Sports Culture: Values, Attributes, and Social Impact

Culture, Ideology, Mentality, and Civilization in Sports

Culture: An individual depends largely on their relationship with others. They are part of a group and are conditioned by it (way of thinking, feeling, etc.). All of this, in social science, is culture.

Sports Civilization: The most important cultural productions are the rules of competition and the game (the same everywhere), large stadiums, equipment, clothing regulations, etc. These endure over time for future civilizations.

Ideology: Cultural values on which specific groups exert a strong emphasis, trying to maintain social customs to preserve the structure or modify it.

Sports Mentality: When the population includes some of the values, customs, and symbols of sports culture, making them their own, they establish a sports-mindedness.

Attributes and Values of Sports Culture

Competition: The first major outstanding value, both historically and in daily life today.

Health & Fitness: A sign of health and wellness supported by current surveys.

Progress: The spirit of continuous improvement, the most popular pedagogically.

Focus: Continuous improvement and competition are bound to work.

Equality: Sports organizations try to establish confrontations between groups or teams of a similar level.

Justice: Laws, regulations against violence.

Moral Victory: The desire to win, to achieve victory.

Emergence of New Uses and Values in Sports Culture

  • Unstoppable Feminization (managing their time with more autonomy)
  • Progressive Aging of the Population in Developed Countries (increasingly elderly in better health, enabling them access to the consumption of tourist services and exercise)
  • Values associated with sport: Adventure / Complacency / Body Aesthetics

Elements of the Sports System

  • Sportsmen
  • Sports facilities
  • Sports organizations (associations, clubs, businesses)
  • Supra-sports organizations
  • Spectators, media, and other social institutions

Sports Classes

  • Federated club
  • Federated without a club
  • Non-federated club
  • Non-federated without a club

Autocondicionamiento and Heterocondicionamiento

Heterocondicionamiento: Productive activities within the routine. It is also repeated in non-production time outside of work. Free time has lost its creative power. That man owns it does not mean he enjoys it. Many hours of work preclude him from many hours of entertainment and pastimes that have been losing their cultural and social purpose.

Autocondicionamiento: Making a change to other possibilities of enjoyment of life.

We will address the change from two perspectives:

  • From the Psychological: The individual has patterned activities, which take up time for themselves. They do not allow the full development of the subject’s welfare.
  • From the Social: Anxiety caused by the rigidity of human interpersonal relationships. Man is a mere spectator and is neither creative nor critical of their reality.

Role Conflicts in Sports

When a person does not meet their expectations, conflicts arise.

  • Among Complementary Roles: When a manager wants a certain player to be in the lineup, they get into the coach’s role. This creates a conflict between complementary roles.
  • Between Roles of the Same Person: Each person occupies several roles or functions. For example, an internal conflict between engaging in sport or studying when you are 18.
  • Intra-Role: Within their own role, conflicts can occur in two ways:
    • Some will ask for one thing, some another. For example, in a gym, the boss expects the monitor to perform the classes well, which promotes the gym. However, customers ask them to do their lessons well.
    • A group of people has inconsistent behavior regarding the subject’s behavior. For example, a policy wants their coach to be imaginative and, at the same time, be submissive and follow orders.