Spanish Verb Conjugations and Grammar

Simple Indicative & Subjunctive

Indicative / Subjunctive (opEnd)

yo-o-e/ayo-ar-é er/ir-íyo-ar-ara er/ir-iera
-es/as-e/as-ar-aste er/ir-iste-ar-aras ieras
él/ella/usted-e/a-e/aél-ar/er-óIndicative Imperfect: yo-ar-aba er-ía
Conditional (Indicative)Future (Indicative)Future (Subjunctive)
yo-ía-ar+e er/ir-iere
-ías-ás-ar+es er/ir-ieres
él/ella/usted-íaar+e er/ir-iere
nosotros-íamos-emos-ar-áremos er/ir-éremos
ellos/ellas/ustedes-ían-án-ar+en er/ire-ieren

Perfect Indicative

+ ado/ido


Perfect Subjunctive

yo-haya-hubierahubiere + ado/ido
-hayas-hubierashubieres + ado/ido
él/ella/usted-haya-hubierahubiere + ado/ido
nosotros-hayamos-hubiéramoshubiéremos + ado/ido
ellos/ellas/ustedes-hayan-hubieranhubieren + ado/ido

Comparative and Superlative Expressions

better = mejorthe best = el/la mejor
worse = peorthe worst = el/la peor
bigger = mayorthe oldest = el/la mayor
smaller = menorthe youngest = el/la menor
younger = menor
older = mayor

Si Clauses

  • Si + Present Indicative (possible), Present Indicative
  • Si termino mis tareas, puedo ir al cine. (If I finish my homework, I can go to the movies.)
  • Si + Present Indicative (possible), Present Indicative
  • Si llego tarde, ¿todavía estarás allí? (If I’m late, will you still be there?)
  • Si + Present Indicative (possible), Imperative
  • Si pierdes el autobús, vuelve a casa caminando. (If you miss the bus, walk home.)
  • Si + Imperfect Subjunctive, Conditional
  • Si yo fuera tú, no lo haría. (If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.)
  • Si + Pluperfect Subjunctive, Past Conditional
  • Si te hubiera dicho que sé cantar, te habrías reído. (If I had told you that I can sing, you would have laughed.)
  • Si + Pluperfect Subjunctive, Simple Conditional
  • Si hubiera estudiado más, ahora tendría mejores notas. (If I had studied more, I would have better grades now.)
  • Si + Pluperfect Subjunctive, Pluperfect Subjunctive
  • Si hubiera sabido, hubiera ido contigo. (If I had known, I would have gone with you.)

The Use of “SE”

Passive SE

  • Se vendió la casa. (The house was sold.)
  • Se perdió la cartera. (The wallet was lost.)

Impersonal SE

  • Se puede encontrar comida en la nevera. (You can find food in the fridge.)
  • Se camina rápido. (People walk fast.)

Affirmative and Negative Expressions

  • Algo – something
  • Alguien – someone
  • Alguno/Algún – one, some, any
  • Siempre – always
  • Alguna vez – ever
  • También – also
  • o…o – either, or
  • Nada – nothing
  • Nadie – nobody
  • Ningún, Ninguno/a – none
  • Nunca, Jamás – never
  • Tampoco – neither
  • Ni…Ni – Neither, nor

Active Voice to Passive Voice

Active Voice: Subject/agent + verb + recipient

Passive Voice: The recipient + ser + past participle + por + agent


  • Mis abuelos construyeron esta casa. (Active) – My grandparents built this house.
  • Esta casa fue construida por mis abuelos. (Passive) – This house was built by my grandparents.

Short Films

No me ama

It is about a man who thinks his girlfriend doesn’t like him. I like this movie. It was sad, but it’s real. People really have that feeling sometimes. I hope I never have those feelings.

La boda

It is about a woman who cannot go to her daughter’s wedding. She doesn’t have enough money. Her friends help her celebrate. They celebrate in a phone booth. I like that movie.


I don’t remember Justo. I think I liked it, but I’m not sure.

Chilean Politics

People in Chile don’t like Pinochet. He is corrupt. He killed many people there. He is the dictator in Chile and treated people badly.

I think the Chilean government needs to change quickly. They are suffering from a bad leader. It is difficult to live with this.

In the United States, people had the same feelings about Trump. It is difficult to keep people together. Everyone has their opinion.