Spanish Social Security: Benefits and Structure

Item 7: Social Security in Spain

1. Structure of the Social Security System.

The public authorities shall maintain a public Social Security system for all citizens to ensure care and adequate social benefits in situations of hardship, particularly unemployment.

Social Security Systems

The Social Security system is a public system with a number of schemes that have a universal character, since it seeks to extend to the entire population by ensuring adequate assistance and benefits in situations of need.

General Scheme

Protection covers a wider range by including employees in the industry and the services of capitalist corporations and certain situations, certain officers and civilian staff or local government officials, Regional, or State of Justice.

Special Regimes

Activities which, by their nature, peculiar conditions of time or place, or nature of their production processes, require specific laws and protective action different from the general scheme.

Agencies Administering Social Security

  • National Institute of Social Security (INSS)
  • National Institute for Public Health (INGESA)
  • General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS)
  • Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO)
  • Instituto Social de la Marina (ISM)
  • Mutual Accident and Occupational Diseases (AMTSL)

Main Obligations of Employers and Workers

  • Registration of business. Before starting the activity and hiring workers, the company must apply for enrollment in Social Security, an essential prerequisite, assigning a unique number for the entire country.
  • Formalization of risk coverage.
  • Affiliation and registration of workers.
  • Low and variation of data.
  • Quote.

3. Protective Shares.

Social Security covers contingencies and benefits that are given a set of economic and non-economic benefits.

  • Contributory: Targeting workers and their immediate families who can show a minimum period of contribution or lack.
  • Non-tax: Its beneficiaries lack adequate resources and have not contributed or have never done for a while insufficient.


Temporary Disability

It is a daily allowance to cover loss of income while the worker is absent due to being temporarily unable to work and getting health care. Protected situations: The disease, common or professional, and the accident, whether or not work and the observation periods for occupational diseases. Requirements for the beneficiary: Be affiliated and registered or in an equivalent situation on the date of the event and have covered a period of 180 trading days immediately preceding 5 years.

Benefits for Risk During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

It is a 100% subsidy.

Maternity Benefits

It is a subsidy paid to workers on their own or someone else when his contract is suspended or interrupted their activity to enjoy periods of maternity leave, adoption, legally established. Regular basis: is the same base salary that temporary disability for common contingencies. Duration: 16 weeks discontinued, which increased in 2 weeks for each child, from 2nd if it is a multiple partee, adoption.

Parental Benefits

It is a subsidy of 100% of the base calculated in the same way as for motherhood, which recognized workers during periods of rest to enjoy the occasion of the birth of a child, adoption or fostering. From 1/1/2011, this shall be charged continuously for 4 weeks.

Permanent Non-Disabling Injuries

These lesions, mutilations, and deformations of a definitive nature, caused by industrial accidents and occupational diseases that do not impact the ability of the worker, but involving a reduction or alteration of physical integration.