Spectator Sport and Professional Sport: Impact and Ethics
The Spectator Sport and Professional Sport
The Spectator Sport
In the first half of the 16th century, sporting events were very popular, and sport itself became a spectacle. We can define spectator sport as sport at an elite level that gathers many admissions in its competitions, like the Olympics.
Competition between the participants is not the only objective; standards are tailored to promote the show. There are economic, political, and social factors, and the most important thing is winning.
There are a number of interrelated elements that configure what is called the sports system, in which politics and economics intervene. It is necessary to develop a critical attitude towards sports news, as often the information is manipulated by advertising and economic interests.
Economic Implications
Spectator sport and everything surrounding it can be considered a real economic activity currently, which moves a lot of money. Various factors include:
- Power consumption through direct sales of sports products and related activities.
- It generates income by selling competition entries, television broadcasts, and sponsors.
- It generates large costs for participation in the competition, facilities maintenance, product promotion, and the wages of players and other workers.
Violence and Sport
Violence is a very complex phenomenon, inherent in human nature itself, so it is not easy to determine its causes. Elements that can intervene in these situations are: athletes, spectators, referees, managers, and the media.
Sport and Profession
Sports Professions
In different sporting events, we can find that there are professions that are essential for their existence. A sport profession is considered to be one that specifically manifests within the various areas of sport, by applying skills and techniques from sports sciences.
Principles and Practice Duties
All professionals have to follow certain rules, which are contained in the law governing the various professions.
These principles and duties are distributed in 3 key areas:
Responsible Exercise of Professionalism
- Submit appropriate services to those targeted.
- Ensure constant updating and upgrading of knowledge.
- Develop performance-protecting sportsmen from any abuse.
Preservation of Health
- Ensure the health of those targeted by their services and actively assist in the eradication of practices that jeopardize the health of athletes.
- Collaborate actively in implementing any doping law.
- Encourage the full and harmonious development of humans.
- Develop good professional practices.
- Design sport as a leisure option and as a health habit.
Promotion of Social Values
- Develop performance with scrupulous respect for ethical obligations.
- Promote conditions conducive to effective equality of women in sport.
- Develop performance promoting practice free from any violence, racism, or xenophobia.
- Promote the natural environment.
- Use sports and consume products whose manufacturing process does not harm nature.