

Don Juan Tenorio, the great religious drama by José Zorrilla, reflects the myth of Don Juan. The most important theme of this work is the freedom to decide an individual’s ability to change their destination by their will, besides love and the mercy of God.

Structure, Time, and Space

The work consists of two parts, of four and three acts each. A contrast is provided between the two parts: the first focuses on the characterization of the protagonist, and the second focuses the action on the cemetery with the salvation of Don Juan.


  • Don Juan is the absolute protagonist. At first, he is an unscrupulous man who has killed many people, individualistic and comedic, but later appears as a being able to transform and remove his previous image.
  • Doña Inés is an innocent and sweet young woman who symbolizes the love that redeems the libertine.

Romantic Prose: The Historical Novel

Romantic prose’s attraction to the historical past and the influence of Walter Scott led to the development of the historical novel, which takes place in medieval times despite representing romantic conflicts. The most appreciated work is Mr. Henry Bembibre by Gil y Carrasco.

Larra’s Prose

Larra is considered the literary operator of the article in Spain. His articles were published under the title Collection of Articles: Dramatic, Political, and Literary Traditions, in five volumes.

Articles of Customs

The articles critically analyze reality. They are part of proposed reforms to achieve a freer and more educated society. Larra censors ignorance and backwardness, hypocrisy and deceit, and rudeness. The leading article of customs is “The Old Castilian.”

Political News

In his political articles, he reflects his liberal ideology and reflects on the political reality of Spain. He addresses the issue of freedom of expression and censorship, as in “The Day of the Dead, 1836.”

Romantic Poetry

Romantic poetry presents a flowering later than other genres such as drama and prose.


Romanticism allows the recovery of traditional narrative poetry (the affair) that occurred in the Middle Ages, because of its search of the people.

Espronceda’s Poetry


There are six compositions referring to marginalized human types, such as the pirate and the pauper, that celebrate freedom and romantic individualism.

Salamanca – The Student

The story is based on the myth of the seducer Casanova, the sinner who witnesses his own funeral, the round of spectra, and covered women.

Bécquer’s Poetry: Rhymes

Bécquer, the most important Spanish poet of the 19th century, had a decisive influence on later poetry (Juan Ramón Jiménez and the Generation of ’27). Bécquer’s poetic renewal lies in creating an intimate poetry, of short apparent simplicity and stripped of artifice.

Articles of Literary Criticism

Most of it is devoted to criticism of plays, both in its text as for those dealing with representations and training of the public.


The dominant theme is love in Rhymes. Other topics are the anxiety and sense of life, nature, and poetry.


Some poems offer an optimistic and cheerful affair, but in general, the expression of pain dominates for an ideal, perfect, and unreachable love.

Solitude, Anguish, and Death

Frustrated love leads to loneliness, but this issue also appears linked to the anguish of living. It is a pain so extreme that the poetic “I” longs for its dissolution in nature.

Poetry and Creative Writing

For the author, the sources of poetry are mainly women and love. He proclaims the inadequacy of language to express feelings and that poetry is something individual, and words only express universal concepts.